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A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, Volume I (of 2)

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Von Murr, Beschreibung von Nürnberg, 1778, 8vo, p. 229.


Some explain the following words in the twelve tables of the Roman laws, “Cui auro dentes vincti sunt,” as alluding to this circumstance. Funccius however does not admit of this explanation, because he does not believe it possible to bind a tooth in that manner. It has, nevertheless, been sufficiently confirmed both by ancient and modern physicians. Celsus, de Medicina, lib. vii. cap. 12.


A description of this excellent machine may be found in Sprengel’s Handwerken, iv. p. 208; Cancrinus Beschreibung der vorzüglichsten Bergwerke, Frankf. 1767, 4to, p. 128; in the tenth volume of the plates to the Encyclopédie under the article Tireur et fileur d’or; and other works. Von Murr quotes a very ingenious description of it by the well-known poet Eobanus Hessus, who died in 1540.


This account may be found vol. i. p. 197 of the Urbis Norimbergæ Descriptio, Hagenoæ, 1518, fol. cap. 5.


Nachricht von Nürnbergischen Künstlern, p. 281.


In the Journal des Freyherrn von Bibra.


Journal von und für Teutschland, 1788, achtes Stück, p. 102.


Piece-workers were such masters as were obliged to work privately by the piece; because, according to the imperial patent, no one except Held or those whom he permitted durst carry on this business. For this permission it was necessary to pay a certain sum of money.


The family at this period consisted of Frederick Held and his three sons Bartholomew, Frederick, and Paul.


Von Breslau, Documentirte Geschichte, ii. 2, p. 409.


Chronica Cygnæa, durch Tob. Schmidten, Zwickau, 1656, ii. p. 254.


Anderson’s Hist. Commerce, iv. p. 101.


Husbandry and Trade improved, by J. Houghton, 1727, 8vo, ii. p. 188.


Dictionnaire de Commerce, par Savary, ii. p. 599. – Dictionnaire des Origines, par D’Origny, ii. p. 285.


Dictionnaire Etymologique, i. p. 593. The author quotes the following passage from a French bible printed at Paris in 1544: “Ne ayes pas merveilles, si tu lis en aucuns lieux à la fois, que ces choses estoient d’airain, et à la fois arcal; car airain et arcal est un mesme metal.”


Bulletin des Fouilles d’une Ville Romaine, i. p. 22.


Menage, Dictionnaire Etymologique, i. p. 593.


Jungii Disquisit. de Reliquiis, &c. Hanov. 1783, 4to.


History of Sumatra. London, 1783, 4to, p. 145.


Kindersley Briefe von der Insel Teneriffa und Ostindien. Leipzig, 1777, 8vo. The jesuit Thomans praises the negroes of Monomotapa on the same account. See his Reise und Lebensbeschreibung. Augsburg, 1788, 8vo.


Von Stetten, Kunstgeschichte, i. p. 489, and ii. p. 287.


Bericht von Dratziehen, p. 192.


It cannot however be denied that some indigenous grasses might be brought by culture, perhaps, to produce mealy seeds that could be used as food. It is at any rate certain that some grasses, for example, the slender-spiked cock’s-foot panic-grass, Panicum sanguinale, which we have rooted out from many of our gardens, was once cultivated as corn, and is still sown in some places, but has been abandoned for more beneficial kinds.


“If the learned would lay aside disputing, and give place to truth, they would be convinced, both by the sight and the taste, that this plant (buck-wheat) is the ocimum of the ancients.” – Kreuterbuch, Augsburg, 1546, fol. p. 248.


Theophrast. l. vii. c. 3.

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