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Black Blood

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«What is the reason for your visit, Rebecca? We don’t usually have guests, let alone late at night», he said, shortening the distance in between us.

I swallowed the lump out in my throat and I felt overwhelmed by its intense and wild scent. He had a hoarse voice, deep and vibrant. I didn't remember it like that, maybe I hadn't even heard him speaking at all.

He was always on his own at school, kept away from everyone, nobody got closed to him, it was like he didn't exist.

I thought that was sad, but it didn't seem to bother him.

But right now, the one in front of me was no more a kid, he was a man, the heir of the Winterbournes.

I shook my head repeatedly and I squeezed my lips. I felt terribly embarrassed and caught in a foul.

«My dog ran away. I am afraid she walked down your property, I wanted to take her back», I replied in a faint voice.

What a terrible excuse is that?

I scolded myself. I was never good in improvising and I had nothing better to say.

«I don't remember you had a dog, Rebecca», he pressed me.

The way he pronounced my name was giving me chills, nobody called me like that. I was Reb to everyone and hearing my name that way was shaking me, giving me strange feelings.

«Well, it is Hanna's dog : Beck's», I corrected.

How could he know?

At least, my best friend's border collie existed for real. And it was also very lively. A bitter smile animated his face.

«I see, and are you often taking Beck's around here in the middle of the night?»

I wanted to leave, getting rid of him and his arrogance as soon as possible. He was making me uncomfortable.

«I suffer from insomnia and such a badly idea came to my mind. That's it» I hissed a little more firmly. Even if his presence was making me feel dizzy, he wouldn't have succeeded in putting me in trouble.

«Interesting, Rebecca.»


His words were flowing so slowly and the sound of his voice was almost hypnotic. I didn't want to be overwhelmed by him.

He watched me carefully, I almost felt stripped under his gaze. He paused on the binoculars. I feared one of those questions to whom is hard giving an explanation.

«I should leave now, I really hope Beck's is not making any ailment, but if you may find her, I'll come to take her back. After that you'll be able to forgive this meeting», I said all in one breath stepping forward firmly.

He grabbed my wrist. His hand was frosted and that cold penetrated my skin freezing my blood.

«But I'll remember you. Maybe you are the only one brave enough to come up here, Rebecca Janette Cross.»

His words flooded my head impetuously.

What was that meaning?

It was all so strange and so absurd. Maybe I should had listened to my friends and give up the idea of writing an article about the Winterbournes, but my crazy mind was finding that whole situation amazingly interesting.

The more Sebastian was talking, the more my longing to investigate on them was growing.

I retracted my arm and he released his grip.

«We are not all fools and scared in Hazycreek.»

His laughter echoed in the silence that was surrounding. He squeezed his chin between his thumb and forefinger and smiled mockingly at me.

Oh, damn! He is even charming.

«If you are stuck in, the gate opens from the inside with a mechanical lever», he informed me.

I raised an eyebrow and turned my back on him ready to go back to Josh.

«Goodnight, Sebastian.»

«Goodnight, Rebecca.»

I walked fast, without running. I could still feel his heterochromic eyes watching over me. They were stinging my back insistently. I took some deep breaths and tried to calm down.

Once I arrived at the gate, Josh fidgeted on his spot.

«Where the hell were you?»

I gestured for silence, carefully, I studied the entry mechanism. I operated a large lever that was fixed to the walls and I released the lock. I pulled the bars towards me and got out.

Josh was astonishedly looking at me.

«How did you know?» he asked me while, no longer waiting, we started walking towards the car.

«Sebastian told me.»

My best friend got mad. He started gesticulating and nervously swearing.

«Dear Christ, Reb! You got caught, and you were supposed to be silent and careful», he scolded me as if he was my older brother.

I looked at him sideways.

«And I was! It was him coming from nowhere. But don’t worry. Nothing bad happened. He also told me how to get out, so everything is ok», I contested.

Josh gave up, I was healthy and safe after all and nobody had tried to bite my neck for sucking the blood out of it.

We got in the car and I almost drove flat out. I wanted so badly to be back in my apartment and wash away all the anguish of that crazy night. I drove Josh home and went straight at my place.

When I opened the door, Beck's ran up to me happy wagging. I founded myself laughing while rubbing her head, and thinking that thanks to her I had managed to save the situation with Sebastian.
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