cactus cactuses or cacti NOUN
A cactus is a plant with spines. It can grow in hot, dry places like deserts.
café cafés NOUN
A café is a place with tables and chairs where you buy drinks and snacks.
cage cages NOUN
A cage is a box or room with bars in which birds or animals are kept.
cake cakes NOUN
A cake is a sweet food made with flour, sugar, fat and eggs, and baked in an oven.
See Other foods on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)
calculate calculates, calculating, calculated VERB
If you calculate something in maths, you work it out.
calculation calculations NOUN
A calculation is something you work out in maths.
calculator calculators NOUN
A calculator is a small electronic machine which you can use to give you the answer to different calculations.
calendar calendars NOUN
A calendar is a list of the months, weeks and days in a year.
calf calves
NOUN 1 Calves are young cows, elephants and whales.
See Young animals on page 265 (#litres_trial_promo)
NOUN 2 Your calf is the part at the back of your leg between the knee and ankle.
call calls, calling, called
VERB 1 If you call someone, you shout for them, or telephone them.
VERB 2 If you call someone something, you give them a name.
VERB 3 If an animal or thing is called something, that is their name.
calm calmer, calmest
ADJECTIVE 1 If you are calm, you do not seem worried or excited.
ADJECTIVE 2 If the sea is calm, it is smooth and still because there is no wind.
came VERB
Came is the past tense of come.
camel camels NOUN
A camel is a large animal which carries people and things in the desert.
camera cameras NOUN
A camera is a piece of equipment you use to take pictures.
camouflage camouflages, camouflaging, camouflaged VERB
To camouflage something is to hide it by giving it the same colour or appearance as its surroundings.
camp camps NOUN
A camp is a place where people stay in tents.
can could; cans
VERB 1 If you can do something, you are able to do it. I can swim.
NOUN 2 A can is a metal container for something like food, drink or paint.
canal canals NOUN
A canal is a narrow stretch of water made for boats to travel along.
cancel cancels, cancelling, cancelled VERB
If you cancel something that has been planned, you stop it from happening.
candle candles NOUN
A candle is a wax stick with a string called a wick inside. You light the wick and it burns to give light.
cane canes
NOUN 1 A cane is the long hollow stem of a plant such as bamboo.
NOUN 2 A cane is a tall narrow stick used to support things.