Eula. We nede neyther wytchraft nor enchauntment, ther is non of them al, so sure as honest condiciōs accompayned with good feloshyp.
xan. I can not fauoure suche an husbande as myne is.
Eula, It is moste thy profyt that he be no longer suche. If thou couldest by thy Circes craft chaunge thin husband into an hogge, or a bore wouldest thou do it?
xantip. God knoweth.
Eu. Art thou in dout? haddest thou leauer marye an hogge than a mā.
Xantip. Mary I had leauer haue a manne.
Eulalia. wel, what and thou coudest by sorcery make him of a drōkarde a soober man, of a vnthrifte a good housbande of an ydell losell a towarde body, woldest thou not doe it?
xantip. yes, hardely, woulde I doe it. But where shoulde I learne the cunnyng?
Eula. For soth that cōning hast thou in the if thou wouldest vtter it, thyn must he be, mauger thy head, the towarde y
makest him, the better it is for the, thou lokest on nothing but on his leude cōdicions, and thei make the half mad, thou wouldest amende hym and thou puttest hym farther oute of frame, loke rather on his good condicions, and so shalt thou make him better. It is to late calagayne yesterdaie before thou were maryed unto hym. It was tyme to cōsyder what his fautes were for a women shold not only take her husbande by the eyes but by the eares. Now it is more tyme to redresse fautes thē to fynd fautes.
xantt. What woman euer toke her gusband by the eares.
Eulali. She taketh her husbande by the eyes that loketh on nothyng, but on the beautye and pulcritude of the body. She taketh him by the eares, that harkeneth diligētly what the common voice sayth by him
xantip. Thy counsaile is good, but it commeth a day after the faire.
Eula. Yet it commeth time ynough to bringe thyne husbande to a greate furtheraunce to that shall bee yf God sende you anie frute togither.
xantippa. We are spede alredy of that.
Eulaly. How long ago.
Xantip. A good whyle ago
Eulalia. How many monethes old is it.
Xantip. It lacketh lytle of. vii.
Eula What a tale is this, ye reken the monethes by nightes and dayes double.
Xantippa. Not so.
Eula. It can not be none other wyse, yf ye reken from the mariage day.
xantippa. yea, but what thē, I spake with him before we were maried.
Eulalia. Be children gotten by speakinge.
xantip. It befell so that he mette me alone and begon to ticke at me, and tickled me vnder the arme holes and sydes to make me laugh. I might not awaie with ticklynge, but fell downe backewarde vpon a bedde and he a lofte, neuer leuinge kyssynge on me, what he did els I can not saye, but by sayncte Marie within a while after my bely beganne to swell.
Eula. Go now and disprayse thine husbāde whiche yf he gette children by playe, what wyll he do whē he goeth to it in good ernest.
xantippa, I fere me I am payed agayin.
Eula. Good locke God hath sent a fruitfull grounde, a good tylmā.
Xantip. In that thing he might haue lesse laboure and more thanke.
Eula. Few wyues finde at theyr husbandes in that behalf but were ye thē sure togither.
xanti. yea that we were
Eula. The offence is the lesse. Is it a man chylde.
xantip. yea.
Eula. He shal make you at one so that ye wil bow & forbere. What saieth other mē by thin husband, they that be his cōpanions, they delite with him abrode
xā, They say that he is meruelous gentyl, redy to do euery man pleasure, liberal and sure to his frende.
Eula. And that putteth me in good cōfort that he wyll be ruled after our counsayll.
xantip. But I fynde him not so.
Eula. Order thy selfe to him as I haue tolde thee, and cal me no more true sayer but a lier, if he be not so good vnto the as to anie creature liuinge Again cōsidre this he is yet but a childe, I thinke he passethe not. xxiiij. the blacke oxe neuer trode on hys fote, nowe it is but loste laboure to recken vpon anye deuorse.
xantippa. Yet manye a tyme and ofte I haue troubled my braynes withal
Eulalia. As for that fantasye whensoeuer it commeth into your mynd first of all counte how naked a thynge woman is, deuorsed from man. It is the hyghest dignitie that longethe to the wyfe to obsequyous vnto her spouse. So hath natyre ordeined so god hath appoynted, that the woman shoulde be ruled al by the man loke onely vppon this whiche is trouth, thine husbande he is, other canste thou none haue. Againe forgette not that swete babe be gotten of both your bodies what thin beste thou to do with that, wilte thou take it awaye with thee? Thou shalte bereue thyne husband his ryght wylt thou leue it with hym? thou shalt spoile thy self of thy chefeste Jewell thou haste. Beside all this tell me trueth hast thou none euyll wyllers, Besyde all thys tell me trueth, hast thou none euyll wyllers.
xan. I haue a stepdame I warrant you, and myne husbandes mother euen such another.
Eula. Do they hate the so deadly.
xantip. They woulde se me hanged.
Eula. Thē forget not thē what greater plesure couldest thou shew them then to se the deuorsed from thine husband and to led a wydowes lyfe. Yea and worse thē a wydow, for wydowes be at their choise.
xantippa. I holde well with youre coūsell, but I can not awaye with the paynes.
Eulalia. yet recken what paines ye toke or ye colde teache your paret to speake.
xantippa. Exceadynge much.
Eu. And thinke you much to labour a lytel in reforming your husbād with whō you may liue merely all the dayes of your lyfe. What busines doe mē put thē self to be wel & easly horsed & shal we think our selues to good to take paines that we mai haue our husbādes gētil & curteise vnto vs.
xantip. What shal I do.
Eu. I haue told you al redy, se that al thing be clene & trim at home, that no sluttysh or vnclenlye syghtes dryue hym oute a dores. Be your selfe alwayes redy at a becke, berynge continuali in minde what reuerēce the wife oweth vnto her husbād. Be neyther in your dūpes, nor alwayes on your mery pinnes go nether to homely nor to nycely. Let your meat be cleane dressed, you know yourhusbādes diet. What he loueth best that dresse. Moreouer shewe your selfe louinge and fayre spokē vnto thē where he loueth, call them now and thē vnto your table. At meate, se that al thinges be well sauored, and make good there, And whē that he is toppe heuy playing on his lute, sytte thou by and singe to him so shalte thou make hym keepe home, and lessen hys expences This shall he thynke at length, in faythe I am a fonde felowe that maketh suche chere with a strumpet abroode with greate lossee bothe of substance and name, seyng that I haue a wyfe at home bothe muche fayrer, and one that loueth me ten times better, with whome I may be both clenlyer receiued and dayntelier cherisshed