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The Indian Princess

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Music. They take leave of the Princess; she remains silently dejected; her eyes anxiously follow Rolfe, who lingers behind, and is the last to take leave

Princess. Stranger, wilt thou too come to Werocomoco?

Rolfe. Dost thou wish it, lady?

Princess. [Eagerly.] O yes!

Rolfe. And why, lovely lady?

Princess. My eyes are pleased to see thee, and my ears to hear thee, stranger.

Rolfe. And did not the others who were here also please thy sight and hearing?

Princess. Oh! they were all goodly; but – their eyes looked not like thine; their voices sounded not like thine; and their speeches were not like thy speeches, stranger.

Rolfe. Enchanting simplicity! But why call me stranger? Captain Smith thou callest brother. Call me so too.

Princess. Ah, no!

Rolfe. Then thou thinkest not of me as thou dost of him? [She shakes her head and sighs.] Is Captain Smith dear to thee?

Princess. Oh yes! very dear; [Rolfe is uneasy.] and Nantaquas too: they are my brothers; – but – that name is not thine – thou art —

Rolfe. What, lovely lady?

Princess. I know not; I feel the name thou art, but I cannot speak it.

Rolfe. I am thy lover, dear princess.

Princess. Yes, thou art my lover. But why call me princess?

Rolfe. Dear lady, thou art a king's daughter.

Princess. And if I were not, what wouldst thou call me?

Rolfe. Oh! if thou wert a beggar's, I would call thee love!

Princess. I know not what a beggar is; but oh! I would I were a beggar's daughter, so thou wouldst call me love. Ah! do not longer call me king's daughter. If thou feelest the name as I do, call me as I call thee: thou shalt be my lover; I will be thy lover.

Rolfe. Enchanting, lovely creature!

    [Kisses her ardently.

Princess. Lover, thou hast made my cheek to burn, and my heart to beat! Mark it.

Rolfe. Dear innocence!

    [Putting his hand to her heart.

Princess. Lover, why is it so? To-day before my heart beat, and mine eyes were full of tears; but then my white brother was in danger. Thou art not in danger, and yet behold – [Wipes a tear from her eye.] Besides, then, my heart hurt me, but now! Oh, now! – Lover, why is it so?

    [Leaning on him with innocent confidence.

Rolfe. Angel of purity! thou didst to-day feel pity; and now – Oh, rapturous task to teach thee the difference! – now, thou dost feel love.

Princess. Love!

Rolfe. Love: the noblest, the sweetest passion that could swell thy angel bosom.

Princess. Oh! I feel that 'tis very sweet. Lover, with thy lips thou didst make me feel it. My lips shall teach thee sweet love. [Kisses him, and artlessly looks up in his face; placing her hand upon his heart.] Does thy heart beat?

Rolfe. Beat! O heaven! —

    [Robin, who had been with Nima, comes forward.

Robin. Gad! we must end our amours, or we shall be left. Sir, my master, hadn't we better —

Rolfe. Booby! idiot!

Enter Walter

Walter. Sir, lieutenant, the captain awaits your coming up.

Rolfe. I'll follow on the instant.

Princess. Thou wilt not go?

Rolfe. But for a time, love.

Princess. I do not wish thee to leave me.

Rolfe. I must, love; but I will return.

Princess. Soon – very soon?

Rolfe. Very – very soon.

Princess. I am not pleased now – and yet my heart beats. Oh, lover!

Rolfe. My angel! there shall not a sun rise and set, ere I am with thee. Adieu! thy own heavenly innocence be thy safeguard. Farewell, sweet love!

Music. He embraces her and exit, followed by Robin and Walter. Princess looks after him. A pause

Princess. O Nima!

Nima. Princess, white men are pow-wows. The white man put his lips here, and I felt something – here —

    [Putting her hand to her heart.

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