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Revelation by Elohim. The Mystery of Diana de’Poitier

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Now it’s clear why you’re in black.

He smiled with satisfaction. He was not at all saddened by the news of the deceased husband of a beautiful lady, by no means, on the contrary. He again looked at her not deep cleavage and white neck. Already anticipating and seeing these delights in my bed. She lowered her eyes again, feigning embarrassment. But, at all, not embarrassed in the depths of the soul. She went to the king and here she is! Her cold head, at times, did not know embarrassment. Diana was a whole person. And she knew exactly why she was here and what for! Everything else was great game! And Poitiers performed this role superbly! Excellent reading in the souls of people. She always had this talent, almost mystical, to see through everyone. So now, she saw right through the king and made a challenge to him. This monarch, spoiled by female attention, was so oversaturated with beauties in his own bed that simply beauty was not enough for him. Even the beauty of such a beauty as Poitiers. She made a kind of challenge to the king. Remaining to stand, as if equal to him, and not bowing to the king at the first minute. And he undoubtedly noticed it. He undoubtedly saw the challenge in her burning eyes. And it was a risk! The king could be annoyed by this behavior. And, kings, as you know, not only pardon, but also execute! She could fall into no mercy, and lose her last hope for the salvation of her father and the salvation of her estate. But, Poitiers took a chance! And she won! She saw it in his eyes right now! The king was captivated by her beauty and courage, he was simply fascinated by her. Walking his eyes over her body, as if exposing her, he remained very pleased with his assessment.

After kissing her hand for a meaningful long time. Showing her and everyone present his interest. Diana met his eyes again, completing her result, bewitching the king. Fire flashed in her eyes again. As if lights were dancing in them, and pleasant goosebumps ran over Francis’s skin, promising a quick meeting. Having said goodbye to her, the old widow and her ladies, he withdrew, surrounded by his retinue.

Confusion lay in the royal chambers. The king stood naked, erect, importantly, on his crooked legs and looked out the window. Poitiers has been the king’s favorite for some time.

Ah, what a day!

What a wonderful day! He was chanting, almost jumping up and down with good spirits.

She looked at him. And she felt funny.

Here he is, the king! The man who ruled all of France! A little funny, not tall with a round bulging tummy on crooked little legs. He looked like a lazy house cat. Yes! Diana thought. This is the king! She smiled.

Who would have thought!

The most powerful man in the country! Freeing her father and writing off her debts!

Returning her estate to her, this cost him absolutely nothing. He looked more like Santa Claus, always cheerful and carefree like Francis. So Poitiers thought as she looked at the king

And in the morning there is a thick wallet on the table. He sat next to me and waved his leg contentedly.

Darling, this is a trinket for you. Dresses and pebbles, which women you are very fond of, as far as I know. He said good-naturedly. And after kissing her, singing something under his breath, he went out with his cheerful, almost jumping, gait. Her face, always so white, was covered in purple paint. She stared silently at the purse like an ugly snake. He left her this money on the table, like the last slut in France!

The color on my face changed to pallor. He also hinted to her that her dress was too dark for her new status as a favorite. Her heart sank with resentment and hurt pride.

Well, okay, your majesty! Thought Poitiers.

I will take your advice and your money.

Offended by his words, hinting at her inappropriate outfit for the king’s favorite, she went for a new outfit. And she acquired all the best and most expensive that she found in Paris. However, she did not abandon her idea of a widow. And she acquired a dress of dark blue color, the color of a gloomy fierce sea or a sea storm. And for the dress, the finest headdress, in the latest fashion, with beautiful stones and feathers. Also gloves and shoes that were in the same color as the dress. Wearing all this, she proudly threw her chin up, looking at her reflection in the mirror. A woman so gorgeous was looking at her from there that she caught her breath.

A white, thin neck, deep seductive neckline, seductively emphasized a beautiful rounded and lush breast. Sloping marble shoulders, an incredibly thin corset waist. The fluffy hem of the dress fell down from the waist, like a beautiful, sparkling waterfall of flounces and ruffles. The long hem of her dress enveloped her figure, as if the waves of a stormy sea were enveloping a beautiful statue. She gasped at her own reflection.

Having experienced an almost awe-inspiring bliss from the realization of one’s own beauty! She put on a headdress and gloves, and her image was completely complete. The headpiece was studded with beautiful stones and blue iridescent feathers, and the look was completed with beautiful sapphire earrings that made her white face even whiter, as if it were made of beautiful marble.

Her eyes sparkled like stars in the sky. Once again, looking at herself in the mirror, she proudly threw her head up. She was great and she knew it!

Yes, Your Majesty, I followed your advice!

And she had to admit that she was even grateful to him for it now!

The war between the two ladies

But, their relationship was not long. Francis was very careless, and Poitiers was too cold, he thought. And if at first, he liked it. Then, in the end, not being a man of deep thoughts and feelings, this cold beauty of Poitiers simply bored him. Being a lover of women, he quickly cooled down towards Poitiers.

One day, while walking with her through the avenues of the palace, he told her.

My dear, how beautiful you are.

You are undoubtedly a fragrant, blossoming rose.

But, I picked such a beautiful, unopened bud!

