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Two Dyaloges

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Boni. Mary syr hange vp suche practysers or soldyers and theyr practisyng to. But howe come they by the name of horsemen or gentylmen that they vsurpe suche a great prerogatyue?

Bea. Some of them are gentylmê borne and it cometh to them by auncestrie, some bye it by the meanes of maystrys money, and other some gette it by certayne shyftes.

Boni. But maye euery man that wyl and lyst come by it by shyftes?

Bea. Yea why not, euery man maye be a gentylman nowe adayes very well and yf theyr condicions and maners be accordynge.

Boni. What maners or condicions must suche one haue I beseche the?

Bea. Yf he be occupyed aboute no goodnesse, yf he can ruffle it and swashe in his satens and his silkes and go gorgiously apparelled, yf he can ratle in his rynges vpon the fyngers endes, yf he can playe the ruffyan and the horemonger and kepe a gaye hoore gallantlye, yf he be neuer well at ease but when he is playenge at the dyse, yf he be able to matche as moche an vnthryfte as hym selfe with a newe payre of cardes, yf he spende his tyme lyke an epycure vpon bankettinge, sumptuous fare, and all kynde of pleasures, yf he talke of no rascalles nor beggars, but bragge, bost, face, brace, and crake of castelles, towers, and skyrmysshes, and yf all his talke be of the warres and blody battels, and playe the parte of crackinge Thraso throughly, such gaye grekes, lusty brutes and ionkers may take vpon them to be at defyaunce withe whome they wyll and lyst, thoughe the gentylman haue neuer a fote of lande to lyue vpon.

Boni. Call ye them horsmen. Mary syr suche horsemen are wel worthy to ryde vpõ the gallowes, these are gentylmen of the Iebet of all that euer I haue harde of.

Bea. But yet there be not afewe suche in that parte of Germany called Nassen or Hessen.


Trãslated by Edmonde Becke

And prynted at Cantorbury

in saynt Paules parishe

by Johñ Mychell

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