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One Unforgettable Night: Wild at Heart / From This Moment On / Her Last Best Fling

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“Let me back up.” He gazed down at the water and trailed his fingers through it. “It’s been easier to focus on the fun you and I are having. I’m not into deep analysis of my past anyway.”

“So what about your dad?”

Luke looked out across the water tumbling over rocks and gathered his thoughts. “He always claimed he wanted to travel and see the world, but because he married my mother, who hates travel, and he has the responsibilities of a home and his job, he’s never gone anywhere.”

“That’s too bad.”

He took a deep breath. “I talked to Emmett about it last week, and he started me thinking. My dad could travel, if he’d allow himself to. If my mom doesn’t want to go, that’s up to her. But I’m considering calling him and asking him to come out here, maybe even for the Fourth of July. He’d have a little time off then.”

Luke had never done anything like this before, and he was surprised he hadn’t. Maybe all that his dad needed was someone to say, “Hey, come on, let’s go.” On the other hand, if Luke invited him and he refused, that rejection would be tough to take. It might also mean his dad’s spirit was truly crushed, assuming he’d ever really had a vagabond spirit in the first place.

“I think that sounds wonderful, Luke.”

He looked over at her, drawing strength from the certainty in her blue eyes. “So I should do it?”

“Definitely. Where do your parents live?”

“New Jersey. He’d have to fly out, but he could. They have money. Hell, I’d pay for his flight if necessary.”

She opened her mouth. Closed it again.

“If you have advice, please give it. That’s why I asked you about this before I did anything. I want to make sure I’m not crazy to consider it.”

“Okay. I wonder…maybe it would be better if you let him pay.”

“You think so?” Luke thought about his mother, who could raise an objection about the cost of a plane ticket, especially at the last minute.

“It would mean he’s making more of a commitment to traveling, which you said he’s always wanted to do.”

Luke nodded. “You’re right. But it could be pricey.”

“It probably will be. But if he’s been saying all his life that he wants to travel and he never has, then he’s saved a lot of money by not traveling.”

“That’s a good point.”

“The biggest thing is whether he can move that fast, but maybe choosing a last-minute vacation is better. Still, this is…My gosh, it’s July 1 already, Luke. You should call him right away.”

He knew that, too, and he’d wanted her support while he did that, but her location didn’t help matters. “I don’t know if my cell phone will work out here. It’s an older one. Sometimes it gets a signal in this area and sometimes it doesn’t.”

“Did you bring it?”

“Yes.” That was a huge admission because he never brought his phone, first of all because his reception was dicey and second of all because he didn’t want to be interrupted when he was with her.

She stood. “We need to go back to camp so you can try to call.”

He gave her a rueful smile. “You’re right, but we just got here. I’m not sure we’ve dipped enough skinny.”

That made her laugh. He loved it when she laughed, because she seemed to glow with happiness.

“The stream’s not going anywhere,” she said. “We’ll have more chances. The phone call can’t be postponed.”

No, it couldn’t, unless he abandoned the idea. But now that the concept had penetrated his thick skull, he wanted to act on it, especially if Naomi thought he should. He put a lot of faith in her opinion.

So they took turns using her beach towel to dry off. She dressed more quickly than he did now that she’d decided to dispense with underwear. He got such a kick out of that. She was turning out to be quite a seductive woman.

He figured that their week together had something to do with that. Oh, hell, he had something to do with that. Might as well admit that he’d coaxed her into becoming less inhibited.

And now what, genius? Will you go off and leave her, so that some other yahoo can reap the rewards? Or does that stick in your craw a little bit?

It did. But unless he planned to stay in Shoshone and make things permanent between them, which he didn’t, then he had to live with the fact that she’d bestow her newly discovered sexuality on some other lucky slob. Better not to think about that.

Back in camp, wearing his jeans and boots with his shirt left unbuttoned, he pulled his cell phone out of his saddlebag and turned it on. As he’d feared, the signal was weak. It would be better in town or back at the ranch, but he didn’t want to leave Naomi so he could make a damned phone call.

He turned his phone around to show her the bars, or lack of them. “I can call tomorrow.”

“Or you can ride back.”

“No.” He didn’t like that scenario at all. He’d always been able to slip away from the ranch without attracting any notice, but if he went back to make a phone call, someone would see him, and leaving again would be problematic.

Besides, he wanted Naomi’s moral support, and he couldn’t very well take her back with him. If he had to call tomorrow without her, so be it, but he wasn’t leaving her tonight to make that call, no matter what she said.

She slapped her forehead. “Luke, we should try your phone from the observation platform. That might make all the difference. The signal is stronger for my laptop, so it should be stronger for your phone, too.”

“Sure, okay. We can climb up there. Let me get the cold fried chicken I brought.”

“You brought chicken? Why haven’t I heard about this before?”

“Sorry. I’ve been a little preoccupied.”

“No kidding. I love fried chicken. If I’d known that you brought some, I would have—”

“Wanted that instead of sex? Then I’m glad I didn’t mention it.” He crouched down and pulled the plastic container out of his saddlebag. “Remind me never to make you choose between sex with me and fried chicken.”

She gave him a saucy smile. “Why can’t I have both?”

“Oh, you can. I’m just worried about how you order your priorities. I want to be at the top, but I have a feeling that when it comes to fried chicken, I’m not. And I—oof!” He nearly fell over as she launched herself at him.

“Listen here, my friend.” She wound her arms around his neck. “I don’t know how many times I have to say this before it makes an impression, but sex with you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me in my entire life. Yes, I love fried chicken. And beautiful sunsets and baby eagles and the sound of the wind through the pines. But I would forgo them all for an hour alone with a naked Luke Griffin.”

He couldn’t have wiped the grin off his face if someone had offered him a million dollars to do it. She’d laid it on pretty thick and he wasn’t sure he could believe all of it, but he appreciated the effort more than she’d ever know.

He cleared his throat. “Thank you. I’ll probably still be thinking about that speech when I’m a white-haired old geezer who can’t get it up anymore.”

“You actually think the day will come when you can’t get it up anymore?”

He laughed. “No, I don’t, but that sounded good, didn’t it?”

“It sounded like you’re still fishing for compliments about your awesome package.” She patted his cheeks. “Bring your chicken and your cell phone and your package up to the platform, okay?”
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