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Freedom from the Diet Trap: Slim for Life

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I could write an entire book on just weight loss drugs alone, but the point I want to illustrate is once again what on earth do any of these pills do to get to the cause of the excess weight problem? What can they possibly do to stop someone’s desire for certain foods? It may stop someone eating certain amounts of fat through fear of a sudden ‘soiling of their pants’, but what on earth does it do to stop the excess consumption of refined sugar – the biggest cause of excess bodily fat there is? What does it do to stop them even wanting fatty foods but just not having them through fear? Even if someone does lose weight taking any weight loss drug, if nothing has been done to change the way that person perceives what they eat or the way they eat, then what on earth stops them piling the weight back on when they stop taking the pill? Doesn’t this work in exactly the same way as the ‘fad diets’ many in the dietetic and medical profession slag off so readily? Aren’t these over the counter diet pills a ‘quick fix’ solution? Once the ‘quick fix’ is over, it’s back to the same pattern of behaviour which caused the problem in the first place. Once again, excess bodily fat is a physical symptom of addictivepsychological problem. With that in mind, please rest assured that in my opinion there will never be a weight loss pill that can possibly send you to the utopia of a Food Freedom mentality and so the land of the thin.

Shortly before going to press the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) recommended the suspension of the marketing authorization of Accomplia, as Rimonabant is known as in Europe, because its ‘benefits no longer outweigh its risks’. This despite the fact that the drug was cleared by NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) for use as a last resort on the NHS only four months earlier.

Under The Knife

People’s desperation to get to grips with their weight and health doesn’t simply stop at radical, nutritionally unsound, diets or suspect diet pills. Going under the surgeon’s knife is getting more and more popular. In the United States alone, 177,600 operations were performed in 2007, according to the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery. One of the most common operations and now probably the most widely talked about is gastric bypass surgery. This works by making your stomach smaller and removing part of your bowel to make your digestive system shorter. This was also the operation Fern Britton famously had and it’s not for the faint hearted. Personally I feel Fern Britton was given a hard time when it came out her dramatic weight loss was not simply down to diet and exercise, as she had apparently claimed, but rather surgery. I don’t think some realize how low and desperate someone has to get to even contemplate surgery for weight loss. Gastric bypass surgery can be potentially life threatening and is usually used in extreme cases only. However, due to what they deem as the ‘success’ of such operations, the plan is to extend this ‘opportunity’ to those who aren’t necessarily morbidly obese (large chance of dying as a result of their weight), but just obese. Please understand that the way obesity and morbid obesity is measured at the moment is using an antiquated system known as BMI (Body Mass Index). This ridiculous system doesn’t take into account muscle mass and is completely inaccurate in many cases. This system even shows the extremely muscular and well-toned rugby player Jonny Wilkinson as obese! Pretty soon you will have slightly overweight people (who according to the BMI scale are obese) getting this surgery. It’s also worth knowing that we are already in a position where many children are now going under the knife for obesity, yes kids.

Once again though I have the same question – does this treat the cause or the symptom? Unlike drug pills I can actually see an argument for some types of weight loss surgery. There would, I believe without question, be some people who would be dead now without it. However, this type of treatment is getting more and more popular and for some, far from being the last resort, it can be seen as the ‘easy’ solution and one of the first things they try. Easy is not the word I would use for this operation, stomach bypass or any similar procedures. Remember, these operations don’t stop you wanting certain foods; you just can’t eat as much of them. So you still want to, but you can’t. This, for many, is a form of living mental torture. Many get around the problem by simply blending a load of junk food with some liquid and drinking it instead. So they are still often having their sugar and refined fat fix, just in a different form or chewing the same crap very slowly. This is why there are some people who despite operations like this, still have problems losing weight. One lady lost just 1 lb (0.45 kg) in the seven weeks following her stomach bypass op. She spent £6,000, went through the nightmare of being under the surgeon’s knife to have her stomach strangled, yet still has exactly the same problem as before. She still battles every day with the mental cravings she has for the chocolates, cola, cakes, and all the other artificial sweet things that are causing the problem – and she still consumes them. She is still on a permanent mental diet – still constantly trying to fight a desire to eat and drink certain foods. And exactly the same can happen with jaw wiring, the stomach ‘pacemaker’ (yes there is one) or any of the other drastic surgical methods used to try and shift the fat.

When In Doubt – Suck It Out!

