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King’s Wrath

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Ravan had been thinking about this ever since he had seen Sergius speaking to him from the flames. ‘Our role is to help the princess.’

‘But how?’

‘I don’t know yet, Roddy. We have both been given powers and we have to work out not only what but how to use them.’

‘How will we know her?’

‘I don’t know the answer to that. But we have to push on and hope we’ll discover all that we need to know.’

‘Do you remember what Sergius said when he was dying?’

Ravan smiled. ‘He spoke about several things.’

‘The bit about telling people about Piven.’

Ravan paused again, frowning as he thought back over the conversation with the dying Sergius. ‘He did say that, you’re right. That’s very sharp of you, Roddy. I had overlooked it.’

‘Well, I was just wondering who we had to tell and where they may be.’

‘I think I know exactly who he meant.’

‘You do?’

‘I suspect he meant anyone who is loyal to the Valisars.’

‘Who might that be?’

‘That would be Leonel and his supporters.’

‘The prince? But they say he died in the wars.’

Ravan let Roddy down off his broad shoulders and squatted so that his friend did not have to stare up at him. ‘Leonel did not die in the wars. He survived, escaped Loethar’s clutches, and fled into the forests north of here. He has grown up, tall and strong with a fierce desire to be king in more than name.’

Roddy’s eyes shone. ‘Really?’

Ravan nodded. ‘I think we need to find him and let him know that his sister returns and that his brother is now his enemy.’

‘Will he believe us?’

‘He has to. We must make sure he does.’

‘How long will it take us to reach the forest?’

Ravan frowned. ‘Too long. We’re pretty far west still, so we need to swing east now if we want to make it into the Davarigon region of Droste.’

Roddy smiled. ‘Then we’d better run!’

‘We could never keep pace with each other. My legs are too long.’

The boy regarded him seriously. ‘When you were changing, just before the beautiful serpent woman arrived, I thought I saw something.’

‘Oh yes, what was that?’

Roddy bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut as he made himself remember. ‘It was like a dream. I could see you running.’

‘Running, eh? Perhaps because I was about to be given the legs of a man.’

‘No, it was as though I was being shown something. I see things sometimes. I keep them to myself because they can be bad. There was a time when I had a vision of the crops failing. Another time I saw that the Robbun family’s only son would die of the shaking fever — and that was a whole anni before, when he was healthy.’

‘I see. Those aren’t nice visions to have.’

Roddy nodded. ‘My mother told me to keep them to myself. So when I saw the fire in my mind — the one that I told you about, that brought me here?’ Ravan nodded. ‘Well, I didn’t tell anyone that it would happen but every day I waited for it. And one day it came and I was ready.’ He pulled a rueful face. ‘I didn’t know I’d have to try and save Plod, of course.’ At Ravan’s frown, Roddy grinned. ‘My cat.’

‘Ah. Brave.’

‘Not really. He was a good friend to me.’

‘Did you see Piven in your vision?’

Roddy shook his head. ‘No, but I knew I would be hurt badly but survive. I trust my visions. They are never wrong.’

‘And so you’ve had a vision about me?’

‘I think you have the power to move as freely and easily as you did when you were a bird,’ Roddy replied gravely.


Roddy exploded into laughter. ‘No. You don’t have wings any more!’

‘Then how?’

‘On those legs you are so proud of. I think they will carry you much faster than you can imagine.’


Roddy nodded. ‘Let’s try.’

‘All right,’ Ravan said, bemused. ‘Stand back!’ he said dramatically, making Roddy grin. ‘Here goes.’ He ran and was out of Roddy’s sight within moments, but returned at immense speed, dust swirling in his wake.

‘Strike me!’ Ravan declared. ‘I’m glad you shared your vision!’

Roddy laughed loudly. ‘You were gone from sight within a blink. Have you any idea how fast you are?’

Ravan shook his head with wonder. ‘I see everything ahead in perfect clarity but everything else is a blur rushing by. I can feel the wind created by my speed. I know it’s fast.’

‘I think we can get to the forest rather quickly if you can manage me on your back.’

‘Manage? This incarnation has given me the strength of two men, I’m sure. Come on, Roddy, we have a journey to make, into the hills above the Deloran Forest.’
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