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Drop a Size for Life: Fat Loss Fast and Forever!

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Once you have your bravery time line, you can use it as a springboard to a powerful mantra such as ‘I was brave once, I can be brave again’. Repeat your mantra every morning and also write it down and place it in an area where your confidence is most challenged. If this is at work, for example, keep it in the top drawer of your desk. Alternatively, you could make it your welcome message when you switch on your mobile phone. Wherever you choose, make sure it is somewhere where you will see it regularly – the more you see it, the more powerful its effect on you.


Mantras are powerful sayings but they can only be put to good effect if you use them wisely and allow them to reinforce your feelings when needed.



Make a list of past situations or events that you were fearful of or worried about. Next, write down whether you feel you dealt with that situation or event successfully or not. Now write down how you dealt with the situation and, finally, note how you think you could have improved the outcome by using a different approach or strategy.


Addressing situations that have caused you hurt or problems in the past, and how you have dealt with them, allows you to accept that your attitude to weight management needs to involve a series of strategies and approaches to achieve the outcome you want. It also enables you to see how you have been able to work through various other situations in your life, and that the outcome has not always been immediate.



This relates to whether you see your glass as half full or half empty. Decide right now that it is half full. This outlook will motivate you and provide you with more energy to address the issue.


How you view a situation can have a significant impact on how you feel about it and how you deal with it, so stop looking at the difficulties life throws at you as problems and instead see them as challenges that present new ways for you to look at your life and learn about yourself and others.



Observe any young child and you will see them playing silly games, or dancing as if they’re the latest pop sensation, with no regard to how silly they look. When was the last time you did something silly or put yourself in an unfamiliar situation without worrying about what others thought, or how ridiculous you may look? Fear of embarrassment can limit your experience of life. So take up belly dancing, audition for a part in a local theatre group or sign up for that evening class you have been thinking about for months. Go out power walking, or join the gym – and remember, the only person who is really focused on you is YOU.


Not caring what others think is a liberating experience. It opens you to new experiences, building your confidence and self-esteem, and shows you that falling flat on your face once in a while isn’t the end of the world. You’ll be surprised how little attention others really give to all the small things you worry about.



As adults, many of us tend to protect ourselves emotionally and physically. Yet if you allow your fears to spin out to their worst-case conclusions, you’ll find that the potential consequences are usually manageable. What is the worst thing that can happen? Thinking it through can eliminate fear and provide you with the courage to move forward. Make a list of small things that would take you out of your comfort zone and try to do one a month for the next six months. Start with really tiny things, then make each one a little tougher.


When you are young you think you can do anything and not get hurt, but as we get older our limitations become instilled. Once you realize you are breakable and could end up in a plaster cast – or with a broken heart – it can dissuade you from trying anything more daring or stepping outside your comfort zone. Facing fears head-on will build your confidence and help you embrace change and challenges with improved confidence and vigour.



Each day, aim to do the things you least want to do, but have to do that day, first. It’s like a child who leaves their favourite food on the plate till last and then eats it. If you tackle things in this way, you won’t need to nag yourself all day about not getting it done – instead you will be able to deal with it and your positive action will empower you through the other activities in your day.


As well as avoiding the negative situation of having something unpleasant looming all day long, research shows that we are better able to deal with challenging situations in the morning, as levels of the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline are naturally higher at this time. So make the most of your biochemicals!


Acknowledge that sadness, fear and other negative emotions can help you learn and heal, as well as helping you to celebrate and get the most out of life. Once you have made friends with the enemy you are ready for step five.

Case Study: Nikki’s Story

Nikki, who was a victim of physical abuse, put weight on as a protective mechanism, a way of hiding behind the pain. She felt that if she made herself larger then the pain would be less and if she made herself, in her eyes, less attractive, then the physical abuse would stop. Repeatedly Nikki used this strategy whenever she hit difficult times in her life – when she was unhappy in her job, in her other personal relationships, had a row with her family or felt depressed from a family bereavement. Only when Nikki began to acknowledge what had happened to her, could she begin to see that overeating was her way of dealing with it. In this way she began the process of understanding her feelings and building her self-esteem. By mastering this step, Nikki went on to lose 18 pounds and drop 3 dress sizes.