Then we have those who don’t fancy the idea of their stomach being stapled and having to restrict what they eat, and opt for a bit of liposuction. No willpower, discipline, and control needed here, simply let them knock you out and suck the fat out. You then leave hospital so battered and bruised you feel like you have just gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson – but at least you’re thinner! Your skin is the biggest organ of the body and when you start cutting it open and sucking fat out, it simply cannot be a good thing to do. And, like all the other weight loss methods I have mentioned here, liposuction again does absolutely nothing to remove the psychological addiction to certain foods and drinks and desire for them. All it does is treat the physical symptoms of being mentally locked in what I describe as ‘the food trap’.

Set Yourself Free

What’s required is a very different approach. The irony is, as I will keep mentioning throughout this book, that the whole process of changing what you eat in order to get slim and healthy and to stay slim and healthy is ridiculously simple. The problem is we have all been going about it the wrong way for so long we are all totally convinced that there isn’t an easy way. We all strongly believe losing weight will require tremendous amounts of willpower, discipline, and self-control for life. We think if we don’t possess such strengths, we will need to seek out pills, patches (yes there is a weight loss patch!), or the fat hoover to help us get thin. However, just because we believe something is difficult to virtually impossible – and even if that belief is backed up by 99 per cent of the population – it doesn’t make it so. If I can simply a) change this false belief and b) show you an extremely easy way of thinking that will set you free around food in a way you possibly haven’t felt in years, freedom is yours.

This process cannot only be easy, but also enjoyable. The answer is not to starve yourself, cut yourself open, pop a pill or staple your stomach, but to change the way you think about the ‘foods’ in order to successfully, not go on a diet, but …

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CHANGE YOUR DIET (#ulink_5715163c-c3ad-58e4-b865-6a836ae39066)

When I was unhealthy, tired, lethargic, and fat, I knew, as we all do, that if I ate plenty of fruit, vegetables, and salads I would be slim and healthy. The problem was I actually hated vegetables and salads. I had fruit every now and again – summer mainly – and even then only the odd orange. As for salads, somehow I don’t think the token side salad, which I hardly touched, really counted. The main difficulty I had was that I simply didn’t like the taste of vegetables and salads and they just never seemed to satisfy. Even the fruits I did eat didn’t seem to satisfy me the same way as steak and chips. Besides which, I had always been conditioned to believe that if you ate that ‘rabbit food’ you were being boring. No, my regular diet was comprised of steak and chips; McDonald’s; Burger King; chocolate; crisps; a big ‘hearty’ breakfast; tons of tea and coffee; loads of white bread and butter; big helpings of white pasta; egg or beans on toast; hot dogs; Sunday roast. In fact, you name it I ate it – as long as it wasn’t green! I often looked at well-prepared, beautiful-looking salads and thought, ‘I really wish I liked that, but I just don’t’. If I could get as much pleasure and satisfaction from eating fruit, salad, vegetables, and drinking carrot juice as I do eating steak and chips and drinking Coke, then I would do it – who wouldn’t?

Well it transpires you can and the change really is simple. I know at this stage that may sound like rubbish, especially for those who have tried ‘everything’ in the past, but I did say at the start that an open mind is vital for success here. Not only will you get just as much pleasure and satisfaction from your new way of eating, but infinitely more so. These days I wouldn’t even let you pay me to eat a McDonald’s or Burger King, yet for years these were my ‘brand’ of food and I ate them daily.

When I wake up in the morning now and head straight for my juicer and blender, I do so not because I ‘have to’ or because I need to lose weight due to some restrictive diet. I do so because I wouldn’t dream of doing anything else now, it has bizarrely become my choice; I actually want to do it. When I choose a meal at a restaurant now I actually look for tasty salad!

I am writing this with some surprise because a few years ago, the first thing I ‘had’ to do in the morning was stick the kettle on to give myself a caffeine ‘boost’. I now know this was to try and get me over my junkie food hangover (more about that later). I would then eat a big bowl of cereal, several rounds of toast and maybe a couple of boiled eggs. At the weekends my breakfast consisted of everything that was on offer at JJ’s café. The great British breakfast – the bedrock of a good heart attack as they say.

