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Impossible is Nothing

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Thank you, my sweet girl, for choosing me to be your mother, for the clearly conveyed lessons I had to learn, and for leading me to my true destiny.

I thank you, my miracle, for your love and your words, wise beyond your years. I’ve known you for just 12 years, but you’ve become my whole universe. Thank you for the courage you are demonstrating every day, following me on this path.

You prove to me that the word “impossible” exists only before one is born.

I dedicate this book of endless opportunities to you, Sophia.

I’m sure you know the way to handle it.

Just believe in yourself and keep in mind that impossible is nothing, my dear. Miracles do happen.

Live, love and be happy!

Dear Reader

I’m happy you’ve picked this book to read. I love you unconditionally and thank you for your appreciation of my creation.

I’d like to make myself clear on certain things concerning this writing.

I address my daughter Sophia through this text. She’s almost a teenager, and while I’m writing this, she has just turned 12 years old. And she’s absolutely amazing. But I didn’t mean to write this book only for her! It’s for all the kids in the world. I wrote this book with so much love for all of you. This writing is the most precious gift I could give amidst this huge information flow. It’s about the most valuable aspects of life.

I tried to convey this important information in a clear and simple language.

A wellspring of knowledge and techniques is right in front of you! All you have to do is to learn and apply them to make all your dreams come true. It only takes a wish and a wave of a magic wand!

But first I want you to believe that impossible is nothing!

Let’s consider that every word of this book is written by someone one who truly cares about you. I want you to read it earnestly and lovingly.

Every page will reveal a world of boundless opportunities to you.

You are about to learn:

to be conscious; to feel special;

to set goals, make wishes that will fill your life with happiness and love;

to pursue your dream with the help of your own will-power;

to discover the sea of infinite riches of the Universe sufficient for all;

to feel true beauty of your life full of opportunities;

to alter your perception of life, people around you and the world in general;

to understand that nothing is impossible in the world, boundaries are set only by your own perception!

You really need to know all of this! Because you deserve to live the life of your dreams! And you are totally entitled to it!

Chapter 1

You Are Perfect

My child…

If you ever wonder when this story began… I’d tell you it began right from the moment of your birth.

It happened to become a true miracle for me and for the whole family.

You became special the moment you took your first breath.

You’ve chosen the best day, just the right spot on the map and the perfect parents for yourself. Your body, appearance, life conditions are the best for you.

Your special star rose on the day of your birth and lit up your newborn body. You are unique and full of light, love, kindness and strength, just like that star.

Everyone has a star. Each of us had chosen it long before we were born, but we all forget about it the moment we come to this world. Every person has their own mission, their own destiny. Some are talented in IT and others are all into creativity, some fulfill their potential as parents and others become skilled turners at their lathes. We all are different!

But each of us is a genius, it cannot be otherwise. Everyone’s gifted, and revealing our talents is our mission.

Time flew by as you grew older. And the older you got, the more questions you asked. The little baby turned into a beautiful girl. Now it’s time to start a journey that will show you the way to your own uniqueness and talents. I’ll do my best to always be there for you and answer all your questions.

Are you ready to travel to a wonderland, where all dreams come true? Would you like to know what kind of talents and powers you were born with?

Of course, you do.

My dear, you have got everything to become absolutely happy.

Let the journey begin!

We’re about to visit a gorgeous place. Desolate old pavements and blooming fragrant rosebushes are warmed by the first rays of the rising sun.

A beautiful place in the south of France. So tiny in our great universe…

Welcome! A wonderful, unforgettable, fun day awaits us! We’re about to dive into scents, landscapes and tales of Old Provence.

A tiny cozy town named Sault is going to be the first stop of our delightful journey.

Take my hand and I’ll show you the beauty and perfection of nature. Time flows by slowly in this marvelous part of the universe. The air is filled with scents of blooming flowers and the sound of distant calling birds. The famous artist Van Gogh worked on his outstanding priceless canvases inspired by the beauty of local nature.

Take a look at the lavender fields! They’re gorgeous! Time seems to come to a sudden standstill while you’re admiring them and suddenly there’s just me and you. Freeze for a second, let the nature whisper to you. What do you hear it say?

– Have the courage to love and accept yourself just as you are.

– You are a miracle.

– You are love and light.

– You have all the potential to be strong and capable of anything.
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