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Pride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen's novel

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[Smiling.] I do not dare.

[Miss Bingley enters from the ball-room with an officer. They talk together.]

Colonel Forster

[Entering from the ball-room, and looking about him, sees Elizabeth and comes to her.] May I have the honour, Miss Bennet?


I do not dance the reel, Colonel Forster.

Colonel Forster

Oh, the reel is over. This is our dance.



[She goes off with Colonel Forster. Darcy remains where Elizabeth leaves him and watches her till she disappears into the ball-room. The officer bows and leaves Miss Bingley.]

Miss Bingley

[Approaching Darcy.] I can guess the subject of your reverie.


I should imagine not.

Miss Bingley

You are considering how insufferable it would be to pass many evenings in such society. Indeed, I am quite of your opinion. I was never more annoyed. The insipidity and yet the noise; – the nothingness and yet the self-importance of all these people! What would I give to hear your strictures on them!


Your conjecture is totally wrong. I assure you, my mind was more agreeably engaged. I was meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow.

Miss Bingley

[Looking at him very meaningly and sweetly, speaks with coquetry.] Indeed! And will not you tell me what lady has the credit of inspiring such reflections?


[With great intrepidity.] Miss Elizabeth Bennet.

Miss Bingley

[Taken aback.] Miss Elizabeth Bennet! I am all astonishment! How long has she been such a favourite? Pray when am I to wish you joy?


That is exactly the question which I expected you to ask. A lady's imagination is very rapid: it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment. I knew you would be wishing me joy.

Miss Bingley

Nay, if you are so serious about it I shall consider the matter as absolutely settled. You will have a charming mother-in-law! Of course she will always be at Pemberley with you. Perhaps you might give her a few hints as to the advantage of holding her tongue.


Thank you. Have you anything else to propose for my domestic felicity?

Miss Bingley

Oh, yes! Let the portrait of your uncle, the attorney, be placed next to your great uncle, the Judge. They are in the same profession, you know, only in different lines. As for your Elizabeth's picture, you must not attempt to have it taken, for what painter could do justice to those beautiful eyes!


It would not be easy, indeed, to catch their expression; but their colour and shape, and the eyelashes, so remarkably fine, might be copied.

Miss Bingley

[Sarcastically.] Oh, I fear not – [Elizabeth and Colonel Forster, with others, enter from the ball-room– Mrs. Bennet with Lady Lucas from the drawing-room.] Here comes the fair one – [Seeing Mrs. Bennet.] – and mamma-in-law as well. I will not intrude on the family party.

[She goes off laughing and mingles with the guests. Colonel Forster bows and leaves Elizabeth with her mother. Bingley enters with Jane from the drawing-room. He sees Darcy, who is standing where Miss Bingley left him, and comes to him.


I thought this next dance was the one you liked so much, Darcy. Let me find you a partner.


[Starting, as if from a reverie..] So it is. Thank you – I have a partner.

[He goes to Elizabeth, bows, and they go into the ball-room together. Mrs. Bennet and Mrs. Long follow them.]


[Looking after Darcy with a smile, turns to Jane.] You must be tired, Miss Bennet. I propose that we sit quietly through this dance. Do you agree?


Yes, indeed. [She sits on the bench.] It will be very pleasant. [Looking about her.] How very prettily you have arranged all the rooms, Mr. Bingley.


I am so glad you think so. I feared they were rather inconvenient for so large a party.
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