I used to have images of people who owned a juicer, drank carrot juice and ate leaves. One which perhaps you have at the moment. I would think ‘What sad, boring people – what on earth do they do for fun?’ But how deluded was I? As if I was having enormous amounts of fun being a fat, tired, and lethargic person, hating the way I felt and looked on an almost daily basis. As if I was enjoying a life where I was constantly battling with my intake of food or the latest ‘diet’. I believe this is where we all have got it wrong. I always thought that if I stopped eating the junk I would be making a sacrifice and if I did eat overeat and/or eat junk it was somehow a wonderful life. I thought if I drank fresh juice, ate good food, created the body I wanted, felt light, and had the energy I required to live my dreams that I would somehow be missing out, I would be making massive sacrifices to get what I wanted. But the question is, what sacrifices? I don’t think we ever stop to actually ask that very important question. Whenever I overate it would always be followed by thoughts of, ‘I wish I hadn’t done that’ or ‘why did I do that’. I never really enjoyed the food either as it would be gone in seconds. I was eyeing up the next mouthful before I had eaten the one on my fork! I was setting myself up for a lifetime of misery, lethargy, and being overweight all for literally seconds of what I thought was genuine pleasure – even though I hated myself soon afterwards. I would hardly call that a fair trade off.

I often felt bloated after eating a pile of what I deemed as ‘the most pleasurable food on earth’. My physical problems were clearly caused by the amount of the foods I was eating and the quantities I consumed. These foods would always seem nice in my mind before I ate them, but as soon as I did, I wished I hadn’t. That’s not true satisfaction; it’s the complete opposite.

Since changing my diet I now see the truth – there was nothing special about these foods at all, it was one incredibly clever illusion, one which I believe has deluded millions around the world. Like any illusion, it appears extremely real until it gets shattered. That is precisely what this book is about; page by page it will gradually chip away at the illusion until it is completely shattered and that ‘light-bulb’ moment will be yours for the taking.

Contrary to what we have been conditioned to believe it is extremely easy to switch your diet as opposed to going on one, we have all simply been looking at the wrong way for so many years we find it hard to believe it can be ridiculously easy.

A Sweet Change For The Better

For example, I know many people who used to love sugar in their tea and at the time would never drink it without, but now wouldn’t pay you for a cup with even a grain in it. Why not? What has changed? The tea and the sugar have always remained exactly the same. The difference is they have simply trained themselves to like tea and coffee without sugar. The process is not hard; in fact it usually takes all of a week to get used to any new taste. The week is not painful, just a bit strange at first like any change. The coffee without sugar does not taste wonderful at first but after a while it soon starts to taste better to the person than it did with sugar in. The point that I am making is that the vast majority of people who make this change, would now never drink tea or coffee with sugar in it again. Not because they can’t, or because they are being forced not to, but because they have no desire to any more. This is an extremely important point to understand in order to reach ‘Food Freedom’ mentality. They aren’t on a ‘no sugar in tea diet’. In other words they don’t stare longingly at people adding sugar to their tea and feel envious because they can’t have it. The reason for this is simple. They can have sugar in their tea, but are now choosing not to. Diet mentality is one of, ‘I want, but I can’t have’ (which is enough to drive anyone of strong will, crazy. Yes strong will, I will expand on this later) but when you change your diet you have a, ‘I can, but I don’t actually want to’ mentality. When you have this mentality and have changed your diet as opposed to gone on a diet, there is no need to use any form of willpower, discipline, or self-control. In fact, those who do stop sugar in their tea and have done so for a little while, act as if you have poisoned them if you put some in (which in a way you have). The point is clear and simple: by changing their brand they will never have to use willpower, discipline, or self-control not to have sugar in their tea again. In other words – they are genuinely free to choose.


This is a theme I will be repeating throughout the book – ‘you cannot have freedom of genuine choice, without the freedom also to be able to refuse’. It is interesting to observe that people who are mentally on a diet detest it so much because they feel their genuine freedom of choice has been removed. What they don’t seem to realize is that in many cases they aren’t actually genuinely choosing to eat the foods causing the health and excess fat problems anyway. They often want to stop the diet in order to get back to the freedom of choice they believed they enjoyed. This is an illusion for, as I will repeat, you simply cannot have genuine freedom of choice without genuine freedom to refuse. If people could simply choose to refuse, then diets would be obsolete and no one on earth would have a weight problem. People would simply exercise their genuine freedom of choice to refuse. If you could genuinely choose to have or not to have, then you wouldn’t be reading this book. The reality is our choices are being made for us. BIG FOOD and BIG DRINK – just like the tobacco companies over forty years ago – are adding chemicals to our ‘food’ and ‘drinks’ in order to make us feel hungrier faster. Haven’t you ever wondered why logically you just couldn’t simply stop eating certain things, even when it has gone completely against your intelligent rational judgement?

