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Don Carlos

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A Posa's heart. It beat for human kind.
His passion was the world, and the whole course
Of future generations yet unborn.
To do them service he secured a throne —
And lost it. Such high treason 'gainst mankind
Could Posa e'er forgive himself? Oh, no;
I know his feelings better. Not that he
Carlos preferred to Philip, but the youth —
The tender pupil, – to the aged monarch.
The father's evening sunbeam could not ripen
His novel projects. He reserved for this
The young son's orient rays. Oh, 'tis undoubted,
They wait for my decease.


And of your thoughts,
Read in these letters strongest confirmation.


'Tis possible he may miscalculate.
I'm still myself. Thanks, Nature, for thy gifts;
I feel within my frame the strength of youth;
I'll turn their schemes to mockery. His virtue
Shall be an empty dream – his death, a fool's.
His fall shall crush his friend and age together.
We'll test it now – how they can do without me.
The world is still for one short evening mine,
And this same evening will I so employ,
That no reformer yet to cone shall reap
Another harvest, in the waste I'll leave,
For ten long generations after me.
He would have offered me a sacrifice
To his new deity – humanity!
So on humanity I'll take revenge.
And with his puppet I'll at once commence.

[To the DUKE ALVA.

What you have now to tell me of the prince,
Repeat. What tidings do these letters bring?


These letters, sire, contain the last bequest
Of Posa to Prince Carlos.

KING (reads the papers, watched by all present. He then lays them aside and walks in silence up and down the room)

Summon straight
The cardinal inquisitor; and beg

He will bestow an hour upon the king,

This very night!


Just on the stroke of two
The horses must be ready and prepared,
At the Carthusian monastery.


Despatched by me, moreover, have observed
Equipments at the convent for a journey,
On which the prince's arms were recognized.


And it is rumored that large sums are raised
In the queen's name, among the Moorish agents,
Destined for Brussels.


Where is Carlos?


With Posa's body.


And there are lights as yet
Within the queen's apartments?


Is silent there. She has dismissed her maids
Far earlier than as yet has been her custom.
The Duchess of Arcos, who was last with her,
Left her in soundest sleep.

[An officer of the Body Guard enters, takes the DUKE OF FERIA aside, and whispers to him. The latter, struck with surprise, turns to DUKE ALVA. The others crowd round him, and a murmuring noise arises.

FERIA, TAXIS, and DOMINGO (at the same time)
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