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British Bachelors: Delicious and Dangerous: The Tycoon's Delicious Distraction / The Woman Sent to Tame Him / Once a Playboy...

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‘So he’s your ex-business partner? If you don’t mind my asking, what on earth made you go into business with someone like him?’

‘Ever heard the saying that a salesman can always be sold to?’ Shrugging his shoulders, Hal was still pained to admit he’d been so gullible. ‘I was in my early twenties when he approached me, having heard about the success I’d been having, and I was eager to prove to my father that I could do even better. So when Simon offered me what sounded like a good deal at the time I suppose I let down my usual guard and fell for his convincing spiel. He was an experienced businessman in the industry that interested me the most, and his record of success was impressive.’

He gave a wry grimace.

‘Anyway, getting back to the skiing incident, when I saw him on the slopes at Aspen the only reason I agreed to his stupid bet was because I was certain I could beat him. I’d never lost a similar challenge before. But the truth is I was an egotistical idiot and I paid the price. I should have just walked away. But I want to sincerely apologise for Rigden’s insulting you, Kit. If I were back on my feet he would have been the one who was immobilised.’

The comment clearly perturbed her.

‘I can understand the impulse, but I abhor violence. It doesn’t solve anything in my view. Doesn’t the fact that there are so many wars in the world tell you that? It would be much better to talk things out or simply just ignore him. That would wound him more.’

An amused quirk lifted a corner of his lips. ‘Well, the fact that you made it clear you weren’t interested and then warned him what might happen if he continued to make a nuisance of himself was more than enough to see him off. You were quite formidable in your defence of me, Kit. I’m seriously impressed. The only other person who would have been quite so protective is my sister Sam.’

Giving him a captivating smile, Kit picked up the pristine silver cutlery she had laid at the side of her dinner plate ‘I’ll take that as a compliment. But now I think we should finish eating our meal before it gets cold, don’t you?’

‘I can always get the waiter to bring us fresh food if need be.’

‘And waste all that money you’re paying for what we’ve got already? No chance!’

* * *

Kit was deeply reflective on their return to the apartment. The appearance of Simon Rigden at the restaurant had given her a graphic insight into Hal’s regret about going into partnership with such a man. ‘A salesman can always be sold to,’ he’d said drolly. One thing was certain: she was sure he’d never be sold to by such a merciless shark again.

Walking beside him over to the couch, where he carefully lowered himself onto the firm leather seats and handed her his walking aids, Kit noticed that he looked particularly tired—as if the outing had been more of a strain than he wanted to let on. Not only had it been his first visit to a restaurant since his accident but, along with negotiating the challenge of appearing in public again when he wasn’t as fit as he wanted to be, he had been confronted by the one person who was guaranteed to raise his stress levels... Kit hoped it wouldn’t set his recovery back in any way.

Intermingled with those thoughts was the memory of telling Hal about her mother and her history of failed relationships due to her poor choice of men. Would she have revealed something so personal if Simon Rigden hadn’t presented himself at their table to mock him?

‘I’m going to relax for a while. Why don’t you take the opportunity to do the same?’

Hal broke into her reverie with a beguiling smile. Was the man aware that if that smile were flashed up on a cinema screen it would have every woman and girl in the vicinity aching with longing for an opportunity to be intimately acquainted with him? Her body warmed helplessly. For Kit it was a new experience to be so acutely aware of a man...to the point where almost every other thought in her head evaporated when he directed that chameleon golden-eyed glance at her.

‘Later on this evening I thought we could watch a couple of movies together and afterwards have a talk about them?’

He settled back against the plumped-up cushions on the couch with his hands behind his head, which had the disconcerting result of drawing her gaze to the impressive muscular chest so lovingly hugged by his black cashmere sweater.

Her mouth nervously dried as he added, ‘Are you up for that? And don’t you dare tell me it’s what I’m paying you for.’

‘I’d love to do that...watch a couple of movies with you, I mean. But I think that I’ll pass on your suggestion to relax. I know that Mrs Baker has been in today to clean the house, but I’d like to check if there’s anything else that needs doing and if we need any supplies from the supermarket. If you’re resting, it would be a good opportunity. I know you probably won’t like me for saying it, but you’re not paying me to be idle. Besides, I like to keep busy and do what I can to make things a little easier for my clients. Talking of which...’ Kit couldn’t resist smiling ‘...I’d like to ice that leg for you at some point and check that everything’s okay.’

‘Everything’s fine.’ Hal moved his hands from behind his head to drive his fingers a tad irritably through his dark hair. ‘I’d tell you if it wasn’t...Nurse Blessington.’

