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Sweet Stallion

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He turned to go, then hesitated once more. His ego had been slightly bruised before; no woman had ever dismissed him the way she had. He’d been taken aback by her aloofness, but he refused to let that deter him now. “Naomi, would you have dinner with me?” he suddenly asked.

Behind him, Garrison called his name, his condescending tone grating on Naomi’s nerves. Patrick tossed another look over his shoulder. “I said I’d be there in a minute,” he answered, his own tone just as abrupt.

He turned back to her. “Sorry about that. My friend can be a little rude at times. I apologize for his behavior.”

“Your friend?”

“Garrison Perry. We graduated from Brigham Young together.”

Naomi nodded, and a gray cloud seemed to cross her expression as she looked from one man to the other, before her gaze settled back on Patrick.

He continued, “So about dinner. Maybe we can get together tomorrow night, or later this week, if you’re available? I’d really like it if we could get to know each other better.”

Her gaze skated over his face. His eyes pulled at her, with something in their depths almost beseeching. She felt her stomach do a flip and a wave of anxiety wash through her. But then she found herself nodding again, her head moving of its own volition. “I think I’d like that,” she said.

Patrick passed her his cell phone. “If I can get your number,” he said, “I’ll call you and we can firm up our plans later.”

Her head still moving, Naomi accessed his phone directory and pushed the add button. When her name and number had been saved to the device she passed it back to him.

He handed her his business card. “My private number is on the back. Just so you recognize it when I call,” he said.

“Thank you,” Naomi finally responded.

Patrick grinned wider and then, with a wink, moved back across the room, turning his attention to the two men who stood eyeing them curiously.

“The land you wanted and a date!” Noah exclaimed, stepping up behind her. “Sounds like today was your lucky day!”

* * *

“Why didn’t you counter her last bid?” Garrison snapped, the look he gave Patrick cutting.

Patrick shook his head. “You didn’t want to go that high, remember? You specifically instructed me to go no higher than one million dollars.”

“No, I told you I didn’t want to pay more than a million dollars, but that I didn’t want to lose that land, either.”

“Well, it’s done now. We’ll just proceed with your plan B. This isn’t the only land in town. I think that property off the highway would be better suited for what you want to do, anyway.”

“And do you have a plan B?” Nolan Perry suddenly interjected, moving between the two men.

Patrick found himself feeling some kind of way as the older man looked from him and then to his son for an answer. His face flushed with color as neither answered, waiting for the other to reply.

Nolan shook his head. “Patrick, who is that young woman you were talking to?” he suddenly asked.

Their collective gazes followed Naomi as she exited the room, her brother following closely on her heels. Patrick replied, “Her name’s Naomi. Naomi Stallion. And that’s her brother, Noah Stallion.”

Nolan nodded. He shot his son one last look and then turned and walked out of the room.

* * *

Naomi stood off to the side, a stack of paperwork and a paid receipt for the land she now owned in her hand. She was waiting patiently for Noah to come out of the men’s room when Nolan Perry suddenly appeared at her side. She bristled, immediately feeling out of sorts at having her father close enough to reach out and touch.

“Congratulations,” he said. “That was nice work in there.”

Naomi didn’t answer, her mouth suddenly dry, her throat feeling as if she’d taken a punch to her gut.

The man continued. “Do you know who I am?” he asked, as he rocked back and forth on his heels, his hands clutched together in front of him.

Naomi took a deep breath. “Do you know who I am?” she answered.

He turned to face her and was now standing directly in front of her. He wasn’t at all how she remembered him. He was shorter, no longer as physically fit as the man she recalled. His hair was more salt than pepper, age having clearly caught up with him. His suit was expensive and his hands well manicured. His skin was tanned, as if he spent much time on a tropical island or in a tanning booth. With his chiseled features, he reminded her of the actor George Hamilton. Money, and a great plastic surgeon, had served him well.

“You look exactly like your mother. Just as beautiful,” Nolan stated.

He stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to trail his fingers along her cheek. Naomi bristled and stepped back, shaking her head. Before she could respond, Noah suddenly moved between them, giving the old man his broad back. The chill in the air around them could have easily frozen hell.

“Naomi, is everything okay?”

She nodded. “I’m ready to leave when you are,” she said, grabbing her brother’s hand and holding on tightly.

The two moved toward the door and made their exit, leaving Nolan behind. From where he stood on the other side of the room, Patrick noted the tense exchange. Something wasn’t quite right, and he suddenly had even more questions for Naomi that he hoped to get answers to.

Chapter 4 (#u318d9da0-205e-50af-b6b0-d5ec89a95af1)

Patrick sat with his hands folded in his lap, his feet up on the desktop as Garrison rambled on and on about losing the bid at auction. Patrick knew his friend well enough to know there would be at least a dozen more auctions before he would be willing to let this one go.

“You should have countered. You should have bid two million dollars. There’s no way she could have beaten that.”

“You don’t know that. And what if she had? How high were you willing to go?”

“As high as I needed to,” Garrison snapped.

“So, you would have been willing to watch your profit margin on this project dwindle away just to say you won? Your father would have had a field day with that.”

Garrison shrugged as he dropped onto the chair in front of the glass-topped desk. “What was his problem, anyway? He never said a word the whole way home. That’s definitely unlike him.”

This time Patrick shrugged. “You would know better than I would. He’s your father, not mine.”

Garrison shifted the conversation. “So, what’s up with you and that Stallion woman? Why were you talking to her?”

Patrick’s shifted in his seat. For a brief second, he thought about telling a little white lie, then didn’t. “I asked her out to dinner. I’d like to get to know her.”

“So now you’re fraternizing with the enemy?”

Patrick chuckled. “Why does she have to be the enemy?”

“Because she beat me, that’s why!”

He shook his head. “She’s a beautiful woman and I’m interested.”
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