Addiction and logic don’t go together, if they did no intelligent person would have ever smoked after it became clear it causes cancer and nobody would continue overeating and/or eating rubbish knowing it makes them fat, ill, miserable and can cause premature death. Logically, if this type of eating made people happy, everyone who is overweight would all be leading blissfully happy lives.


Coincidentally as I write this book a teenager has made front page headlines in the Sun newspaper in the UK. Georgia Davis has the unenviable title of being ‘Britain’s Fattest Teen’ weighing it at 33 stone (209 kg) at only 15 years of age. Consuming between eight to twelve thousand calories a day it’s easy to see how she got to be that big. The big mistake people make, including Georgia herself, is that it is not her choice to eat like this. There is no way on earth this poor and desperate girl genuinely chooses to eat the amount she does and be the size she is. If she had genuine freedom of choice she would simply stop eating so much rubbish and switch to fruit, veggies, and salads. Doctors have told her ‘she could drop dead at any moment’, no doubt believing a touch of ‘stating the bloody obvious’ would somehow help her. If anything, trying to scare any kind of addict off their drug rarely if ever works, in fact it usually has the opposite effect. For example one of the times a smoker will reach for a cigarette is when they are stressed and uptight. I remember my doctor telling me that if I continued smoking my lungs would collapse. I was so scared and stressed when I came out what do you think was the first thing I did? Yes – light a fag to help calm me down! The same principle applies to drug food. You tell someone like Georgia that she will die unless she changes, it won’t help her. She will simply find somewhere to cut off from the world and eat. Why? Because, as I will repeat, addiction and logic have no place together. Georgia said, ‘I can’t walk any more than a few steps without getting out of breath and a few months ago I developed type 2 diabetes. When I look in the mirror I feel sad and go to my bedroom and cry. I know it’s partly my fault. But it’s so hard to stop eating.’

But it’s not hard to stop eating apples, bananas, grapes, cucumber, sardines, or spinach – even when people love these foods. Why? Because they are not drug-like foods and they don’t create a hole, they genuinely feed the body. Georgia went on to say, ‘Food is like a drug. Some people choose heroin but I’ve chosen food and it’s killing me.’

But that’s the point; no one actually chooses to be a heroin addict any more than they choose to get hooked on certain foods. The more you try to fill the hole with the substances creating the hole the bigger the hole gets. All that has happened to 33 stone (209 kg) Georgia is the hole has got out of all proportion and the only thing which appears to give any degree of satisfaction is an enormous amount of the same. This poor girl knows it’s killing her, knows it has caused her to have diabetes and even knows she could drop down dead at any moment, yet she still continues to struggle. This is because telling her what she is doing is killing her is the same as telling someone in quicksand they are in fact in quicksand and should get out. SHE KNOWS! This girl knows all the reasons why she shouldn’t eat all this rubbish daily, what she doesn’t know is what compels her to do so against her rational judgement. And that is precisely what makes this book so very different to any ‘diet’ book you have ever read and is precisely what will enable you to break totally free.

It is interesting to see that Georgia Davis said that eating is ‘like a drug’ to her. What I am saying is that it’s not simply ‘like a drug to her’, it is a drug and it is a drug to millions of people all over the world. This is due not to some inherent weakness in those millions of individuals, but the addictive nature of the drug-food itself. It is true that not everyone who smokes cigarettes becomes heavily addicted, but nearly all are addicted to some degree. The same applies to drug-like foods and drinks. Not everyone is this heavily addicted, but millions are certainly addicted to some degree. This is not the nature of the people but the nature of the substances themselves. And it’s not ‘food’ per se that they are overeating and ‘using’ as an emotional crutch, it’s drug-like food that people become addicted to and use to try and feed an emotion. After all I don’t see too many people attending Apple Anonymous or going to weekly meetings to try to stop eating broccoli do you?

