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A Princess By Christmas

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She’d make the ideal fake girlfriend.

After all, he was supposed to be in the States because of a love interest. And with the speed with which he’d had to put this plan in motion, he hadn’t had a chance to find someone to fill the role. But if the need arose, would Reese be willing to play along?

Something told him that with some gentle persuasion, she could be brought round to his way of thinking. Okay, maybe it was more a hope than a feeling. But for now none of that mattered. Hopefully his brother’s rushed marriage would be resolved quickly and quietly so that involving Reese wouldn’t be necessary. But it never hurt to be prepared. His father’s motto was Hope for the Best, But Be Prepared for the Worst.

Perhaps Alex should do a little research and see what challenges he would be up against with Reese. He’d probe the subject with her when they were alone in the truck.

Alex leaned over to Reese. “You found a tree?”

“Yes, I did. I think it’ll be perfect.” She pointed to the tree the man inserted into a noisy machine. Alex watched as the tree’s limbs were compressed and bound with rope.

“It’ll make a great Christmas tree. You have good taste.”

Reese turned to him and smiled. Such a simple gesture, and yet his breath hitched and he couldn’t glance away. Big, fluffy snowflakes fluttered and fell all around them. And the twinkle lights reflected in her eyes, making them glitter like gemstones.

“As soon as they bundle it up we can go home.” She moved as if to retrieve the tree, breaking the spell she’d cast over him.

Alex, at last gathering his wits, stepped forward. “I’ll get it.”

She frowned as though she were about to argue, but then she surprised him by saying, “Okay.”

With the tree secured in the bed of the truck, Alex climbed in the heated cab. He rubbed his hands together. “I remembered everything for this outing except my gloves.”

Reese’s face creased with worry lines. “You should have said something. Here, let me crank up the heat.”

“Not necessary. The sting from the pine needles is worse than the cold.”

“Let me know if you need anything when we get back to the house. Antiseptic cream, maybe?”

“I will.” This was his chance to broach the subject in the forefront of his mind. “What did you think of Santa back there mistaking us for a happy couple?”

“That he needs a new pair of glasses.”

“Surely being my girlfriend wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”

Once stopped at a red light, Reese gave him a long look.

He started to feel a bit paranoid, as though he had a piece of lettuce in his teeth or something. “What?”

“I’m just looking for some sign that you hit your head when you were swinging that tree around.”

“Very funny.” When she smiled, a funny sensation filled his chest. “You still haven’t answered my question. Would I make good boyfriend material?”

She jerked her gaze forward just as the light changed. “You can’t be serious. We—we don’t even know each other. And I’m not looking for a relationship. Not with you. Not with anybody.”

“Understood.” He was at last breaking through her calm reserve. He couldn’t push her too hard too fast. “I was just hoping your rejection of the idea of us being a couple wasn’t a personal one. After all, I showered and shaved today. My clothes are clean,” he teased. “And I carried that great big tree for you.”

“That’s the best you can come up with?” She smiled and his breathing did that funny little tickle thing at the back of his throat again.

“Pretty much. So if circumstances were different, would I stand a chance with you?”

“I’ll give you this much, you are persistent.”

“Or maybe I’m a glutton for punishment.” He sent her a pleading look.

“And I’m sure those puppy eyes work on all of the ladies, don’t they?”

He sat up a little straighter. “Is it working now?”

The chime of laughter filled the truck. “If you aren’t a salesman, you certainly missed your calling.”

Did that mean he’d sold her on the idea that he was worthy of a second or third look? He didn’t know why her answer had suddenly become so important to him. It wasn’t as though this part of his plan had to be implemented—yet.

Still, he found himself enjoying the smile on her face. It lit up the night. She should definitely do it more often.

Reese tramped the brakes a bit hard for a red light, jerking him against the seat belt. “I’m sure you’ll make some lucky lady the perfect boyfriend.”

It was his turn to smile. “Thanks for the ringing endorsement. What would it take to tempt you to play the part?”

“Of what? Your girlfriend?”

In for a penny, in for a pound. “Yes.”

She laughed. “Fine. If you must know, if by chance I was looking—which I’m not, but if I were—you might have a chance. But I seriously don’t have the time...if I was interested.”


“Is it your hands?”

“No. It was my ego. It just took a direct hit.”

She shook her head and smiled. “I’m sure you’ll survive.”

He leaned back in the seat as she skillfully guided them homeward. With Reese behind the wheel, Alex relaxed enough to let his thoughts wander.

How was it that someone so beautiful and entertaining could be single? Surely she wouldn’t be alone for long. The image of Reese in someone else’s arms took shape in his mind and with a mental jerk, he dismissed the unsettling idea. Her future relationships were none of his business. Period.

CHAPTER FIVE (#ulink_6fe866df-2d26-5eb7-847c-03b72d25fcf1)


Reese smiled to herself. The wedding party was off for the rehearsal and dinner. They wouldn’t be home until late. She’d even let the staff go early. After all, it was the holiday season and there was nothing here that she couldn’t manage on her own. And her mother was upstairs watching her favorite crime drama.

“Reese?” Alex’s deep voice echoed down the hallway.

“In here.” She was kneeling on the floor, sorting strands of twinkle lights.

He stepped into the room. “What are you doing?”
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