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Tyrant’s Blood

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Piven held a finger in the air. ‘Most. Not all.’

Greven shook his head in bewilderment. ‘How would you know?’

‘I can sense it. But my skills aside, any rational person would have to allow that there would always be potential for rebellion, as long as a Valisar remained alive.’

‘But you’re not Valisar, Piven!’

Piven gave him such a look of disdain that Greven actually flinched. ‘I was referring to Leo.’

‘We have no idea if he’s ali—’

‘He is. I feel it,’ Piven said casually, raising the water skin to his mouth. He swallowed. ‘And as long as he is, there will be people who will rally for the Valisars. And I’m extremely useful, I’m sure, as a symbol for the Valisar Crown until he reveals himself.’

Greven cleared his throat. ‘Piven, you sound so much older than you are.’

Piven turned and there was his beautiful uncomplicated smile again. ‘Is that a bad thing?’

‘No. No, not at all,’ Greven said, gathering his wits. ‘Refreshing, in fact…but unnerving all the same.’

Piven’s smile widened. ‘Sorry. But forcing me to leave my home has brought this all out of me. We’ve lived in a very protected, remote manner, haven’t we, Greven? And now, suddenly, I’m being forced to confront the real world. Real dangers.’

‘Indeed. I would save you from it if I could.’

‘I know. You may have to yet.’

Again, there it was; knowledge of something…a cryptic comment in a response as though Greven had given some form of admission. He was baffled by it. The truth was, he realised, he was baffled by Piven this day. He could hardly recognise him as the same quietly spoken, generally remote youth he’d shared a home with only a day or so earlier. Now he felt as though he was talking with an equal—an outspoken, well-informed one at that. ‘One more question, if I may?’ he asked.

Piven looked up through his straggly dark hair. ‘Yes?’

‘When do you remember first making sense of what was being said around you?’

The boy nodded. ‘I’ve asked myself that same question many times. I always return to the same answer.’

‘Which is?’

‘When my father, the king, died.’

Greven didn’t have the heart to correct Piven. Besides, the boy would likely leap down his throat anyway. He didn’t need any further reminding of his lineage. ‘Can you describe that time? Not the horror of it but what was happening to you, I mean.’

‘I can’t, really. I just think I became more aware of everyone around me then. Real thoughts were impacting, people’s comments made a little more sense, I could focus a little bit. But only a bit. My main anchor, I suppose you could call him, was Vyk. When he was around I could concentrate and all the noises and confusion that usually filled my head would lessen a lot.’

‘Is the bird magical?’ Greven asked.

Piven shrugged. ‘He was to me.’

That was an evasive answer but Greven let it go. ‘Where has he gone?’

‘He’ll find us.’

‘Why are you so sure?’

‘I just am. He hasn’t finished with me.’

Greven knew he should leave it alone, but he couldn’t. ‘So you think it was the death of King Brennus that allowed you to…to…’

‘To enter the world properly, yes,’ Piven replied. ‘But not immediately. It took time. You know how I was in the beginning.’

‘I do. But now look at you. I feel as though you’ve changed since we sat down!’

Piven smiled, a true sunny smile. ‘I think being on the run like this has made me accept that I can’t keep hiding from who I am. Like you said, there will be people who would use my presence as a rally cry for those still loyal to the Valisars. And then there are those who would make use of my magics for their own gain. I’m not sure I would permit either.’

He sounded so grown up it was astonishing. Greven tried not to show his surprise. ‘But we are loyal to the Valisars, surely?’

‘Of course, but I won’t be a pawn for someone else’s rebellion, Greven. I think I must find Leo.’

‘No, Piven. I had no intention of embarking on a crusade. I want us to escape attention, not go looking for it.’

‘You were hoping we could blend into another invisible life—Jon Lark and his son Petor?’

Greven frowned. ‘Yes.’

‘Then you’re being naive.’ Greven felt a spike of fresh anxiety as Piven continued. ‘If this man Clovis can find me now he can find me again. And if he can find me so can Loethar or anyone else who wants me dead, or alive, or as a symbol, or as a Vested, or as a—’

‘Stop. Piven, what’s happening to you?’

Greven watched the boy he loved take a long slow breath before he spoke. He watched as the dark eyes lifted to regard his. ‘What’s happening is that I’m being realistic. I am accepting that I cannot have the quiet life in the hut in the forest and that I can no longer be Piven in disguise as Petor Lark and I am discovering that my magic will not be still.’

Greven stared at him, awe and anxiety battling within.

‘This magic I have,’ Piven continued. ‘Wild or divine or whatever in Lo’s name this skill I possess is, it claws at me. It has for a long time. And I have resisted it for all that time. I’m beginning to think that those first five anni were protection granted by the heavens. Now I fear something dangerous is lurking.’

Greven didn’t know what to say. He watched the youngster weigh the blade in his hand, and then, as if having made a decision, he handed it back to Greven. ‘Put this back in your sack. We’d better clear up and be on our way again.’

Greven nodded dumbly, not understanding why he felt suddenly intensely frightened.

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Freath looked expectantly at Kirin. ‘Well?’

Kirin dragged his kerchief from a pocket and wiped his mouth. ‘I’m not sure I’ll ever eat anything again without comparing it to this evening’s fare.’

Freath smiled. ‘I knew you’d enjoy it.’ He sipped at an ale he wasn’t interested in. ‘You were gone long enough. Did you make sure your horse is docile? They can be unscrupulous up in the north with unsuspecting travellers.’

‘She’s gentle enough. I’ll be fine,’ Kirin assured. ‘In fact’—he bent to gaze out of the window—‘it’s past dusk. I should go.’

‘What a rotten time of the day to be setting out on a journey. You could be set upon by bandits.’

Kirin smiled. ‘I’ve taken precautions. I met up with some merchants at the stables. A group of them are leaving at twilight and I’ll accompany them. We’ll likely travel through most of the night back towards the city. There’s plenty of them and they have a couple of armed men besides. Don’t worry.’
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