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It’s a Wonderful Life: The Christmas bestseller is back with an unforgettable holiday romance

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‘That would be lovely,’ I say and give him a hug. The hug I receive in return is warm and heartfelt. It is with some regret that I pull myself away. ‘It’s been great to see you again.’

‘And you,’ he says.

I watch him head back to the office, turning the card he’s given me over and over. I won’t take him up on his offer, I decide. It was lovely to catch up. But despite Jack Stevens’ devastating blue eyes and charming manner, the past should stay where it belongs. In the past.


Daniel got in late from work to find Beth cooking and the kids, as usual, in their rooms. Sometimes it felt as if they’d already left home and it was just him and Beth in the house. For all the notice the kids took of them, they might as well be invisible. Still, it was always good to come home, to Beth, to their shared life. He was lucky to have such a family, lucky to have a four-bedroomed detached house, lucky to have a garden. He could never have imagined this happening to him when he was growing up, in the small flat he and his mum had shared in south London.

‘Good day?’ Beth asked, giving him a welcoming hug. He pulled her to him, breathed her in. She was every bit as gorgeous to him now as she had been that first day he’d met her at teacher training, when she’d walked into the lecture hall and smiled at him. He’d taken one look at the pretty arty girl with the long curling hair, and known that he was smitten. All these years later and he still was.

‘Busy,’ said Daniel. ‘How did the meeting go?’

‘It was dire,’ said Beth. ‘That girl. Ugh. I’m more confused than ever. I feel this bloody book is going to be the death of me.’

‘I’m sure it’s not as bad as all that,’ said Daniel. Beth always fretted when she was in the middle of a book, but she pulled it off every time. It was a constant source of astonishment to him as to how she did it. He was so proud of her.

‘It really is,’ said Beth. ‘Oh, and you’ll never guess who the new art director is.’


‘Do you remember me telling you about a guy called Jack Stevens?’

‘The guy from college?’ Daniel had faint memories of Beth mentioning a friend from art school called Jack years ago. Apparently he had always encouraged her when they were students, which had given her the confidence to do what she was doing now. For some reason they’d drifted apart after college; she was always a bit vague as to why.

‘The very same,’ said Beth. ‘Small world, huh?’

‘Isn’t it?’ Daniel said. ‘How was he?’

‘Just the same,’ said Beth. She seemed a bit preoccupied. ‘At least I know he’s on my side.’

‘Well that’s something,’ said Daniel. He sighed. ‘I’d love to stay and chat, but I’ve got paperwork to catch up on. How long till supper?’

‘You have half an hour,’ said Beth.

Daniel went upstairs and poked his head round Megan’s door.

She was sitting in her bed, wrapped up in a blanket, transfixed to a screen.

‘Good day?’ he asked.

‘It was OK,’ said Megan, barely looking up.

‘I hope that’s homework you’re doing,’ said Daniel.

Megan blushed. ‘Not exactly. I’m just watching something on YouTube.’

‘Well, look at that after you’ve done your homework,’ said Daniel. ‘You know, you’ve got—’

‘I’ve got GSCEs next year and need to knuckle down,’ said Megan rolling her eyes. ‘I know, Dad, and I am working.’

‘Good,’ said Daniel, smiling. Megan always had an answer for everything, but at least she still talked to him.

He paused outside Sam’s room, thinking about Jason Leigh. Maybe Sam needed a similar kick up the arse.

Sam was also hunched over a computer, sitting at his desk with his back to Daniel.

‘How’s it going?’ said Daniel, trying to effect casual. He never quite knew what kind of response he would get from his son.

‘OK,’ said Sam.

‘What about your extra lessons? How were they today?’ Sam had done spectacularly badly in his mocks and been pulled in for extra help in economics and physics.

‘Didn’t go,’ said Sam.

‘Sam!’ Daniel was exasperated. ‘We’ve talked about this. If you don’t start working soon, it will be too late.’

Sam shrugged.

‘It’s my life, Dad. And I’m nearly eighteen, so just butt out.’

Daniel could feel a knot of tension building inside of him. Sam was frequently disrespectful, but Daniel didn’t like to come down too hard for fear of sounding like his own dad, Reggie. Daniel had spent a lot of his early childhood being subjected to vicious tongue-lashings when his dad had come home drunk, and had always sworn he would be a different kind of father. He could still remember the occasion when he’d failed badly in a spelling text and Reggie had shouted at him for being stupid. Daniel had tried so hard not to be negative to his own children, and it was incredibly frustrating to feel it all being kicked back in his face.

‘You might be nearly eighteen, but you’re still living under my roof,’ he said, trying to control his voice.

‘And?’ Sam swivelled around so that he was facing Daniel.

‘You could at least respect me and your mum,’ said Daniel, feeling his frustration brimming over into anger at his son’s disinterested expression.

Sam said nothing and turned back to his screen. Daniel took a deep breath. He had a sudden image of being six years old and hiding under his bed because Reggie had erupted when Daniel had broken a cup. However angry Daniel was with Sam, he wouldn’t let it control him. He refused to.

So instead, he went into his study to fire up his computer, silently fuming. What had gone wrong with his relationship with Sam? He’d always tried to be open and honest with both his children, but over the last year Sam had closed down on him.

He opened his emails with a sigh, and then saw a name in his inbox that made him freeze.

Reggie King. Dad?

It had been a couple of years since Reggie had last been in contact, which suited Daniel just fine. His stomach turned in knots. Life was always much easier if he didn’t think about Reggie. He read the email with a growing sense of dread.

Hi son, Long time no see, read the email. I’m going to be back in the UK in February. Maybe we could hook up for a drink? Reggie

Daniel stared at the message, his thoughts racing. Maybe we could hook up after five years of very sporadic communication? Just like that? What the hell did he want?

Chapter Four (#ulink_445ed07d-6b61-56dc-9015-bef5d5638928)


I drive up to Beth’s house, feeling the smidgeon of envy I can never quite repress when I turn into the drive of her four-bedroomed mock-Georgian home. Beth has a lovely house, a caring husband, gorgeous children. I know she’s worked hard for them, and deserves all those things, but sometimes it’s hard to get away from the fact that she has everything I ever wanted. Barring perhaps the husband. A wife on the other hand …
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