That I am incredibly captivated by his scent.

I hope you will forgive me for such weakness and rightly you will not be angry. He finished smiling, pleased with his poetic comparisons and with himself.

After kissing her hand, he walked away. He was still humming to himself, out of habit. She, of course, understood everything! With these words, the king told her that he had found a new lady, whom he was carried away once again. He undoubtedly offended Poitiers very much, calling her in a poetic form older than his new passion, comparing it with a blossoming rose, and a new passion with a bud. Saying at the same time that his new passion is younger than Poitiers.

I wonder who is this bud of yours? Your majesty. Snorting contemptuously, Poitiers thought.

The bud was Madame de Tamp. Poitier, knowing who it was, curled her lips, pursed them and snorted contemptuously like a thoroughbred horse.

So you think I’m old?! Your majesty. Poitiers thought as she watched the retreating king.

And I’m not talking about you at all, your majesty!

Disgusting, bow-legged old man! She added.

Squinting evil eyes, pursing and curling his lips even tighter. Feeling how everything inside her boils, with anger. Thinking of a king who was far from young and much older than Poitiers herself. If the gaze could kill, then the retreating figure of the king would fall dead!

She snorted with even greater relish, narrowing her eyes, and they flashed with unkind fire.

The bud was a young and rather attractive Mademoiselle de Tempe. She was really good, as Diana pointed out. Seeing this beautiful, blond girl. Her corset seemed to be tightened so tightly that she was probably carrying snuff with her, Poitier thought to herself. Afraid, at any moment she would faint from lack of air. Diana thought with a chuckle.

De Tamp was as white as only blondes. With a thin, as if transparent, with a pink tint and a slight blush of youth itself, the skin. They disliked their friend’s arcs at first sight.

But, the war, which was dubbed «The War of the Two Ladies,» started de Tamp, who was 10 years younger than Poitiers. And so her adherents began to talk about the faded beauty of Poitiers. Even poets and artists took part in this strife.

Diana was called a witch at court. Because, despite her years, she was surprisingly good. And even the younger maidens next to her looked very faded. They said about her that she knows the secret of some ointments and remedies. Especially infuriated by these rumors the Duchess de Tamp, who considers herself the first beauty. The fruit of this hatred became silly rhymes, pamphlets in which poets from her camp ridiculed Diane de Poitiers. Calling her: «Toothless and hairless, an old horse and a mushroom, which owes its appearance only to cosmetics.» On the instructions of de Tamp, more than one disgusting pamphlet offending Diana was written.

The pamphlets wrote: «Women cannot be reborn. Because those whom time has chosen to use, along with time, go out of use. Painted bait does not attract game. And even if you bought everything a woman needs. I would not have achieved what I wanted from a lover, because for love you have to be alive! And you are dead! This, undoubtedly, was completely untrue, and not as it could not harm Diana.

Because she looked no older than de Tamp herself, even though she was much older in years. Moreover, Poitiers could not be called a painted doll, since she used very little cosmetics. All this, of course, was a lie! Because Diana was undoubtedly beautiful. And these pamphlets only angered Poitiers terribly. She had no intention of forgetting or forgiving de Tamp. She swore to herself, to avenge the filth for the dirty trick! Poitier’s answer was not long in coming. Poets, in the Poitiers camp, and there were very few of them. They wrote response pamphlets to de Tamp «About too tightly tightened de Tamp’s corset and too out of proportion to the head. Its imperfect skull resembles an elongated egg. «The entire courtyard was divided into two camps. So the artist Primaticchio, all the time painted the Duchess de Tamp. His paintings were adornments of the royal gallery. And Benvenuto Cellini chose the beautiful Diana as a model. So, the war of poets and artists has begun! Which was full of barbs and comparisons, cleverly hidden in poetry, but so clearly hinting at this or that lady. War of two beauties!


Diana, having lost the king’s favor. She was practically alone in the circle of not many supporters. Whereas de Tempe, being the king’s favorite. She had the disposition of most of the courtiers. Her supporters caught her every word. Admiring her talents and beauty. Throwing in the direction of Poitiers malicious taunts and derision. But, Poitiers passing by the crowd of courtiers and hearing nasty things say in her back, did not even raise an eyebrow. They spoke deliberately so loudly that she could hear. Openly taunting her.

And then one morning Diana was walking in the garden. Not in a very good mood. The headdress on her head, as always, interfered with her. He didn’t want to stay on her head. Diana, in turn, simply could not stand them. This morning she was very annoyed, and the headdress disturbed her especially. Poitiers corrected him endlessly. She tugged at him somehow awkwardly; trying to correct him again and accidentally tore him up. The beads and precious stones sewn to it came off and rolled down into the grass like a hail.

Oh damn it! She swore inwardly.

She didn’t have the funds for new gems right now. Therefore, looking around like a thief and not noticing anyone nearby, she sank down to the grass, crouching down. And-oh-horror! She took off her glove and began to look for precious stones in the grass, collecting them. Hoping to later give them back to the seamstress, carried away by this occupation. Suddenly I heard a voice behind my back. The voice belonged to a man.

Have you lost something, madam? He asked.
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