This is why I disagree so vehemently with people like Paul McKenna. While I admire much of his work in other areas, I cannot agree with his ‘I Can Make You Thin’ principles due to the addictive nature of the foods themselves. Paul suggests you can eat whatever you like as long as you eat only when you are hungry and stop eating when you are genuinely full. But that’s like saying to a smoker on twenty cigarettes a day that all they have to do to avoid cancer is to cut down to one cigarette a day. While the advice itself is correct – after all I don’t believe anyone would actually get cancer smoking one a day – if you have ever smoked you will know that actually trying to smoke just one a day when you have been on twenty is virtually impossible. And if you did manage it, you wouldn’t be happy, you would just be wishing your life away waiting for that one cigarette. It’s the same with drug-like food. Anyone who is already hooked on a certain amount can’t just ‘cut down’ or ‘eat slowly’ and ‘stop when they feel full’. In fact these drug-like foods often trigger an almost uncontrollable urge to binge and overeat. How many times have you thought ‘just the one’ chocolate or biscuit and before you know where you are you have polished off a great deal more?

Georgia Davis cannot stop eating when she is full because she never feels full. In the same way your body builds up an immunity and tolerance to a drug, it does the same with drug-like food and drink. You end up needing more and more in order to try and fill the hole and void the drug itself has created. Georgia’s problem is she does eat when she feels hungry, the problem is she feels hungry most of the time due to the addictive nature of these foods and drinks. What Georgia ultimately needs is to starve the false hungers and create a genuine one. Once that happens then and only then can the advice of ‘eat when hungry’ and ‘stop when full’ be effective.


I need you to realize that the trap you find yourself in, the one I found myself in and the one millions are in all over the world is simply a result of clever marketing and chemicals designed to make you feel ultimately dissatisfied. They create a hole, which appears to be filled with more of the same, yet in reality the hole gets bigger till in the end you don’t ever truly appear to be able to fill it. The irony is we believe this empty feeling can only be filled with more of the same rubbish, which is perhaps the biggest aspect of the illusion – as you will discover.

The ‘food’ business is the same as any other and BIG FOOD simply wants to sell more. They will only do this by removing genuine nutrients (to create a malnourished body which always demands more in a desperate need for the right nutritional requirements) and adding chemicals, which compel an otherwise intelligent person to eat certain things and eat more than they would ever do in their rational mind. Despite 15-year-old Georgia’s immense size, the main reason for her insatiable hunger is malnutrition. She, like millions, is overfed but undernourished.

If you change your diet and don’t go on a diet – in the same way as when a person gets used not to having sugar in their tea and coffee – you never have to think about your diet again. You will be free to genuinely choose what you put into your body and you won’t be a slave to, or victim of, the BIG FOOD system.

I want to make this point clear: I am not being ‘good’ drinking freshly extracted vegetable juice daily and skipping the junkie food in favour of good wholesome foods, I choose to do it – it’s my regular diet now. The people who no longer take sugar in their tea have no desire to go back and I have no desire to go back either. This whole ‘being good’ is a nonsense way of thinking anyway and is part of the ‘diet trap’. For example, are you being good for not taking heroin? Do you feel proud of yourself because you haven’t sniffed glue today? If you did feel proud then it would mean that you indeed have a glue problem. I am not proud of myself for not stuffing myself with crap today, I just don’t want to eat this stuff as my main diet any more. Unlike a conventional diet (in the restrictive sense), I can eat and drink whatever I want, whenever I want, I no longer have to put restrictions on myself. The difference is that I just do not want them any more. I am not being ‘good’ for eating what I do, it is now my genuine choice to. I am not continuing to do what I do to lose weight, because I’m already slim, and I’m not doing it to stay slim – I’m doing it because it is now my brand and I love it!


A few years ago I would never have believed that I could literally train myself to love fruits, salads, vegetables, and their juices. I even love avocados now, a fruit I absolutely detested before. However, as macrobiotics has been teaching for years, you will adapt and learn to love any food or drink you have on a regular basis (I am unsure if Brussel sprouts are included in that mind you). That is something I would have dismissed in an instant a few years ago, but there is a great deal of truth in it. Years back I tried some Chinese herbal medicine in an attempt to clear my skin of psoriasis. The best way I can describe the medicine is tree bark. I had to boil what looked like bits of tree and forest detritus in water twice every day. To say this stuff stank would be putting it mildly and it tasted as bitter as a winter’s night in Halifax. I hated it to say the least, but I drank it as I was willing to try anything. As I drank this warm muddy-looking water, I would hold my nose and try not to be sick – it really was that bad. Here’s my point: within one month, not only did I get used to the smell and taste – I actually began to like it. This is why changing your diet of food is going to be a breeze, once we remove the brainwashing, conditioning, and trickery of BIG FOOD that is. Nothing you switch to will taste and smell anything like tree bark so the adjustment won’t take anything like a month and you certainly won’t be holding your nose and trying not to be sick during it. In fact, most of the things many of you will already love. But it really doesn’t matter if at this stage a main course salad and some vegetable juice sounds about as appealing as a fortnight’s holiday in Afghanistan. Once all the brainwashing, conditioning, and misinformation regarding your diet of foods and drinks has been removed, and you have the correct mental tools on exactly how to change your diet easily, you will be amazed at what will happen and how easy and enjoyable it can be.

