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Impossible is Nothing

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All your evil thoughts and deeds harm you more than anyone else, remember!

They leave deep imprints on your mind. They are to blame for all your misfortunes. Thoughts are incipient actions.

You’ll gain control over your own thoughts, if you keep in mind this simple rule. Why would you want to act against yourself?

In case of doubt, take your time, count to three, relax. Then make your decision and act.

This piece of advice is especially helpful if you are under pressure, being criticized or offended. Don’t behave like the one who insults you. Don’t show any aggression, because it is a seed of anger. Everyone has to deal with his own aggression or violence and all the consequences eventually. So take it easy. Listen and count to three. The best remedy is… gratitude, believe it or not!

When a situation like this unfolds, keep in mind, that the one who is trying to hurt you is thus planting his own garden. It seems a trifle, but moments like this determine our future! A seed of aggression can grow into a huge tree of offence and criticism.

Once a man found himself in heaven. He noted that all the people wandering about seemed kind, happy and joyful. He liked what he saw.

“May I have a look at hell, too?” he asked the angel.

“Ok, follow me.”

As they arrived, the man noticed that hell looked exactly the same as heaven did, except, people seemed angry, irritated, unhappy.

“But it looks exactly like heaven! Why is everyone so glum and upset?” he asked.

“Because they all think heaven is better,” replied the angel.

Make sure to appreciate what you’ve got, don’t crave for something you haven’t.

Advice #3. Make up your mind to always do good things, say only good words and think only positive

Of course, it’s easier said than done.

But anger and bad temper are usually useless in achieving goals. On the contrary, they distract and cause stress.

Bad things happen anyway, such is life. They evoke hatred and cause pain, sadness, disappointment. They make us say awful things and behave the way we later regret. We don’t like the people we become in such situations, do we?

Everyone is different. We don’t feel the same way about common notions, such as good and evil, right and wrong, mine and yours, sympathy and antipathy. Each of us possesses a unique inner world. Let no one influence your own.

Believe in the power of your mind and words. Don’t mix up someone’s ideas and notions with your own. Don’t try to follow anyone’s tastes. Be the master of your own mind. It doesn’t mean you’ve got to promote your opinion and make everyone share your ideas. Of course, you might meet like-minded people, who hold the same views. Those who don’t are of no importance to you.

There’s one more important thing I want to share. If you do something bad, and it bothers you, use an “antidote”: do something good to make up for it. But it works only if your intentions are truly kind and sincere. The impact of your positive action has to match, in degree, the bad one you’ve committed. You have to compensate in order to protect yourself from the destructive influence of your mistake, do you get it?

If you don’t regret what you’ve done and it doesn’t bother you, then so be it.

If you make a mistake, you correct it.

If you do something wrong and feel fine about it, then let it be.

If you’re not sure about how any deed makes you feel, then ask your heart, it never lies. Or you could also ask someone you trust.

It’s your life and your own lessons to learn.

It’s going to be your unique experience of the world and of yourself to gain.

Two friends once met. They used to fight and argue all the time. This time the elder friend hit the younger. The younger one took offence and left. “Today I lost my friend forever,” he wrote down in his notebook that day.

The elder friend couldn’t do without his younger pal, he was sorry and asked for forgiveness. They went swimming to the pond nearby together. The younger boy started drowning while diving, he was not a good swimmer. His friend saved him. When the poor lad felt better, he came back to the pond and carved in the rock, “My friend saved my life!”

“Why haven’t you put these words down in your notebook?” asked the elder friend.

“It’s simple. I make a note only if someone hurts me. But I make a carving if I am grateful. Notes won’t live forever, they can be easily burnt, too. But it’s not the same for stone carving! Many people see it, so do I. And every time I see it, I feel grateful to you once again.”

Good thoughts make your life happy, while bad thoughts turn you miserable.

It’s up to you to cut out bad thoughts, and live on happily with only good thoughts, deeds and words.

It’s time for you to learn the power of thoughts you hold!

Scientists unanimously insist that our thoughts possess energy. This energy can be perceived physically by most sensitive people. So, that means our thought is some sort of physical matter. Everything consists of energy, so do our thoughts! The power of thoughts is capable of changing our lives

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