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The Overland Guide-book

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"A small steamer, now building at Boulac, will shortly be placed at Suez, for the embarkation and landing of passengers and baggage from the India steamers, which will be productive of great comfort and convenience.

"A considerable improvement has already been effected in the landing and embarkation of passengers and baggage at Alexandria; and commodious storehouses have also been erected there, and at the Mahmoudie Canal.

"The occasional difficulties and delays at Atfeh will, in future, be avoided, by the intended erection of a jetty and landing-place there; but, in most cases, the new canal steamers will pass through the locks, and go alongside the Nile steamers, and the change from one to the other will thus be easily and conveniently effected. The navigation of the canal is to be improved by deepening, for which object, three dredging machines are now in operation."


There have been instances of passengers being detained at Trieste, in consequence of there being only three or four wishing to proceed; – the steamer did not start.


See Appendix A. (#pgepubid00008)


Eighty pounds will carry a man through Italy, Switzerland, and France, with comfort, allowing for several days' stay at each place of interest.


Mr. Hill is the Southampton Custom-house agent of the "Peninsular and Oriental Company."


Government have the option of accepting your valuation. If they disapprove the estimate of the proprietor, they are empowered to seize the goods, but, in that case, must pay ten per cent. advance on your valuation.


The principal zodiac has since been removed.

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