You Health Freak!

This doesn’t mean for one second that once you change your diet all you will be able to eat is salad and fruit – so don’t panic. Halfway through the book you could well start to think it’s all about eating grass, which is why it’s so important to finish the entire book. Trust me, at the end you will be about to eat ANYTHING you want, whenever you want to eat it. The key here is to remove the brainwashing and conditioning and expose BIG FOOD for what it is, so that your genuine choice will be not to have the rubbish nor give your hard earned money to BIG FOOD and BIG DRINK.

I never dreamt that one day I would go out for a meal and actually want a main course of fish or avocado salad – that I would choose it over everything else. I never thought that I would be in a position where I would have vegetable juice daily, seriously, vegetable juice – you would never have thought it. I never imagined that I would go out of my way and actually pass by McDonald’s or Pizza Hut to get to a juice bar or find something healthy. I certainly never thought that I would look at people eating crap with genuine pity as opposed to total envy, as I used to when on a diet. I just feel very lucky that I changed my diet when I did. I often seriously wonder where I would be now if I hadn’t.


Just as important as your diet is the way you eat. In order to get and stay ‘Slim for Life’ and to increase your chance of a longer life, it is vital to learn the process of eating just to the point of being almost full. It has been shown many times over that the lighter the burden put on the digestive system, the longer – on average – a person lives. This principle is key to lifelong slimness.

It takes about twenty to thirty minutes for the body to acknowledge it has all of its nutritional requirements, so if you eat until you are full you have overeaten. This is also why it is so important to chew your food thoroughly, as it gives the body a chance to acknowledge it is going to be fed. The enzymes in your mouth are more powerful than those in your stomach, and it is essential to use your ‘natural blender’ (your mouth) before swallowing to signal the right digestive juices in your stomach. It seems odd that people say they love their food so much, and that is why they find it hard to change, yet it’s the very thing they miss out on every time. Think about it. Most people are on the next forkful as they gulp down the previous unchewed mouthful. They are completely missing their food already!

A study carried out by the University of Osaka, Japan, and published on the website of the British Medical Journal, illustrated that people who eat quickly and eat until they are full are three times as likely to be overweight than those who eat slowly and leave the table without feeling completely full. The study, led by Professor Hiroyasu Iso, suggests that the manner of eating too quickly – and until absolutely full – is a significant factor in the obesity epidemic, as it overrides signals in the brain which would normally tell the person to stop eating. Dr David Haslam, GP and clinical director for the National Obesity Forum, said, ‘The great dietary gurus of a century ago stressed the importance of chewing food for a long time and eating slowly, and these messages are even more important today.’


I know for certain that I will never be overweight again. I know for certain I will never go on a diet. I know that I will not have to worry about whether I am getting the correct nutrients. I have energy, I feel light, I wake up and actually feel awake, I feel mentally sharp, I have regained confidence I had no idea I’d even lost, and I now wear whatever clothes I want. In short, I am what some people would describe as a ‘health freak’ and it is just simply the best feeling in the world and I wouldn’t trade it for any amount of money on earth.

The reason I have written this book is because I also know for certain that once you fully understand every aspect of the ‘diet trap’ and follow a few simple instructions, you too will change what you eat and you will love it. Everyone has it within their power to change their diet for good – because it’s easy. Forget everything you have tried in the past and everything you have heard or read about food – let’s start with a clean slate. No past to drag with us or dwell on, just a compelling future to look forward to.

I have designed this book so that at the end you will not only want to change your diet, but you will literally love the process. And that tends to be one of the main problems people have when they think about changing what they eat. They feel all doom and gloomy before they even start; as if they will be missing out and making a huge sacrifice by making the change. If you change your diet for life and totally change how you look at your old diet then you will never feel as though you are missing out for one simple reason – it will suddenly dawn on you that you aren’t.
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