Kit feigned a disapproving look. ‘I don’t profess to be a nurse, but I know what has to be done and how to do it, so I don’t mind if you think I’m a little bossy. Anyway, you should rest now. Just behave yourself while I’m gone,’ she chided, ‘and don’t do anything you shouldn’t.’

‘Really?’ he mocked. The devastating glint in his eye made her legs turn to mush. ‘Like what, for instance?’

Flustered, she hurried across to the door and opened it. ‘Oh, I don’t know... Abseiling out of the window, perhaps? One thing’s for sure: if there’s any mischief to be found you’re just the man to find it...intrepid thrill-seeker that you are!’

His delighted laughter followed her all the way down the hall and into the kitchen...

CHAPTER SEVEN (#ulink_9ba46938-d82a-52f7-8f76-87b379131b73)

AT HAL’S INVITATION, Kit sat next to him on the couch as they watched the first film, making sure to leave a decent amount of space between them. But he had dimmed the lights, and even though the film’s story was engrossing she couldn’t relax because of her heightened awareness of everything about him.

Not that he had to rely on anything external to enhance his undoubted appeal, but did he have to wear such a provocatively arresting aftershave? The scent was seriously taunting her and after having experienced his kiss in the bathroom—albeit a too brief one—she could hardly think about much else other than sex! The thrill of his unexpected caress had seriously excited her, and it didn’t help that she hadn’t known a man’s touch since the only other man she had gone to bed with had turned out to be a liar and a cheat.

The celibacy she’d imposed on herself since that episode had never backfired on her in such a disturbing and inconvenient way before. It surely wasn’t the brightest idea she’d ever had to lust after her boss, even though Hal Treverne was pretty impossible to resist!

Clearing her throat, she absently curled a long strand of her burnished copper hair round her finger.

‘Are you okay?’

Turning her head at the question, Kit curved her lips in an automatic smile. ‘Yes, I’m fine.’

Her quick-fire reply was hasty and unsure, and the smile that accompanied it was by no means meant to be invitational or provocative, but her companion’s arresting golden eyes darkened visibly in response. He also shifted in his seat, as though suddenly uncomfortable with his position. One thing was immediately clear. He was in no hurry to get back to the film.

‘Is it me or has it got seriously hot in here?’ he commented.

Over the slow and heavy thud of her heartbeat Kit tried her best to think straight. ‘It is quite warm,’ she agreed. ‘Perhaps I should turn the heating down a little?’

‘It won’t make any difference.’

Her companion’s lips shaped a compellingly wry grin that displayed his perfectly even white teeth and once again made Kit think he ought to be in the movies. But right then, in this dimly lit state-of-the-art modern living room, she was very glad that he wasn’t. She had no desire to share him with anyone...let alone the whole world.

‘Well, then, I suppose we’d better just watch the movie.’

Glancing away, she attempted to focus on the large screen facing her instead of on Hal, in a bid to not to be so distracted by him. But he was right. It was hot in here—and it wasn’t just down to the very efficient heating system.



‘Why don’t you move a little nearer? It’s a big couch and it feels like you’re miles away.’

‘Why do you need me to move nearer? Are you in pain? Shall I get your medication?’

In answer his golden eyes transmitted the kind of simmering heat reserved for burning embers, and the raw, impassioned hunger Kit saw reflected there was impossible to ignore. Her slender thighs, clad in black leggings beneath a matching roomy sweater, clenched defensively together. But in truth she knew she was on a hiding to nothing. A shiver convulsed her slender frame. If she hoped to be able to ride out the merciless electric storm confronting her, then it was already clear she was odds-on to lose.

‘I’m not in pain, but if I was the only thing that would help ease it is you, Kit.’

Her eyes widening, she replied tremulously, ‘Don’t say that—at least not in that way. You hired me to work for you. Nothing else. I would never jeopardise my job by—by...’ Embarrassingly, she ran out of the ability to finish her sentence.

Lifting a wry eyebrow, Hal sighed. It didn’t help Kit’s case that the gesture made him look irresistibly endearing...almost boyish.

‘What you’ve said is true,’ he said. ‘But in the past couple of days I’ve developed feelings for you that go beyond just wanting you to work for me and they won’t go away. I may have a broken leg, but that doesn’t stop me from having the same needs as any other able-bodied red-blooded man.’

Curling her hair behind her ear, Kit knew it was a delaying tactic, but still she asked softly, ‘Exactly what kind of needs are we talking about?’

‘Scoot up next to me and I’ll tell you. Better still, I’ll demonstrate.’
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