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Knowledge Forbidden To Humanity

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Knowledge Forbidden To Humanity
Daniele Villa

A one-of-a-kind book that will forever change the way those who read it see the world! On the trail of a mysterious energy hidden from humanity, in search of clues that prove its existence, unexpected revelations are discovered that could also explain the functioning of architectures of the past that were never understood.

A one-of-a-kind book! On the trail of a mysterious energy hidden from humanity, in search of clues that prove its existence, unexpected revelations are discovered that could also explain the functioning of architectures of the past that were never understood. From Castel del Monte in Italy to the Sardinian Nuraghi, passing through the Great Pyramid to Stonehenge, new theories revealed for the first time in the world. What did Ettore Majorana, Wilhelm Reich, Pierluigi Ighina, Nikola Tesla have in common? Mythologies of the past from Atlantis to Greece, biblical stories and declassified top secret documents. Real events hidden from humanity. Everything incredibly leads back to the same track. Mysterious energetic forces surround and feed what is found in the universe, passing a large amount of knowledge to the different peoples who have welcomed and exploited them since ancient times. Alignments, high intensity zones, UFOs, powerful weapons, space travel, time and science fiction movie situations. Yet there are proofs and traces that everything existed, even if the truths of these energies have always been hidden, so as not to allow humanity to take possession of them. If you knew how to use them, would life on Earth have a better end? Man must know.

Translator: Nevia Ferrara

Daniele Villa


The energy of life that man must not have

© 2021 - Daniele Villa

All rights reserved

Translated by Nevia Ferrara


This ebook is a limited version of the original printed text, also deprived of the photographs which are fundamental for the overall understanding of the text due to the limitation of the type of electronic format that hardly supports graphic files and is highly influenced by the type of device used for reading. Those wishing a clearer vision and greater understanding and deepening of the topics covered are advised to purchase the paper version.

I have always had the feeling that some chosen people including the greatest of our history had hidden the knowledge of a very powerful energy, always thinking that the secret had been ingeniously hidden in all the known arts because one day the men who will neither be ready will be able to understand and use it for the progress of humanity avoiding, perhaps, an incredible catastrophe as it already happened in the past due to the lack of control of this energy, condemning us to a partial vision of reality and an induced state of unawareness. The writings that follow are mostly a series of personal notes, a series of ideas, news, researches to which I have tried to give an order for my personal path that I have now decided to share, hoping that may be of help for some readers for their growth as it was for mine, increasing mutual awareness. The topics covered were not written in a temporal sequence but simply by a personal intuition that led me from time to time in a concatenation of one topic with another, as on the other hand it could not be otherwise. Division is something that they have always imposed and accustomed to us but that does not exist in reality. Even in the apparent confusion there is a precise order.

This was one of the reasons why I decided not to divide the book into chapters as is usually done. I realized when writing these notes that each topic interpenetrated into the next, removing more and more that hazy veil that obscured knowledge and overall vision. Each single topic would apparently seem like something in its own right but one immediately realizes that they are like single pieces of a disassembled puzzle that, once joined, reveal the final image. I immediately notice that for many topics covered there is no scientific value, for those looking for concrete and absolute proofs this is not the right book, and the initial formulas were nothing more than my starting point for beginning to think about some aspects that have then triggered all my research. I would advise the reader to go into reading as he would when reading an excellent science fiction novel, indeed to consider it as such and not to believe in anything, to question everything and to carry out his own research. I could not and I wanted to deepen all the topics covered, not only to avoid overloading the discussion too much with notional, technical or specialist aspects, but also because they believe that this is part of the path that each reader must take individually. The sequence with which I wrote the topics, I repeat, is my own, I'm sure that anyone who decides to deepen and create their own personal sequence, would still come to the same conclusions.

It doesn't matter from which piece you start assembling the puzzle !!!!

The result will be the same. I hope I have been able to use as clear language as possible to expose concepts that probably, due to the way I have treated them, might seem, for some, obvious and banal and for others extravagant and controversial. I ask the reader a little patience not to stop at the appearance of the arguments, especially the initial ones, which may simply seem like a collection of news or information but to understand the subtle message.

I think that in the end each reader will see reality in a completely different way and will co-participate in a new world.

Daniele Villa.

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