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One Unforgettable Night: Wild at Heart / From This Moment On / Her Last Best Fling

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“Yeah. Everyone’s all excited because Shoshone’s never had fireworks before. What’s the matter? Don’t you like fireworks?”

“That depends. Are we talking about little stuff, close to the ground? Backyard fireworks?”

“Not from what I heard. This Clifford Mason guy, the one we saw having dinner with Pam Mulholland at the Spirits and Spurs, is arranging for a huge spectacular. Tyler Keller…you know Tyler?”

“Yes, she’s Josie Chance’s sister-in-law. She plans tourist-type events for the town. So she set this up?”

“I believe that’s what Emmett said. And Pam’s underwriting it. Everybody’s happy about it except Emmett, who thinks Clifford’s romancing Pam.”

“Luke, this is a disaster. I have to stop it.”

“I don’t think it’s our place to interfere in Pam’s private life.”

“Not that. The fireworks. I know people will be disappointed and I hate that, but we can’t have fireworks.”

“Why not?”

She gestured toward the eagles’ nest. “It’s too close. The parents might become terrified and abandon the nest. The babies would die.”

“Town’s not that close.”

“I know it doesn’t seem like it, because from the ranch road it’s about ten miles. But we’re out on a far corner of Last Chance land. When I hike in from my folks’ place, it’s only about five miles straight across. That’s way too close to nesting eagles.”

He sensed a train wreck coming. “Are you sure the eagles would abandon the nest?”

“Not a hundred percent sure. You can’t ever be positive when you’re trying to predict the behavior of wild creatures. But I’m sure enough that I don’t want to take the risk.”

“Okay, but I’m afraid you’re going to have some tough sledding. Everyone in town is looking forward to this.”

“I’m sure they are. If it weren’t for the eagles, I would be looking forward to it. But we do have eagles, and fireworks are a bad idea. Tyler’s a very compassionate person. When I explain the situation, I’m sure she’ll cancel.”

He wasn’t so sure. “I don’t want to be the prophet of doom, but there could be economic repercussions. The fireworks have been paid for and the merchants are expecting to cash in on all the excitement.”

“But what about the other activities? They always have a ton of things going on. Won’t that be enough?”

“I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. I think you’ll get push back. That’s all I’m saying.”

“I know.” Her blue eyes clouded with sadness. “I really hate that, and I hate having people disappointed. But I can’t let them light up the sky only five miles from a nest of eagles.”

“No, you can’t. I can see that.” He picked up his phone and hit a speed-dial number.

“Who are you calling?”

“Reinforcements.” He gave her a quick grin. “Hello, Emmett? Listen, I need to take the morning off, if there’s any way you can arrange it.”

“I probably can,” Emmett said. “What’s the problem?”

“You might want to take the morning off, too. Naomi needs to shut down the fireworks display and she could use backup. Fireworks are a danger to the eagles. The parents might spook and abandon the nest.”

“Is that so?” Emmett sounded pleased. “Never did care much for fireworks, myself.”

“Or the guy who sells them?”

“Don’t much care for him, either.”

“I was thinking we need to have a little chat with the folks involved, but I don’t have everybody’s numbers.”

“I can arrange a meeting,” Emmett said. “How soon can you both get to the diner?”

“Thirty minutes to get organized and an hour of travel time, maybe less if Smudge is feeling lively this morning.”

“Good. I’ll round up the parties involved and meet you both at the diner in an hour and a half.”

“Sounds good.”

“Thanks for the call, Luke. It made my day.”

“I thought it might. See you soon, Emmett.” Luke disconnected the phone and glanced over at Naomi. “Does that work for you?”

Grabbing his face in both hands, she kissed him soundly before releasing him. “Yes, sir, it most certainly does.”

RIDING DOUBLE ON a five-mile trip turned out to be an interesting experience. Neither of them thought it would be wise to try it with Naomi sitting on Luke’s lap facing him. They couldn’t handle the distraction.

So they chose for Luke to sit forward in the saddle, with Naomi perched behind him, hanging on to his waist. Once they were settled, she couldn’t see where they were going, but she trusted Luke to get them there safely.

She was, however, concerned about his package. “Are you squished up there?”

He chuckled. “A little. Can’t be helped.”

“I don’t want you to injure yourself.”

“I’ll be fine unless the conversation turns to sex. Any expansion could jeopardize this entire arrangement.”

“Understood. Maybe we shouldn’t talk at all.”

“We should definitely talk. If we ride along in silence, with your luscious body pressed tight against mine, my imagination will get me into trouble in no time. So think of a topic. Just don’t make it anything sexy.”

“I know the perfect thing. Tell me about some of your favorite places.”

“Well, your mouth, and your—”

“No! In the world!”

“Oh.” He laughed. “My mistake.”

“You knew what I meant.”

“Yeah, I knew what you meant. But sometime, not now, I’ll list my favorite places on Naomi Perkins.”
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