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Black Blood

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The Thirsty. They described them as parched vampires longing for blood, but the Winterbournes did not look at all as demons with strange habits, they were just an egocentric family, extremely powerful.

Rich with no doubts: they owned vast properties and a large amount of local commercial activities, and not only in Hazycreek. They had properties all over England: in London, Manchester, Liverpool, Oxford, Cambridge and in Nottingham. It must be said that they did nothing to be loved, their presence in town was leading to fuss, everyone was looking at them with fear, most people didn't even stare at them, they went on straight avoiding any type of contact.

I had to admit that a mysterious aura seemed to lead them, but I thought this was a consequence to the narrow-minded mentality prevailing in Hazycreek.

A kind of mass hysteria led people to keep the Winterbournes away.

But the situation seemed not bothering them. After all, they lived at Black Raven Hill.

The endless mansion was a property of their family since ever. It was a bit far, like half an hour by car from the center and it was in the middle of the forest.

The Winterbournes stayed isolated from common people, it was clear, but how to blame them?

They were relevant, they needed nobody, they could afford it at the end of the day. But assuming that they were the cause of those two current disappearances, that sounded a bit excessive to me.

But this all story drawn a super idea in my mind, an idea that apparently Josh didn't like at all.

«I don't believe they have something to do with those disappearances, ok? However, they might have something to say», I explained to my friend.

Josh still shaked his head, more and more closed to his surrender.

«It is not wise, nor even necessary. Maybe they did it for real.»

«How can you believe those bullshits? What do you think? Persons drinking human blood? Dracula is a Bram Stoker's book, not reality!»

«I am not joking. You look like a fool. Nobody ever dared much», he addressed me once again trying to keep me from my intentions. But he couldn't succeed, I was stubborn and willful. I had already made my mind.

«They'll know for sure what people say. It may be interesting having also their opinion», I insisted, every second more convinced.

«Don't get involved with that family. Stay out of this, Reb.»

«Oh, come on, Josh! You are always the same old chicken», I laughed at him, raising my arms. I got up from the chair snorting and placing in front of him. I poked his chest with my forefinger and a little grin appeared on my face.

«I want to write the article of the year. The one that will lead me straight to London and the Winterbournes are going to be my golden goose. That's it», I said nailing my green eyes into his.

I noticed him tensely swallowing.

«Why can't you just do your job without digging too much? You are a journalist, not a detective», Josh's voice had become shrill and hysterical. He cared about me, but I wouldn't have run any risk.

I just curved one side of my mouth and, after having retrieved my purse, I passed by him, straight towards the office exit.

«Because I desire something else, Josh. I won't stay here forever. London is my goal», I concluded, opening the door and walking out of it.

«You damned ambitious!»

«I've heard you!» I scolded him from the hallway.

He followed me and once he reached me, he ruffled my red helmet hair.

«Let's have a drink at Hanna's, ok?» he asked me changing subject completely.

I agreed with no hesitation. I wanted to tell my intentions also to her.

In ten minutes, we arrived at the Moonlight, the most popular place across Hazycreek, the only opened at any time during day or night. We parked Josh's car in the side street and we went in no longer waiting.

We were immediately hit by the lounge music. Cheerful environment, slightly suffused and relaxing lights. The whole decor ranged from white to lilac, with abstract shades and decorations.

We approached the counter where our friend was serving drinks to a group of rowdy teens.

Hanna Ryder was my housemate and my best friend. It had always been the three of us, indivisible and joined until death.

«Hanna!» I called her wiggling on the chair I had been able to hoard, while Josh was standing on the counter, slouching on it.

Hanna ran to us wiping her hands in her wisteria-colored apron.

«What can I get you, guys?» asked offering us one of her sweet smiles, then struck Josh with the eyes, he was still slouched over the counter's marble.

«Stand up from there, if Mrs. Tanner sees you, she'll get mad at me!»

«Hanna, tell your friend he shouldn't sleep over here», Mrs. Tanner barked while coming out from the kitchen.

Josh immediately straightened up murmuring sorry.

That woman was incredible. Ginger was the owner of Moonlight, but first, she was the commissioner's wife. At her place she demanded respect and a behavioral ethics that Josh never observed. She wouldn't have kicked us out after all, so we got over it and started laughing.

«Usual?» Hanna asked.

We both answered yes.

Fast as the light she was back with our orders: two cold beers.

I grabbed mine and took a great sip.

«Reb has had another of her unhealthy ideas», Josh started absent-mindedly while checking his smartphone.

Hanna was listening carefully, fixing her blonde weaves and, raising an eyebrow, she looked at me.


I sighed, now they would have ganged up on me, I knew them so well.

«I want to go to the Black Raven Hill. I plan on writing an article about the Winterbournes», I answered all in one breath.

My best friend stood silent with her mouth opened for some seconds, no words were needed for Josh's expression, happy and satisfied not to be the only one against me.

«Have you lost your mind, Reb? Those people are... weird», she said in between shocked and terrified.

Let alone she would have taken my part!
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