Case Study: Elaine’s Story

Elaine had always been slim and sporty as a teenager and in the early stages of her relationship with Chris. When Chris was asked to move to a new town with his job, he assumed Elaine would go with him and threatened to end the relationship if she didn’t. As a result, Elaine gave up her own job and moved. However, with no social circle of her own and no work, her confidence suffered and she soon began taking comfort in food. Having gained nearly 13kg/2 stone, she found Chris was constantly criticizing her appearance and their sex life became nonexistent. To make matters worse, he hardly included her in his own social life. It wasn’t until Elaine had to move back to her home town to look after her mother, who was ill, that she was able to look at the situation calmly and see that her eating was a way of hiding her fear that without Chris she was nothing. She began exercising again and joined a slimming club and is now restarting her life without Chris.

STEP FIVE: (#u0ce09cbd-d8b0-596c-8d62-1a2010e4f3fa)

ESTABLISHING THE HERE AND NOW (#u0ce09cbd-d8b0-596c-8d62-1a2010e4f3fa)

There are two phases to this strategy: the first is establishing where you are and the second is doing a reality check.

You may have an event in the not too distant future that you want to lose weight for – perhaps it’s a wedding or a beach holiday. You know what you want to achieve – where you want to get to – but, before you embark on any plan, you need to establish where you are right here, right now. Losing weight and keeping it off is about what you do in the future, but it is also what you can do at this very moment, right here, right now. Yes, long-term weight loss is about what you carry on doing, but many people live in a twilight zone of not appreciating what they can do now, in this actual moment, to improve their health, feel better about themselves and lose weight.

Focusing too much on the future causes unhappiness because it prevents us from enjoying the moment. The brain is whirling ahead, thinking about dinner that night or worrying about little Johnny’s report at the parents’ evening next week, or your appraisal with your boss at the end of the month. All this chatter going on in the brain can dull your experience and enjoyment of what is happening now. It builds to create a toxic thought process that blocks your enjoyment of the moment and masks your perception of what you could do right now to help you towards your goal.

Once you have mastered the here and now skill, dropping a size becomes a sequence of ‘now’ moments that act as building blocks to successful long-term weight loss. When you have accepted that life is a series of ‘nows’, all joined up, you need to do a reality check and think about what is possible right now in terms of your weight loss efforts. Losing weight and keeping it off is a journey. It may be that life is very hectic for you at the current time – perhaps you’re starting a new job and you’ve got the builders in – and you’re not in the right ‘space’ to lose weight with as much effort or as fast as you would like. That’s all right – don’t beat yourself up about it. While I don’t want to give you an excuse to put off what you can do today until tomorrow, there are many situations that can make it difficult to drop that size as quickly as you would like. That’s just life – you need to do what you can when you can. In fact, perhaps you need to simply accept that staying the same size, rather than gaining a size, is a more realistic interim goal.

If you’re trying to lose weight in a specific time frame and your life is not in the right space to allow you to achieve it, you need to change the time span you set yourself to lose that size.

Step five action aims are about learning to live in the NOW.



Start right now by saying sorry to yourself. Say sorry for the way you have given yourself a hard time over an issue in your life, no matter how big or small. For example, perhaps you feel that your lack of time and effort led to the breakdown of your relationship or you feel bad that you got caught up at work and were late picking up your child. Stop beating yourself up over it – acknowledge why it happened and forgive yourself for it. Then move forward.


Criticizing and blaming yourself is like telling your subconscious mind that you are a bad human being – and it will believe you. Everyone screws up sometimes, but the important thing is to acknowledge the error or mishap and move on. The scary fact is that giving yourself a hard time and getting stressed over it can, in the long term, make you fat. Negative emotions, such as depression, guilt and cynicism, are associated with higher levels of abdominal fat according to a study from Pennsylvania State University. Harbouring negative feelings won’t help you achieve anything, but building and nurturing your selfesteem will.

Feeling guilty or angry with yourself about small things or day-to-day events is one thing, but if your whole life is dominated by negative emotions related to something that has taken place in your life, you may need the help of a counsellor or therapist in addressing these issues. However, remember one thing; whatever you did then, and whatever you do now, you have a responsibility to yourself to do the best you can – with the resources available to you – to boost your self-worth.
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