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A Princess By Christmas

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In the end, she’d learned an important life lesson—don’t trust men with your heart. Eventually they’ll hurt you when you least expect it.

As for Alex DeLuca, she was so far out of that man’s league that it was laughable. So what was she worrying about? She could relax and enjoy having some company for once.

She pressed the automatic garage door opener and started the truck. It coughed and sputtered and the breath caught in her throat. Please don’t let this be another thing I need money to fix. As though in response to her silent prayer, when she turned the key again the engine caught. She exhaled a pent-up breath and put the vehicle in drive.

In no time at all, Alex was seated next to her. “Reese, thank you for allowing me to ride along.”

The Rs rolled off his tongue in such a divine way. She stopped herself just short of swooning. He could definitely say her name as often as he wanted. Realizing that she was letting her thoughts wander, she reminded herself that he was her guest—nothing else.

“Um...sure. No problem.” In an effort to keep her thoughts from straying, she turned on the radio and switched stations until holiday music filled the air. As an afterthought, she said, “I hope you don’t mind some music.”

“Not at all. Back home my mother used to always have music filling the...house.”

She noticed his use of the past tense and then the awkward pause. She wondered if he too was a member of the lost-a-parent-prematurely club. It was not something she’d wish on anyone—no matter the circumstances. But then again, maybe she was reading too much into his choice of words, as English was obviously his second language.

In an effort to change the topic of conversation to something more casual, she said, “That’s right, I was supposed to guess where you’re from. I’m not great with placing accents, but I’m thinking somewhere in the Mediterranean. Maybe Italy?”

“Very good guess. Maybe you are better at figuring out accents than you think.”

English definitely had a different ring to it when Alex was speaking. It had a sort of soothing melody. She could listen to him talk for hours.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what brought you to New York?”

“Business. Or should I say, I am between business negotiations. With people being out of the office for the holidays, I decided to stay in New York and experience a white Christmas.”

“You hope.”


She could feel his gaze on her. “I meant you hope to see a white Christmas. Snow around these parts is hit or miss. The snow we’re getting now might be all we get until after the New Year.”

Was it possible he had no family to go home to? Why else would he rent out an inn for the holiday? Pity welled up in her. She couldn’t blame him for not wanting to spend Christmas alone. She’d had a taste of that when her mother was having problems. It was lonely and sad, filled with nothing but memories.

Which led her to her next question: How did such a handsome, obviously successful man end up alone? Surely he wouldn’t have a hard time finding a date or two. Oh, who was she kidding? He could probably have a different date for breakfast, lunch and dinner, seven days a week, and still have plenty leftover. Perhaps if her life were different she might have given him a chance.

Alex cleared his throat. “Are you sure we’re going in the right direction? We’re heading into the city.”

She had been distracted by their conversation, but she couldn’t imagine she’d turned the wrong way. Just to be sure, she glanced around at the landmarks. “This is the right way.”

“But I thought you said we were going to cut down a Christmas tree.”

“I said I was going to get one, but I never said anything about cutting it down.” She glanced over at him as he slouched down in the seat and adjusted his ball cap. “I’m sorry to disappoint you. But this is really much faster and easier for me.”

“Is it much further?”

“Not far at all. In fact, we’re here.”

She stared out the window at the familiar city lot that was cordoned off with fencing. Pine trees ranging in size from small chubby little guys to tall slender ones littered the lot. People from old to young meandered around, pointing at this tree and that tree. Smiles covered their faces and the years rolled away as each seemed to step back in time and remember the childhood fascination of choosing their very own tree for Santa to leave presents under. If only that feeling of wonderment stayed with everyone. Instead some learned the hard way that things weren’t always as they appeared. Sometimes life was nothing more than an empty illusion.

Reese’s jaw tightened at the grim thought. Anxious to get this over, she said, “I’ll just go check out what’s available that will fit in the foyer. Feel free to look around.”

“What about a tree for yourself?” When she cast him a puzzled look, he added, “You know, for the apartment?”

“I don’t want one. After what happened...oh, never mind. I just don’t have the time to bother.”

She threw open the truck door and hopped out. She’d already circled around to the sidewalk when Alex’s door opened. She noticed that he had the collar on his jacket pulled up and his hat shielded a good portion of his face. He must be cold. If he was here long enough, he’d get used to the cold weather.

He stepped up to her. “Let me know if you need any help.”

“I will. Thank you.”

His gaze moved up and down the walk. If she knew him better, she’d say he looked stressed. But that couldn’t be the case. Who got stressed going to the Christmas tree lot? Maybe a single mom of six active little kids. Now that could be stressful. But not a single grown man.

So what was the true story? Why was Alex all alone for the holidays?

* * *

What had he been thinking to agree to come to this very public place?

Alex glanced around to see if anyone had noticed him. It was far too early in his plan to have his true identity made known. Or worse, for someone to snap a picture of him and publish it on the internet. He pulled his ball cap a little lower. Sure, he had his disguise in place, but he knew that it would not hold up under the close scrutiny of the press’s cameras.

He slouched a bit more and avoided making eye contact with anyone. Fortunately no one seemed to pay him the least bit of attention. The people meandering about seemed more interested in finding the perfect Christmas tree than the couple of dozen other shoppers.

Thousands of holiday lights were strung overhead. This town certainly had a thing for lights, from the little twinkle ones to big flashing signs. He gazed at the trees, wondering what it’d be like to be here with his own family choosing the perfect tree—not that he had any immediate plans for a family. He knew a proper marriage was expected of him, but the thought didn’t appeal to him. His duty was to look after his father, the king.

After all, if it wasn’t for him, his mother, the queen, wouldn’t have been shot by a subversive. The poignant memory of his mother taking a bullet in the chest brought Alex up short. Because of one thoughtless act, he’d devastated lives, leaving his father brokenhearted and alone to shoulder the weight of Mirraccino’s problems.

That long-ago day was still fresh in Alex’s mind. He’d grown up overnight and learned the importance of rules and duty. He didn’t have the luxury to wonder what his life might be like if he were an ordinary citizen. He was a prince and with that came duties that could not be shirked—the consequences were too much to bear.

Still, that didn’t mean he should forgo his manners. And thanking Reese for her hospitality would be the proper thing to do. He stopped in front of a chubby little tree that would look perfect in the apartment. It’d certainly cheer the place up.

A young man with a Santa hat and red apron approached him. “Can I help you?”

“I’d like to buy the little tree in the corner.”

The guy eyed him up as though wondering why he’d want something so tiny. The man rattled off a price and Alex handed over the money.

With the little tree stowed in the back of the pickup, Alex sought out his beautiful hostess, who was pointing out a tall, slender tree to an older man with a white beard. His cheeks were chubby and when he laughed his round belly shook. Alex wondered how many times children had mistaken him for Santa. Even the man’s eyes twinkled when he smiled.

The man glanced at Alex before turning back to Reese. “This must be your other half. You two make a fine-looking couple. Is this your first Christmas together?”

“We’re not together.” Reese’s cheeks filled with color. “I mean, we’re not a couple. We’re...um—”

“Friends,” Alex supplied.

Although on second thought, the man’s observation did have some merit. In fact, the more he thought of it, the more he wondered if the man was on to something. Reese would make any man the perfect girlfriend.

She was certainly beautiful enough. When she smiled, she beamed. And in the short time he’d known her, he’d gotten a glimpse of her strength and determination.
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