Cocoa is a brown powder made from the seeds of the cacao tree, and also a hot drink made from this powder.
coconut coconuts NOUN
A coconut is a large nut with white flesh, milky juice, and a hard hairy shell.
cocoon cocoons NOUN
A cocoon is a covering of silky threads that some young insects make for themselves before they grow into adults.
cod NOUN
A cod is a large sea fish which is caught for food.
code codes
NOUN 1 A code is a system of changing letters in a message for other letters or symbols, so that only people who know the code can read it.
NOUN 2 A code is also a group of letters and numbers that identify something. Do you know the telephone code for York?
NOUN 3 A code is also a set of rules.
coffee NOUN
Coffee is a coarse powder made by grinding roasted coffee beans, and also a hot drink made from this powder.
See Drinks on page 261 (#litres_trial_promo)
cog cogs NOUN
A cog is a wheel with teeth which turns another part of a machine.
coil coils NOUN
A coil is a series of loops into which something has been wound.
coin coins NOUN
A coin is a small piece of metal used as money.
cold colder, coldest; colds
ADJECTIVE 1 If the weather is cold, the temperature outside is low.
NOUN 2 A cold is a common illness. You sneeze and your nose feels blocked.
collage collages NOUN
A collage is a picture made by sticking pieces of paper or cloth onto a surface.
collapse collapses, collapsing, collapsed VERB
If someone or something collapses, they suddenly fall down.
collar collars
NOUN 1 The collar of a shirt or jacket is the part that fits round your neck.
NOUN 2 A collar is also a leather band round the neck of a dog or cat.
collect collects, collecting, collected
VERB 1 If you collect a number of things, you bring them together for a special reason. She collected sticks for firewood.
VERB 2 If you collect someone or something from a place, you call there and take them away. We had to collect her from school.
collection collections NOUN
A collection is a group of things brought together over a period of time. My dad’s got a huge stamp collection.
collective noun collective nouns NOUN
In grammar, a collective noun refers to a group of things. For example, a group of sheep is called a “flock”.
See Collective nouns on page 268 (#litres_trial_promo)
college colleges NOUN
A college is where people go to study after they have left school.
collide collides, colliding, collided VERB
If a moving object collides with something, it hits it.
collision NOUN
colon colons NOUN
The punctuation mark : is a colon. You can use it in several ways, for example in front of a list of things.
See Punctuation on page 270 (#litres_trial_promo)
colour colours NOUN
The colour of something is the way it looks in daylight. The colour of grass is green.
See Colours and shapes on page 266 (#litres_trial_promo)
colt colts NOUN