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A dialoge or communication of two persons

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Ogy. Nat to be dispraysyd, thay be more vertuous thã ryche of thayr yerely renttes. The temple ys goodly & goregious, but oure Lady dwellythe nat in it, but y

was purchasyd for the honor of her sone. She hathe her owne temple, that she may be of the ryght hand of her sone.

Me. Apon the right hãd. Whiche way dothe her sonne loke than?

Ogy. It is well remembryd. Whan he lokythe to the West, his mother is apõ his right hand, but whã he turnythe hym to the Este she is apon the lefte hand. But yet she dwellythe nat in that churche, for it is nat yet buyldyd all vpe, and the wynde runnythe thorow euery parte with open wyndowes & dowres, and also nat ferre of is the Occiane seye father of all wyndes.

Me. what doo yow tell me wher dothe she dwell thã?

Ogy. In y

same churche whiche I told you was nat all fynyshyd, ther is a lytle chapell seelyd ouer with wodde, on ether syde a lytle dore wher y

pylgrymes go thorow, ther is lytle light, but of y

taperes, with a fragrant smell.

Me. All these be mete for religyon.

Ogy. Ye Menedemus if you loke within you wyll say that it is a seate mete for sayntes, all thynges be so bright in gold, syluer, and precyous stones.

Me. You almost moue me to go thyther also.

Ogy. It shalnat repente you of your iornay.

Me. Spryngithe ther no holy oyle?

Ogy. I trowe you dote, that spryngythe nat but owt ofthe sepulchres of sayntes, as saynt Andrew, & saynt Katerê, owr lady was nat beried.

Me. I graût I sayd amysse, but tell on your tale.

Ogy. So moche more as thay persayue youre deuocyõ, so moche larger reliques wyl thay shew to you.

Me. Ye and peraduêture that thay may haue larger offerynges, as is sayd that, many lytle offerynges makythe a heuy boxe.

Ogygy. Her chaplens be alway at hand.

Me. Be thay of y


Ogy. No, thay be nat permyttyd to be with her, lest that peraduenture by occasyon of that religyon, thay shuld be plukkyd frome thayr owne religyõ, and whylst thay kepe that virgyne, thay regard very lytle thayr awne virgynyte, alonly in that inner chapell whiche is our ladyes preuy chãbre, ther standithe a certayne Chanõ at the autre.

Me. For what purpose?

Ogy. To receyue and kepe, y

whiche is offeryd.

Me. dothe any man gyue ayenst hys wyll.

Ogy. No, but many men hathe suche a gentle shamfastnes, that thay wyll gyue some thynge to hym that standythe by, other thay wyll offre more largely, whiche thay wold nat doo perauêture if that he were absent, y

standithe there.

Me. You tell me of mannes affectiones, whiche I my selffe prouyd very ofte.

Ogy. Ye trewly there be some so gyuê to our blessyd lady, that whan thay apere to put vpe thayr handes to offre, with a pure cõusyance, thay stayl y

whiche other men hathe gyuen.

Me. Than lett no man be there, wyll nat oure Lady shote her thonderbowlte at suche.

Ogy. Wherfor shuld our lady rather doo so, than God hymselffe, whom thay be nat affrayd to pluke owt hys robes, & breake y

churche walles therfore.

Mene. I am in a great doubt whether I shuld, rather maruayle apon thayre wykyd boldnes, or Goddys great gêtlenes and longe sufferynge.

Ogy. Apõ the Northe parte ther is a certayne gaate, but lest that you should make a lye, it is nat of the churche, but of the pale that compassithe a bowte the churche yarde, and that hathe a lytle wykyt, suche as be in great mennes gaates, that who so euer wyll entre, must fyrst putin hys legge, nat withowt some ioperdie, and than bowe downe hys hedde.

Me. It is ioperdie to goo thorow suche a dore, to a mannes enemye.

Ogy. So it is, the sexten dyd tell me that ther was ones a knyght whiche fleeynge hys enemye, than aprochynge, dyd ride thorow y

wykyte, and than the wretche dispayrynge in hym selffe, apon a soden motion, dyd commend hymselffe to y

blessyd virgyne, whiche was than at hand. But now commythe the myrakle. By and by that knyght was all in the churche yarde, and hys aduersary was ragynge at the dore wowte.

Me. And dyd he tell you so maruylous a myrakle for a trewthe?

Ogy. No dowte.

Me. But I suppose that he could nat so lyghtely doo that to you so a great a philosopher.

Ogy. He dyd shewe to me in that same wykytte in a plate of coper, the ymage of the knyght fastenyd with nayles and w

the same garmentes y

the Englishmen were wontyd to wayre at that tyme, as you may see in that olde pictures, whiche wylnat lye, Barbours had but lytle lyuynge at that tyme: and dieres & websteres gotte but litle monay.

Me. Why so?

Ogy. For he had a berd like a goote, and his cote had neuer a plyte, & it was so litle, that with strayte gyrdynge it mayd hys body to apere lesse than it was. Ther was another plate, that was in quantyte and fourme like to a cheste.

Me. Well now it is nat to be doubtyd apõ.

Ogy. Under y
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