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The 24 Hour Diet: Lose up to 4lbs in a Day

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6 All the nutrients have been specially designed to assist your body to cleanse itself whilst helping to optimize energy. This is not a detox; it’s more of a cleansing plan. The timing of the food is also important; you shouldn’t go for more than four hours without consuming something. You’ll find out more in the ‘Nutrient Know-how’ section, on page 9.

7 If your digestive system is sluggish and you suffer from constipation, you may wish to take a natural tea laxative the night before the diet.

8 If you have been advised by your doctor not to follow a special eating or exercise plan, it’s important to seek medical advice before starting this diet.

9 It’s a good idea to do the diet at the weekend. If you want to do it during the week, try to choose a day when it will be convenient for you, perhaps when you don’t have to be madly rushing here, there and everywhere.

10 You’ll find a comprehensive shopping list with everything you’ll need on page 18. In Part 4 you’ll find other recipes using these ingredients, which you can use in the 20-day Follow-on Plan.

NUTRIENT KNOW-HOW (#ulink_64134ef0-b836-531b-8c96-63e1f7d87faf)

I’ve designed the plan so that it is high in nutrients and low in calories. The 24 Hour Diet:

• is rich in essential antioxidants – to boost your immunity and help your body cleanse itself and reduce excess fluid and body fat

• provides slow-releasing energy, helping you feel satisfied and energized

• is rich in the important omega 3 and 6 fats – these are vital for your health and make you feel full and satisfied

• is free of artificial sugars

• is naturally low in sodium

• helps stabilize your blood sugar levels

• is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

You may feel a little hungry as your calorie intake will probably be a little lower than normal. However, the specific combination of nutrients means you will feel satisfied and nourished without feeling bloated.

The plan is supported by some dietary supplements. These have been specifically chosen to energize your body and help it eliminate excess fluid and weight.


Lecithin granules are obtained from soya beans and have a distinct, pleasant, nutty flavour. They are naturally rich in choline, an important nutrient for controlling dietary fat, which is why lecithin is an important supplement for people following a low-cholesterol diet.


An Ayurvedic herbal extract, neem can be added to a little cold water to be taken as a tincture. It has powerful cleansing properties, and is particularly beneficial to the liver and for internal inflammation. As it has a rather bitter taste, adding some honey to the Morning Elixir (see page 21) will make it easier to drink. Stick with it as it is highly efficient supplement to your diet.


Powdered living food is a blend of green foods, herbs, fruits and other botanicals. The powerful phytonutrients in these living raw foods are believed to assist your cells receive deep nourishment. Taken daily, it is thought to help regenerate and sustain mental and physical energy, enhance immunity and support the active recovery of your cells. This is one product where you get what you pay for, so it’s worth investing in a good brand. I personally recommend Pure Synergy, available at Fresh and Wild, Planet Organic and other good health-food shops.


Detox teas are often a blend of botanicals that help cleanse the body. These may include dandelion root, burdock root, milk thistle, liquorice root, peppermint, spearmint, artichoke and ginger root. These teas are prepared in convenient tea bags. Although you can buy the fresh herbs yourself and make your own teas, these can be very powerful and exceedingly bitter. The prepared detox teas can be drunk with a little honey to sweeten if necessary, although it’s better to avoid this if you can.

Laxative teas are usually a combination of senna leaves, liquorice, cinnamon, fennel and ginger. These can be very effective so only one cup should be taken before bedtime. If necessary, another one can be taken the following day. Don’t drink more than four cups in 24 hours.

Both these teas support the cleansing process of the body.

Please note: Laxative teas are not recommended if you have or develop diarrhoea or abdominal pain. Consult your doctor before taking them if you suffer from frequent diarrhoea, are pregnant, breast-feeding, taking medication or have a medical condition.


1 It sounds obvious but read the whole plan before you start – I’ve tried to address all the little problem areas you may have, so a little prior reading will help a great deal.

2 The Vitality Soup and Sanity Snacks can be made in advance. You can freeze the Vitality Soup in convenient individual serving sizes, and the Sanity Snacks last up to a week in a container in the fridge.

3 To save mess as well as time, freeze nut butters in ice cube trays. They easily come out of the trays and two cubes are the equivalent of a dessertspoon. You can put the frozen cubes straight into the Nutty Evening Energizer, but they will need to thaw a little before making a fresh batch of Sanity Snacks.

4 The Body Blender Breakfast can be partly prepared the night before. Soak the oats, wheat germ, lecithin and nutmeg in 200ml (7fl oz) cold water. Cover and leave overnight in the fridge. In the morning, just pour it into your blender with the remaining ingredients.

5 Your Good Morning Body Juice is best prepared fresh from scratch by peeling the vegetables and fruit when you need them. Cutting up the fruit and vegetables beforehand can reduce the vitamin content due to oxidation. However, if you are really short of time you can wash and cut them up, leaving them ready to use in the morning. Alternatively, you can make up a batch of juice and freeze it immediately in convenient individual serving sizes. This preserves the nutrient content and does little to reduce its powerful qualities.

6 The night before your 24 Hour Diet, put your blender and juicer out on the sideboard, all ready to go.

7 Taking your Vitality Soup to work in a flask can be convenient when doing your Three-day Cleanse.

8 Do your 24 Hour Diet with a friend and turn it into a spa day. Doing it together means you can share the preparation. It also makes it a Lot more fun, especially if you have a sleepover the night before and combine it with some pampering.

ENERGIZING YOGA POSES (#ulink_ccfda33b-443d-5db4-91db-c1cb281a9d14)


When: First thing in the morning with your Body Cleanse Elixir.

Why: Doing twists massages and helps to detoxify the internal organs, encouraging sound digestion and improving circulation.

What you do: Lie on your back with your arms stretched out to the sides in line with your shoulders. Bring your knees to your chest. Slowly let both knees fall to your left side; turn your neck and look to the right. Breathe for a few moments then return your knees to the centre and repeat on the opposite side.


When: First thing in the morning and during the afternoon.

Why: Puts pressure on the abdomen, assisting elimination.

What you do: Lie on your stomach with legs outstretched. Place your palms on the floor near your ribcage. Inhale as you press your hands into the floor and lift your chest, keeping your hips anchored on the floor and pressing down with your pubic bone. Hold for three to five smooth breaths, then lower to the floor. Repeat three times.


When: In the evening, before you go to bed.

Why: A lovely, relaxing body-awareness exercise. Releasing mental and emotional stress is of utmost importance when we cleanse.

What you do: Lie on your back, feet and arms extended and comfortably relaxed. Let your weight sink into the floor and relax everywhere. Keep bringing your attention back to the sensations of the body so you start to get glimpses of where you are holding tension. Try to release these areas of tension with deep breaths, allowing your body to fall into the mat.

TAKING YOUR MEASUREMENTS (#ulink_754c113f-1546-5fee-b356-64651736baae)
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