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Wife For Real

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‘And she was right. I had no idea I would be able to get back in time for the wedding until yesterday, and even then it was touch and go in case something went wrong. The Japanese struck a hard bargain, but in the end we managed to come to an agreement which suits us both.’

Katherine didn’t doubt that. Nor did she doubt that the contract Jordan had secured would be a lucrative one. His business acumen was legendary, his hard-headed approach earning respect and fear from allies and competitors alike.

J.J. Engineering had won contracts for an impressive list of civil-engineering projects worldwide in the past few years. The Japanese contract would be yet another guarantee that the firm would earn more kudos. It wasn’t what interested Katherine, however.

‘I see. However, hearing that you were still tied up, I naturally assumed that you would be unable to attend the wedding. I informed Mr and Mrs Hartley accordingly and offered your apologies. Turning up like this without warning is inconsiderate in the extreme, Jordan.’

‘Oh, dear, is that what’s bothering you? The table plan? Now I understand. You must forgive me, Katherine, but I hadn’t given any thought to that. How could I have been so lacking in the social graces? It’s a good job I have you around to put me straight whenever necessary, isn’t it?’

Katherine’s face flamed at his sarcasm. She swung round, refusing to remain there and allow him to mock her. However, before she had managed to take even a step, Jordan caught hold of her wrist and stopped her.

He swung her back to face him, his eyes devoid of any trace of amusement as he stared into her angry face. ‘Don’t lie, Katherine. If nothing else, at least do me the courtesy of telling me the truth. You don’t give a damn about upsetting Mr and Mrs Hartley’s arrangements, do you? It’s the fact that I turned up here without warning you beforehand that’s eating you, isn’t it?’

He slid his hand beneath her chin, forcing her face up to meet his contemptuous stare. ‘What’s the matter, my sweet? Afraid that I might want to take a few more liberties now that I’ve overstepped the mark this far? Worried that I might be growing tired of this marriage of ours and thinking about changing the rules? And who could blame me?’

He stared at her for one long moment more before abruptly letting her go. ‘I believe we’re wanted. I suggest we leave this discussion until later. I’m sure neither of us wants to spoil your brother’s big day.’

He walked away, not bothering to look back to see if she was following as he joined the other guests. Katherine watched him pass some comment, heard the laughter which ran around the group. Jordan had charm by the bucketful when he chose to use it, but it left her cold...

She ran a hand over her hair to smooth the silky waves back from her face. She could feel her hand trembling but wouldn’t allow herself to think of the reason why—apart from the fact that she loathed any kind of a scene. She smoothed her jacket down too, the lace rippling beneath her fingers. She had chosen the outfit because it was her favourite colour—pale cream, cool and elegant.

She always dressed in understated colours—cream and beige, navy and black. Her hand hesitated on the expensive cloth as she suddenly wondered why.

Did she wear them as some sort of disguise, so that she could hide from the world? Wasn’t it her biggest fear that one day someone would guess that behind the cool façade another woman existed? No one had ever suspected it apart from her. It had lain hidden, dormant, until that night when Jordan had shown her exactly what she was. The shame was something she would have to live with all her life. The only way of coping with it was never to allow it to happen again.

Katherine took a slow breath and then made her way over to the group. She stood beside Jordan as the photographs were taken, and played her part, smiling for the camera, looking pleased that she was there to witness her brother’s wedding. She didn’t allow herself to think about her own wedding just one year earlier, let alone remember what had happened on her wedding night...


‘IF YOU’LL excuse me, I’ll just go and phone my father to let him know how everything went. Unfortunately, he hasn’t been well recently and the journey here would have been too much for him today.’

‘Give Adam my regards, Katherine, and tell him I’ll speak to him soon. But hurry back, darling. It’s been far too long since we had any real time together!’

Katherine saw the indulgent glances everyone exchanged and she avoided looking at Jordan as she made her way from the huge marquee which had been set up in the grounds of the Hartleys’ house, and took the path leading down the garden. Telephoning her father had been just an excuse to get away.

She followed the path until it reached the fence which marked the boundary of the property. Resting her arms along the rough wooden bars, she stared towards the distant hills while she tried to get a grip on herself, but it wasn’t easy.

The day had been a nightmare; the effort involved in playing her part had left her drained. Jordan had kept her at his side all afternoon while they had chatted to the other guests. He had been as urbane as ever, yet whenever she had glanced at him he had been watching her with an expression in his eyes which made her feel shaky even now, when she remembered it.

What did Jordan want with her? It was a question she had asked herself a dozen times yet she still didn’t know the answer. She just kept remembering what he had said in the churchyard earlier, about sticking to his side of their bargain.

