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Pride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen's novel

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I have no criticisms for the arrangements.


[Laughing.] But you have for the ball. Yes, I know – still I was really obliged to keep my promise.


I am glad to find that a promise is with you an obligation.


Oh, come, Darcy! I understand. Set your mind at rest. I am going to London with you, although I must say I do not see the necessity for it. I think you are exaggerating the effect of any small attentions of mine toward Miss Bennet. However, we will cling together, and fly a common danger.


[Coldly.] Common danger?


[Smiling.] Yes, common danger! I, too, have eyes. Where will you match the wit and vivacity of Miss Elizabeth Bennet?


[Quietly.] She is indeed charming, and I admit that were it not for the inferiority of her connections, I might be in some danger. [Very coolly and confidently.] But they form, for me, an insurmountable barrier against any possible peril.


Love laughs at bars, Darcy! [Darcy looks annoyed.] No, – I won't! It really is not fair, since it is my fault. You would never have been put to this test if you hadn't been so good as to stay on here with me after that —

[Stopping suddenly, and with an entire change from his former bantering tone, he says in a hesitating manner.] Darcy, do you really think you should be silent about Wickham?


[Haughtily.] Decidedly! I do not choose to lay my private affairs before the world.


But the fellow is sailing under false colours. You do not know what the result may be. I really must speak of this again, Darcy, even at the risk of offending you. [Darcy makes an impatient gesture.] I am truly concerned at the foothold this rascal has already gained in the Bennet family. What he has failed to accomplish once he may succeed in again. These young ladies have no brother to defend them.


Neither have they the wealth to excite Wickham's cupidity. At any rate I do not wish to be the one to enlighten the neighbourhood. Besides, I understand that he has left Meryton.


Even so – I – [He is interrupted by Miss Bingley, who enters gaily from the drawing-room.]

Miss Bingley

Ah! Here you are! [To Darcy.] Will you be so kind? [She holds out her arm for him to clasp her bracelet.] Your sister Georgiana should be here, Mr. Darcy. [To her brother.] Charles, you should have insisted on her coming.


I am not in the habit of insisting with Darcy.

Miss Bingley

[Laughingly.] Very true. [To Darcy, who has at length succeeded in fastening the bracelet.] Thank you. [Looking about her.] It is vastly pretty, Charles, but I am much mistaken if there are not some among us to whom a ball will be rather a punishment than a pleasure.


[Laughing.] If you mean Darcy, he may go to bed, if he pleases, before it begins.

Miss Bingley

But, Charles, it would certainly be more rational if conversation instead of dancing were made the order of the day.


Much more rational, my dear Caroline, but it would not be near so much like a ball.

Martin, the Footman

[Entering, to Bingley.] Several of the carriages have arrived, sir, and the guests will soon be entering the ball-room.


[To the Footman.] Very well. [To Miss Bingley.] Come Caroline, we must be at our post. We will leave Darcy to make up his mind whether he will join us later.

[Bingley and his sister disappear through the archway leading to the ball-room. Darcy does not follow them, but walks thoughtfully up and down the room. The sound of a voice is heard announcing.]

The Voice

Mrs. Long – the Miss Longs. [A pause.] Colonel Forster and Mr. Denny. [A pause.] Mr. and Mrs. Goulding. [A pause.] Mrs. Bennet – the Miss Bennets. [Darcy stops in his walk and goes toward the ball-room archway – then he walks once more up and down.] Mrs. King – Miss King. [Darcy again moves toward the ball-room; he lifts the curtain, hesitates – looks in – then disappears.] Sir William and Lady Lucas – Miss Lucas – Mr. Robinson.

[The music now begins, the stage is left empty. After a short pause, Elizabeth and Charlotte appear between the curtains of the ball-room archway.]


[Peeps in – then enters.] Isn't this pretty! Come in here for a moment, Eliza. I want to tell you something.


[Following her.] Why did I promise to dance with Mr. Darcy just now! Why did not I have more presence of mind!

[They sit on the bench together while they talk; the guests, at the back, pass to and from the drawing-room and ball-room, and the sound of music is heard faintly.]

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