NOUN 1 Chocolate is a brown sweet or drink made from cocoa.
NOUN 2 A chocolate is a sweet covered with a layer of chocolate.
choice choices
NOUN 1 A choice is the different things that you can choose from.
NOUN 2 A choice can also be someone or something that you choose. If you need a captain, Jessica would be a good choice.
choir choirs NOUN
A choir is a group of people who sing together.
choke chokes, choking, choked VERB
If you choke, you cannot breathe because not enough air can get to your lungs. He choked on a chicken bone.
choose chooses, choosing, chose, chosen VERB
To choose something is to decide which thing you want to have or do.
chop chops, chopping, chopped
VERB 1 When someone chops something like wood, they cut it with an axe.
NOUN 2 A chop is a slice of meat on a bone.
chorus choruses NOUN
A chorus is a part of a song which is repeated after each verse.
chose VERB
Chose is the past tense of choose.
chosen VERB
Chosen is the past participle of choose.
Christian Christians NOUN
A Christian is someone who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.
Christmas Christmases NOUN
Christmas is a Christian festival held on December 25, when the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated.
chuckle chuckles, chuckling, chuckled VERB
When you chuckle, you laugh quietly.
church churches NOUN
A church is a building where Christians worship.
cigarette cigarettes NOUN
A cigarette is a thin roll of paper with tobacco in, which people smoke.
cinema cinemas NOUN
A cinema is a place where people watch films.
circle circles NOUN
A circle is a perfect round shape.
circular ADJECTIVE
See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)
circuit circuits NOUN
A circuit is the complete path that an electric current flows through. You can make a simple circuit with a battery, a bulb and wires.
circumference circumferences NOUN
The circumference of a circle is the distance around its edge.
circus circuses NOUN
A circus is a travelling group of people such as clowns and acrobats.
city cities NOUN
A city is a large busy town.
claim claims, claiming, claimed
VERB 1 If someone claims something, they ask for it because it is theirs.
VERB 2 If you claim something is the case, you say it is the case. Amy claims she was the first to finish.
clap claps, clapping, clapped VERB
When you clap, you make a noise by hitting your hands together.
class classes