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The Portable Veblen: Shortlisted for the Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction 2016

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Her mother removed a casserole dish from the oven, her hot mitts clenched around it. “This is a delicious recipe I discovered recently using artichoke hearts and bread crusts and just a little Asiago cheese and butter,” her mother said. “Very special.”

“Nice.” Veblen cracked open a head of red leaf lettuce. Her favorite part was the center of baby leaves, and she removed it quickly before her mother could see and ate it.

“Before I forget, I have a strange lump on the back of my neck. Will you look at it, please? Linus doesn’t have an eye for this sort of thing.”

“How about later after we’re out of the kitchen?”

“Now!” her mother said.

Veblen placed the lettuce on the counter, and parted her mother’s hair with her wet hands. She saw a dime-sized swelling. “Yes, you have a little bump here, does it itch?”

“No. Is it red?”


“Is it indurated?”

“What’s that?”

“Is it hard, with clearly defined margins?” asked her mother.

Veblen squinted at the bump. “You tell me.”

“Is the texture peau d’orange?”

“What’s that!” Veblen asked, exasperated.

“The texture of orange peel.”

Veblen squinted again. “I’d say it’s more like the skin of an apple, or maybe a pear. Maybe Paul can look at it,” she said, sighing.

“As long as he doesn’t talk down to me, that’s all I ask,” her mother said.

Veblen finished making the salad and brought it out like a victim. Linus had furnished Paul with a beer.

“Local brew, one of those designer jobs,” said Linus.

“I taste some lemon,” Paul said, nodding.

“We make our own blackberry wine on good years.”

“How is it?”

“Sweet, nice for a dessert wine. We end up with thirty bottles or so, give them to friends. I’ll send one home with you.”

“Great,” Paul said. “Love dessert wine, especially with some nice Gruyère.”

“I like it with pie.”

“Luncheon is served,” called Melanie, bringing out the casserole and placing it on a woven Samoan mat on the table. “Paul, I want you here. Veblen, at the head. Linus, would you open that special bottle of champagne?”

“Right,” said Linus, returning to the kitchen.

“No, out here!” Melanie yelled. “Watching the cork fly is festive.”

Linus shuffled back with the bottle, untwisting the wires around the cork.

“Don’t aim it at us!” Melanie cried.

“It’s not ready yet.”

“You’re aiming it at us!”

Linus turned toward the house.

“Not at the wall! We want to watch the cork fly! Turn around.”

Linus turned and began to wiggle the cork.

“Wait, you need a cloth.”

Veblen handed him a napkin to put under the neck of the bottle. Paul tapped his fork on the table. The cork popped, and shot all of about three feet.

“Bravo!” Melanie cried. “Now, let’s make a toast to your visit. May there be many more!”

Glasses clinked and Paul and Veblen smiled at each other across the table. If Paul were gracious about this day, she’d love him forever.

“Paul, we’re certainly impressed by your research project,” Melanie said. “I imagine you’re already heavily involved, preparing to dig in?”

“Absolutely,” Paul said. “I’m getting a lot of support from Hutmacher, basically anything I want. We’re going to get off to a good start.”

“There’s got to be a bucket load of red tape for those babies,” said Linus.

“More than I realized,” Paul said.

“Several of my medications are made by Hutmacher,” Melanie added.

“Hurrah!” Paul said gamely, raising his glass.

“And Veblen tells us you’ve been looking at houses?”

“Oh. That’s kind of a hobby. Looking. I was pretty much raised on a commune, by the way.”

“Are you planning to have a commune?”

“No, the opposite, I want to live behind a gate that no one can get through.”

“You’ve got to escape the way you were raised,” Linus said. “Boy, do I know it.”
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