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Black Blood

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I crouched down and stroked her head between her ears. She happily wagged her tail.

«Yes», I answered to Hanna, staring back at where I had seen Sebastian disappearing in his car.

I couldn't stop thinking of him, his figure was filling my head with violence.

I found him so... attractive.


I criticized his arrogant ways and disrespect he had towards others, but some sort of strange chemical reaction between our bodies was having fun in making my job more difficult.

I was attracted to him; I couldn't believe it.

«What was he doing in town?» Hanna asked staring at me suspiciously.


«What's wrong, Reb?»

What was wrong with me?

I was struggling with my professional ego versus my emotional one. I couldn't explain it to her, I didn't understand what was happening to me. My best friend wouldn't have reacted well if I confessed her that Sebastian was giving me strange reactions.

I was shaken but determined to just walk the path for glory.

All in all, I was gathering a lot more information than I expected and my article, in my head, was already taking shape.

«I am a bit tired. I need to go back to work. I'll have to question the Weather», I said without giving her further details.

She looked at me dazed but did not reply.

We said goodbye and, with my head in the clouds and anxiety in my stomach, I went back to my office where Josh was waiting for me and he would have choked me with questions.

Chapter 4


Once I was back in the studio, my best friend rushed to me.

«Where were you?» asked with alarmed eyes.

I snorted.

«I never left the editorial office», I answered him taking back my block note, the smartphone and the car's key.

Josh was impatient, he was breathing down my neck curious to know what happened.

«That's all? Don't you have anything else to tell me?»

I hesitated, I didn't feel in the right conditions to face his questions, I was still upset and baffled by that strange encounter with Sebastian.

However, Josh was entitled to some explanations, I couldn't leave without telling him anything.

«Nothing striking. But I found out that he is an asshole, cheeky and rude.»

He brought a hand to his face and let it slide slowly.

«Did he hurt you?»

«Clearly not, but he has really rude ways. He was here for entrepreneurial reasons: business», I explained acting indifferently.


«He didn’t tell me.»

I settled the accessories in my bag and put on the leather jacket.

«Where are you going?» Josh went on helping my stress going to the roof.

«I am going to see the Weathers; I hope they're willing to talk to me. Did you hear Sullivan? He wants an article as soon as it can be.»

I thought that was the only way to sneak away, not having to answer those annoying questions anymore.

«Good luck then», he said forcing a smile. He knew I wasn’t telling him everything, but he respected me and did not insist.

I thanked him and thoughtfully I left the editorial office.

I parked near the driveway of the Weather house, got out and after double checking that I had locked the car, I walked towards the entrance.

I rang the bell.

Frank Weather opened the door.

Deep wrinkles marked his forehead when he frowned at seeing me in front of him. He looked tired and worn out.

In the corner of his mouth, he held a toothpick that he nibbled with restlessness.

He was a large man with a rough, pale skin, a wrinkled face and knotty fingers.

«Good morning, Frank», I greeted him showing a friendly smile.

He raised an eyebrow and widened his nostrils.

«What can I do for you, Reb?» he asked me with a narrow gaze.

«I hoped you were willing to exchange a few words with me.»

His mouth stretched into a bitter smile, he closed his eyes and sighed.
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