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The Indian Princess

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    [Music. Smith expresses his gratitude.

Nantaquas. Father, hear the design that fills my breast. I will go among the white men; I will learn their arts; and my people shall be made wise and happy.

Pocahontas. I too will accompany my brother.

Miami. Princess! —

Pocahontas. Away, cruel Miami; you would have murdered my brother! —

Powhatan. Go, my son; take thy warriors, and go with the white men. Daughter, I cannot lose thee from mine eyes; accompany thy brother but a little on his way. Stranger, depart in peace; I entrust my son to thy friendship.

Smith. Gracious sir,
He shall return with honours and with wonders;
My beauteous sister! noble brother, come!

Music. Exeunt, on one side, Smith, Princess, Nantaquas, Nima, and train. On the other, King, Priest, Miami, &c. The two latter express angry discontent

Scene II. A forest

Enter Percy, Rolfe


So far indeed 'tis fruitless, yet we'll on.


Aye, to the death.


Brave Percy, come, confess
You have forgot your love.


Why, faith, not quite;
Despite of me, it sometimes through my mind
Flits like a dark cloud o'er a summer sky;
But passes off like that, and leaves me cloudless.
I can't forget that she was sweet as spring;
Fair as the day.


Aye, aye, like April weather;
Sweet, fair, and faithless.


True alas! like April!

Song– Percy

Fair Geraldine each charm of spring possest,
Her cheek glow'd with the rose and lily's strife;
Her breath was perfume, and each winter'd breast
Felt that her sunny eyes beam'd light and life.

Alas! that in a form of blooming May,
The mind should April's changeful liv'ry wear!
Yet ah! like April, smiling to betray,
Is Geraldine, as false as she is fair!


Beshrew the little gipsy! let us on.

    [Exeunt Percy, Rolfe.

Enter Larry, Walter, Robin, &c

Larry. Go no further? Och! you hen-hearted cock robin!

Robin. But, master Larry —

Walter. Prithee, thou evergreen aspen leaf, thou non-intermittent ague! why didst along with us?

Robin. Why, you know, my master Rolfe desired it; and then you were always railing out on me for chicken-heartedness. I came to shew ye I had valour.

Walter. But forgetting to bring it with thee, thou wouldst now back for it; well, in the name of Mars, go; return for thy valour, Robin.

Robin. What! alone?

Larry. Arrah! then stay here till it comes to you, and then follow us.

Robin. Stay here! O Lord, methinks I feel an arrow sticking in my gizzard already! Hark ye, my sweet master, let us sing.

Larry. Sing?

Robin. Sing; I'm always valiant when I sing. Beseech you, let us chaunt the glee that I dish'd up for us three.

Larry. It has a spice of your cowardly cookery in it.

Walter. But since 'tis a provocative to Robin's valour —

Larry. Go to: give a lusty hem, and fall on.

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