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Impossible is Nothing

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I have got all it takes to achieve my goals.

I possess the power of love and kindness.

I’m talented.

I appreciate myself.

I’m gifted.

I’m a genius.

I live right here and now.

I’m the best version of myself, no matter what anyone says.

I let myself be the person I am.

Our bodies are like temples of inner strength. It’s extremely important to keep them healthy. And LOVING YOUR BODY is key!

I ask you to treat your body with love:

1. Follow a comfortable waking and sleeping schedule.

2. Love your own body.

3. Take good care of it. It is your source of pleasure and happiness.

4. Develop the following good habits:

– spend time outdoors just breathing fresh air, enjoying the beauty of nature;

– love yourself and others sincerely, don’t criticize or judge anyone;

– don’t evaluate everything that happens around you, just watch;

– do physical exercise, it’s good for you, especially swimming;

– drink enough pure water;

– eat healthy food;

– set goals for the upcoming week, month, year, and, most importantly, your whole life;

– take care of the environment around you;

– keep a diary;

– smile and laugh as often as you can;

– always say “yes” to yourself!

5. Remember that your body is a gift that is going to serve you all your long and happy life.

It was a long journey, and it’s getting dark now. Lavender fields deserve to be announced the Eighth Wonder of The World, seeing them at least once in your life is a must! The colors are changing from purple to dark pink in the rays of setting sun. I suppose, you’re hungry! We’ll stop by a cozy nice place for dinner in the nearby village. Banon cheese, fresh bread and the delicious ratatouille will make a splendid dinner.

As we wait for our food, let me say a few words about it. Please, always try to choose healthy food, avoid excessive sugar, preservatives, artificial flavors. They harm your body. Curiously enough, we’re trapped by our own poor food habits as we love to eat junk food.

I am an accountant by profession. It means I know a lot about commerce. Business doesn’t necessarily care about the benefit of mankind, trust me, honey. A huge profit comes from selling us junk food. Should I still buy you a soda or the snacks you ask for, even if I know they’re bad for you? Should I thus harm the person I love? Does it make sense to you?

So don’t be trapped by your poor food habits and impulses. Don’t help those who earn money selling junk food. Please, make sure to eat more fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Take care of yourself, because nobody can do it better than you! Read all the nutrition facts carefully while grocery shopping, your meals are your own responsibility! You’re old enough to manage this and take care of your health!

Tell yourself now and repeat every day:

I’m absolutely healthy.

My body makes me happy.

I eat healthy food.

I take care of my health and it makes me feel good.

I love my body and the way I look.

I love the way I am.

My body is perfect.

My body is my best friend.

Every cell of my body is healthy.

I love the person I am and encourage myself in every way I can.

Your body is your best friend for life, no doubt. Accept the way you are and the way you look. Every cell of your body belongs to you, it is all yours! You had chosen this body before you were born, respect this choice. Your self-confidence is your way to success!

One day you’ll see that you’re the best, and you don’t have to impress anyone else. You don’t have to be liked by everyone, but you do have to be loved by yourself here and now, this very moment, with all your weaknesses and merits, all your ups and downs. You’ve got all you need because you’ve got yourself! And yes, you ARE the best.

Never complain about lack of time -you’ve got plenty of it! It’s a matter of setting your priorities. Always make time to praise, learn and accept yourself.

Love starts with you. Don’t associate yourself with just a body, you’re more than just flesh and bones. You are the creator. You create your own life and your reality every single day. Only you have the power to do it.

Only you know how special you are, mind that. You possess enormous potential you might have never felt before. Loving yourself is a sort of a miracle. Let this miracle happen to you first. Accept yourself as part of this love, and let it fill your soul. You’re in front of a door to your genius and talents. And love is the key!

Make this first step. I’d like to help you, if you let me. Don’t stop loving yourself, no matter what. Always praise yourself. Don’t criticize, humiliate, curse, judge and mistreat yourself. Every new day brings opportunities to love and accept yourself more. Think of the world you live in only as of a world of happiness and joy. That’s a way to your destiny!

Don’t let anyone influence your self-esteem. Encourage yourself despite what people say. You’re never alone because you’ve got YOURSELF and a great world inside you. You possess virtue and vice just like everyone else! So it’s no use considering what people say about you since no one is flawless.

Your sense of humor is a powerful weapon against all critics. Jokes and laughter help getting rid of any insult. It’s good for your health, too. Learn to keep your spirits high, to smile even when someone makes jokes about you. Because you are so much more than just a body.

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