Had it been said in anger to scare her? Or had there been a deeper intent behind those harshly spoken words? She had no idea, but the uncertainty made her feel sick with fear. She could cope with this marriage but only so long as Jordan didn’t try to make any changes!

A twig suddenly snapped and Katherine swung round, her heart turning over at the thought that Jordan might have followed her. She needed a few minutes by herself to get her emotions under control, although she wasn’t sure that it would be possible even then.

The way Jordan had been acting today seemed to have unleashed a whole torrent of fears so that she felt raw and exposed, as though a defensive layer had been peeled away to leave her more vulnerable than she had felt since the night of their wedding. When Peter suddenly appeared out of the trees, she gave a little gasp of relief.

‘Oh, it’s you!’

Peter paused when he saw her, then slowly walked over to join her. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. What are you doing here, anyway?’

‘I...I just felt like a breath of air,’ she hedged. ‘It’s very hot in the marquee, but everyone seems to be having a wonderful time.’

‘Yes. Diane’s parents have spared no expense in giving her a day to remember. Although perhaps she’ll prefer not to have any reminders of what a mistake she’s made!’

‘What on earth do you mean?’ Katherine felt her heart lurch as she heard the anguished note in her brother’s voice.

‘Nothing. Forget it.’ Peter turned to stare towards the hills, but not before she caught the glimmer of tears in his eyes.

She touched his arm in concern. ‘Obviously something is wrong, Peter. I had a feeling about it earlier, to tell the truth.’ She glanced round and frowned. ‘Where is Diane? Surely you two haven’t quarrelled, have you?’

Peter shook his head. ‘No, of course not. Diane’s in the house getting changed. We’ll be leaving shortly to catch our plane.’ He gave a harsh laugh. ‘The way I feel, I wish we were never coming back!’

‘Peter!’ Katherine stared at him in horror, more concerned than ever as she saw the strain etched into his thin face. ‘Please tell me what’s wrong and if there is anything I can do to help.’

‘There’s nothing you can do, Kitty.’ He gave another of those bitter laughs which were so out of character. ‘There’s nothing anyone can do!’

‘I don’t believe that.’ Katherine took a quick little breath to control the growing feeling of panic. ‘There is always a solution to every problem. It’s just finding it that is difficult sometimes. Tell me what’s wrong, Peter, then maybe we can work something out together.’

‘Like we did when we were kids? After Mother left, it was always you I ran to to solve my problems, wasn’t it? But somehow I don’t think you can help me this time—not unless you happen to have a spare fifty thousand pounds lying around.’

‘Fifty thousand pounds?’ Katherine repeated numbly. ‘Why on earth do you need so much money? It’s a fortune!’

‘Don’t I know it? And I have as much chance of getting my hands on that kind of cash as I have of flying to the moon.’ He ran his hand over his eyes. ‘It will mean the end of Diane and me once she finds out, of course. She’ll never forgive me and neither will her parents. And I love her so much, Kitty! I really do. If only there was a way—’

He stopped abruptly, and when he turned Katherine could see a glitter in his eyes which alarmed her even more.

‘Peter, what is it...?’

His hands clamped on her shoulders so that she winced. ‘Jordan! I should have thought of him before. Will you ask him, Kitty? Ask him to lend me the money? I swear I’ll pay him back somehow.’

Katherine shook her head, stunned by the request. ‘No... I couldn’t possibly. I mean, I don’t even know what you need it for!’

‘Because I’m a bloody fool, that’s why! I let a couple of the fellows I work with talk me into going to this gaming club with them. It was all just a bit of fun at first. I even won a couple of times. Diane was furious when I let slip what I’d been doing. She made me promise never to go again.’

‘But you did go?’ Katherine guessed. ‘And this time you lost? Oh, Peter, how could you be so stupid?’

‘I know. I know! I just kept telling myself that the next time I would win, but it never happened. Now the people I owe the money to are threatening to go to Diane’s parents. They’ve given me two weeks to come up with the cash. Two bloody weeks!’ Peter gripped Katherine even harder. ‘Jordan’s my only hope! Please, please, say that you’ll ask him, Kitty!’

‘I don’t know... I don’t know what to say...’ Katherine felt a lump in her throat as she saw despair settle over Peter’s face as he let her go.

‘I understand. I should never have asked you to do it. I...I’d better get back and see...’

She couldn’t stand it. She couldn’t bear to see him looking so dejected. ‘All right, then, I’ll ask Jordan.’

‘You will?’ Peter gave a whoop of joy as he swung her off her feet. ‘Oh, you don’t know what a weight that is off my mind!’

‘He hasn’t agreed yet,’ Katherine warned him.
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