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Sweet Stallion

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“What about my sister? I thought you two were going to try to make things work.”

Patrick glanced toward the ceiling with an exaggerated eye roll. Garrison had two sisters, Giselle and Georgina. For two years, he and Giselle had been an item, but Patrick had known early on that they had very different life goals. Like her brother, Giselle was selfish, and she could be very mean-spirited when it suited her needs. He couldn’t imagine spending a lifetime with her. They’d ended things amicably, but he knew she held out hope that one day, maybe, he would change his mind and choose her.

“Isn’t Giselle dating some tennis pro?”

“She’s dating, but you know Giselle. She gets bored easily.”

“Sounds like someone else I know. How are things with you and Barbie, Bridget, Brenda... What’s her name?”

Garrison smirked. “Bridgette! She’s a supermodel, you know. She’s done Sports Illustrated twice.”

“So how are things with you and Bridgette?”

“Things are good. She doesn’t annoy me, so it works.”

“Well, I’m glad for you. Which is why I’m taking Ms. Stallion to dinner. Giselle annoys the hell out me!”

His friend laughed. “Yeah, I can see that.” He stood up, heading in the direction of the door. “Let me know how that works out for you. Maybe you can convince her to sell me that land for a profit. For a very small profit, of course.”

Patrick shook his head as Garrison made his exit. He didn’t bother to respond.

* * *

“It’s not a date,” Naomi said into the phone receiver, pulling her legs beneath her as she settled on the bed. “Okay, maybe it is a date. But it’s not serious.”

Natalie laughed on the other end. “You are so funny! When’s the last time a man took you to dinner?”

Naomi laughed with her sister. “How old are you?”

Natalie’s amusement billowed over the phone line. “Noah told us you start blushing and get all tongue-tied when he’s around. I think that’s pretty serious.”

“Noah likes to exaggerate. To be honest with you, I don’t even know why I told that man I’d go out with him. I’m thinking about canceling.”

“You like him, that’s why. And, no, you will not cancel. You need to go have some fun.”

“Still, wasn’t it our mother who said all men are dogs and not worth the effort?”

“Our mother also said life is about living your dreams,” Natalie said softly, quoting the words they’d heard Norris Jean say repeatedly while they were growing up.

“Live the ride!” both women chorused, remembering the quote their mother had cut from a magazine once. Life is not meant to be lived such that we cross over well groomed and attractive, but rather that we slide in sideways, champagne in one hand, strawberries in the other, clothes in tatters, our bodies completely worn and totally spent, shouting, “WOO-HOO! What a ride!” It was what Norris Jean had wanted for all her children. For them to live their lives with complete abandon.

Naomi nodded into the receiver. “Well, it’s really not all that serious. We’ll probably never see each other again after.”

Natalie laughed. “Keep saying it and you might actually believe it.”

“Why did you call me?”

“How are you doing after running into our father? Noah said that wasn’t good.”

“It wasn’t anything. He spoke, we didn’t. We left.”

“I wish I’d been there. I want to know why he abandoned us the way he did. I would have asked him.”

“I got the distinct impression that he doesn’t see it that way. He asked me if I knew who he was, like he was the Pied Piper and I should have been in awe of him.”

“And you didn’t say anything to him?”

“I asked him if he knew who I was, then Noah got between us and he and I left.”

Naomi could picture her sister shaking her head. “Do you think you’ll see him again?” Natalie asked.

Naomi paused, pondering the question. “I hope not,” she said softly, but there was something in her voice not quite convincing.

Natalie allowed the moment to sweep between them, sensing a longing and a disappointment that she’d never heard from her sister before. She wasn’t sure how to deal with it so she changed the subject. “So, what are you wearing on your date?”

* * *

Patrick had called her twice, and twice Naomi hadn’t answered, though he’d left messages in her voice mail both times. He was starting to feel as if he was being snubbed and he didn’t like it. He didn’t like it one bit. The third time wasn’t going to be a charm for her or anyone. As he pulled his car onto the gravel drive of Norris Farms, he was determined to alter that, to change her mind and ease any doubt she might be having about going out with him.

The property wasn’t at all what he’d anticipated. The driveway led to a picturesque farmhouse with a wide front porch and colorful awnings. Baskets of fruits and vegetables were available for sale, and there was a quiet bustling energy that seemed to vibrate through the early-evening air. As he stepped out of his car, a robust woman with jet-black, waist-long hair captured in two ponytails waved at him, her smile warm and inviting.

“¡Hola, senor! If you are here to buy the vegetables, we’ll be closing in a few minutes!”

Patrick smiled back. “Thank you. But I was looking for Naomi Stallion? Do you by chance know where I might find her?”

The woman nodded eagerly and pointed toward the fields behind the house. “Senorita Naomi is there!” she said.

Following where she indicated, Patrick soon found himself knee-deep in a field of strawberries. The succulent fruit was in varying degrees of ripeness, some bulging red and others varying shades of green. Their sweet aroma scented the air and he found himself smiling. Toward the back of the patch Naomi was bent at the waist, picking the reddest berries and depositing them in a small wooden basket. She wore denim jeans that were fitted through the hips and buttocks, with bell-bottom legs, and a peasant top edged in tan lace. Her dreadlocks were pulled back and captured beneath a slouchy, crocheted beanie. The view suddenly had him salivating, the round of her backside beckoning his attention. His eyes widened as he watched her, in awe at how quickly she was snapping the berries from their stems.

She suddenly stood upright, turned and gasped, clearly startled by the sight of him. “Patrick!”

“Naomi, hey! I was looking for you.” He smiled sheepishly.

She clutched the basket of berries tightly between her hands. “I don’t... What are you...?” she stammered, obviously trying to make sense of the moment.

“I would have phoned,” he said. “But since you aren’t taking my calls I figured I would just make the ride out here and try to catch up with you.”

“Oh,” she said, her cheeks warming with color. “Sorry about that. I planned to call you back, but I’ve had a lot going on and...well...” Her eyes darted back and forth as he stared at her intently, amusement seeping from his stare. Naomi felt a wave of heat sweep rapidly through her core, and perspiration suddenly beaded in places moisture had no business being.

She finally let out a loud sigh. “This isn’t going to work,” she said finally, turning back to the row of strawberries she’d been picking. “I’m sorry. I should have just told you that dinner wasn’t a good idea.”

“Why not?” He moved in beside her, reaching to pick a few berries, which he dropped into the container she was holding.

She quickly glanced at him, then away. He was staring at her again, and the look he was giving her felt like a torch intent on doing bodily harm...in a very good way. She drew a swift lungful of air and held it, trying to cool the swell of heat threatening to combust her from the inside out.

He chuckled, still eyeing her as she pondered a response.

“So, this is pretty impressive.”
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