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The Ultimate Body Plan: 75 easy recipes plus workouts for a leaner, fitter you

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Fed up with dieting? Have you tried everything before and failed? Has your sel-esteem and body confidence dropped through the floor. If so, then Gemma’s plan is for you.80 delicious, easy recipes plus a 12 week workout that can deliver real results this Plan can motivate everyone on their way to achieving a fit, strong healthy body and a postiive mental attitude to boot.Gemma Atkinson has spent over half her life in the public eye – from playing Lisa Hunter in Hollyoaks at 15 to now, aged 33, writing her first book. Almost 20 years of pictures across TVs, newspapers and online and accompanying comments have taken their toll. For the last 5 years she’s decided not to care and has found her inner happy and her inner warrior..Watch out Wonder Woman!
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