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Pride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen's novel

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The gentleman whom my daughter has honoured with her hand is your husband's cousin – Mr. Collins!

Mrs. Bennet

[Rising in rage and amazement.] Mr. Collins! Marry your Charlotte? Good Lord, Sir William, how can you tell such a story! Do not you know that Mr. Collins is going to marry my Lizzy – or – or one of my other girls!

Lady Lucas

Well, really, Mrs. Bennet!

Sir William

[Offended.] What I have told you is quite true, nevertheless, Mrs. Bennet. The whole matter was settled before Mr. Collins returned to Hunsford. I am sorry we are not to receive your good wishes.


[Hastily.] Oh, but you are, Sir William! Charlotte has already told me all about her engagement, and we shall be most happy to welcome her as a cousin.

Sir William

[Mollified and with gallantry.] Thank you, Miss Elizabeth! I am sure other congratulations will shortly be in order.

[He glances significantly at Darcy; Elizabeth draws herself up. Sir William, smiling, makes a little bow and then turns to the table, where he and Lady Lucas busy themselves with their supper.]

Mrs. Bennet

[To Elizabeth.] So Charlotte has told you, has she? I don't believe a word of it!


Oh, mamma!

Mrs. Bennet

I am sure Mr. Collins has been taken in. Well, I trust they will never be happy together, and I hope the match will be broken off.


[Imploringly.] Mamma!

Mrs. Bennet

[Turning on Elizabeth in a rage.] And you are the cause of the whole mischief, Lizzy! I think I have been barbarously used by you all!

[While this conversation has been going on, the other guests have been taking their supper. Colonel Forster now rises with a glass of wine in his hand.]

Colonel Forster

Ladies and gentlemen – [The buzz of conversation ceases.] Ladies and gentlemen, I should like to propose the health of Mr. Bingley.


Mr. Bingley!

Colonel Forster

[Raising his glass.] To Mr. Bingley – may the pleasure which he has given us all to-night be but a foretaste of the future happiness which he will both receive and give in this community.


Mr. Bingley – Colonel Forster! – Mr. Bingley!

[All drink as Bingley bows.]

Sir William

[Rising.] And may I be allowed to still farther express the sentiments of this community, by proposing another toast in which I am sure you will all join me with enthusiasm? [Raising his glass.] To the Master of Netherfield! May he retain that title from his present fortunate youth, to his future green and honoured old age!


[Drinking.] Mr. Bingley! Sir William! Mr. Bingley!


[Rising.] Ladies and gentlemen! Friends!


Hear! Hear!


I – I really cannot tell you how much I am touched by the very kind words of Colonel Forster and Sir William! And – and I only wish that I deserved them.


Indeed, you do!


[Embarrassed and looking toward Darcy, who with folded arms, is staring at the ceiling.] No, I do not. I – I did not like to speak of such a painful thing on an occasion like this, and so I have told no one of the fact that I am about to – to leave Netherfield.


Leave Netherfield! Oh! Oh!


[Still more ill at ease.] Yes. – It is a very sudden decision, but – but important interests have made it necessary for me to – [Lamely.] to leave Netherfield.
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