catalogue catalogues NOUN
A catalogue is a list of things for sale or for looking at.
catch catches, catching, caught
VERB 1 If you catch something, you take hold of it while it is moving.
VERB 2 If you catch a bus or train, you get on it to go somewhere.
VERB 3 If you catch something like measles, you get that illness.
catching ADJECTIVE
An illness that is catching can spread very quickly.
category categories NOUN
A category is a set of things with a particular feature or quality in common.
caterpillar caterpillars NOUN
A caterpillar is a very small animal like a worm with legs, that will change into a butterfly or moth.
cathedral cathedrals NOUN
A cathedral is a large, important church.
cattle NOUN
Bulls and cows are called cattle.
caught VERB
Caught is the past tense of catch.
cauliflower cauliflowers NOUN
A cauliflower is a round white vegetable with green leaves on the outside.
See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)
cause causes, causing, caused VERB
To cause something means to make it happen.
cautious ADJECTIVE
Someone who is cautious acts carefully to avoid possible danger.
cave caves NOUN
A cave is a large hole in the side of a hill or cliff, or under the ground.
CD is an abbreviation of compact disc.
CD-ROM is an abbreviation of compact disc read-only memory. It is a disc which can be played on a computer to show sounds and pictures.
ceiling ceilings NOUN
The ceiling is the inside roof of a room.
celebrate celebrates, celebrating, celebrated VERB
If you celebrate something, you do something enjoyable like having a party, to show it is a special occasion.
celebrity celebrities NOUN
A celebrity is a famous person.
celery NOUN
Celery is a vegetable with long, pale green stalks.
See Vegetables on page 260 (#litres_trial_promo)
cell cells
NOUN 1 Animals and plants are made from tiny parts called cells.
NOUN 2 A cell is also a small room where a prisoner lives.
cellar cellars NOUN
A cellar is a room under a house where you can store things.
cement NOUN
Cement is a grey powder which is mixed with sand and water and used to make bricks stick together.
cemetery cemeteries NOUN
A cemetery is a place where dead people are buried.
centimetre centimetres NOUN