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British Bachelors: Delicious and Dangerous: The Tycoon's Delicious Distraction / The Woman Sent to Tame Him / Once a Playboy...

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‘It was. If it was graded by a panel of judges, the medal it would win would definitely be gold.’

‘What were you doing...? Wrestling with me?’

Hal’s chameleon golden-eyed gaze was no longer drowsy but wide and alert. In a flash his hands moved to fasten themselves round Kit’s slender-boned wrists and her heart thudded so hard in surprise that the desire to be free again didn’t even cross her mind.

‘I was passionately making love to you, and I guess we both got a little carried away.’ He smiled teasingly.

Riveted, Kit stared. ‘Well...’

His indisputably aroused gaze was roaming over the curves of her creamy breasts in the body-skimming nightwear and she was only too aware that his own magnificent bare chest was mere tantalising inches away from hers,

‘I’d advise you to try and have less, shall we say...energetic dreams in future. Especially when they could potentially endanger your health.’

‘What if I think the dream was worth the potential danger? I’m not a man who plays safe. I like to take risks, remember?’

His well-shaped lips formed a slow, seductive smile and the heat from his body mingled with his arresting cologne and made Kit feel seriously weak. As she stared back into his chiselled handsome face any desire to do the sensible thing and free herself completely deserted her.

‘I know,’ she answered softly. ‘It’s what you’re famous for, isn’t it? Taking risks, I mean. But seriously, Hal, I’ve been so worried. You’ve hardly spoken a word to me over the past few days. Is there something wrong that you’re not telling me about?’

‘No, sweetheart. There’s nothing bothering me other than frustration at so stupidly injuring myself and not being able to take control of things as I usually do.’

Kit breathed out a relieved sigh. ‘Is that all? Don’t you know those feelings aren’t a permanent state? Bones heal and your frustration will fade just as soon as you’re up and about again, like you were before. In no time at all this setback will be nothing but a distant memory. I promise.’

‘Hmm, you’re probably right. But, talking of another kind of frustration, did I tell you how sexy I think that little number you’re almost wearing is?’ he murmured, deftly pushing aside the inadequate spaghetti straps so that they slid down over her slim arms and caused the bodice of her chemise to reveal even more of her. ‘Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?’ he husked, his darkened gaze avidly roaming her now almost completely exposed bare breasts.

The cool night air that drifted in from the partially opened window skimmed her nipples and hardened them to prickling, tight steel buds. But Kit knew in truth it wasn’t anything external that made her react physically like that. It was her desire and hunger for Hal, and its force was like a torrid drowning wave she couldn’t do anything but surrender to.

‘I want to make love to you, Kit. Will you let me?’

‘What about—what about your injured leg? I don’t want to risk hurting you.’

For answer he put his fingers across her lips to quieten her. ‘I’m sure that between us we can find a position where there’ll be no risk to my leg. Let’s work it out, shall we? It will be an adventure.’ His compelling eyes darkened even more. ‘Are you in the mood for an adventure, Kit? I’m hoping that the answer is yes.’

Before she could utter a word Hal’s hands were driving through her hair, pulling her down on top of him and searing her lips with urgent scalding kisses that made her gasp and moan for more. She was all but on fire for him. The temperature of her blood surely couldn’t be far from reaching boiling point, and she didn’t resist when he guided her carefully over him so that she was sitting astride his toned, fit body.

As she settled herself straight away Kit became intimately aware of the steely hardness beneath the sensuous silk of his shorts, but she didn’t encourage or succumb to inviting his possession straight away, no matter how eager she felt. She didn’t just want to receive pleasure; she wanted to give it too. Sitting back for a moment to observe him, she knew her appreciative smile couldn’t help but be seductive. Henry Treverne was one of the most beautiful men she had ever seen, and she wanted to make the most of her time with him—however long or short that might turn out to be.

With a soft sigh Kit bent her head again. But instead of meeting his lips she slowly licked down his chest, from his flat male nipples to the column of dark silky hair that disappeared into his boxers.

CHAPTER EIGHT (#ulink_907376dc-20ec-5016-b1ba-2fa52f062a89)

‘DO YOU KNOW what you’re doing to me, woman?’ Hal growled as Kit teased and taunted him by swirling her indescribably silky tongue round his nipples, then slowly and deliberately sweeping it down to his navel.

Her blue eyes twinkling, she lifted her head and gave him the most maddeningly innocent smile. ‘I like to think I’m doing something nice. Don’t you like it?’

‘Of course I like it! But I want you to come back up here so that I can do the same to you.’

‘All right, then. Your wish is my command.’

‘Don’t say that or you may find I have a veritable list of wishes that will keep you here for the rest of the night and most of tomorrow too. What do you think about that?’

‘I’m beginning to see that you have a very creative mind, Mr Treverne. But if I don’t agree with any of your requests I’ll simply make myself scarce and go back to bed.’

She made this declaration as she rose to face him, and it took every ounce of will Hal possessed to suppress a heartfelt groan at the arresting sight she made. With her fiery copper hair tumbling onto her bared rosy-tipped breasts Kit reminded him of the eponymous Moll Flanders from the classic Defoe novel. As well as being bewitchingly beautiful, everything about her was irresistibly sexy. He’d defy any red-blooded male not to want to possess her.

Reaching out his hands to cup her breasts, he luxuriated in the soft weight and satiny feel of them as he stroked and teased the rigid nipples. Then, unable to deny his growing need to know her more intimately, he captured one of them between his lips and suckled and laved until she cried out and her head fell forward onto his chest. It was apparent that his lover had experienced a spontaneous release, and Hal couldn’t deny the sense of privilege that made him feel...that he could do that for her.

He was gratified that she was so exquisitely sensitive. Had she been as sensitive as this with any other of the lovers she’d had in the past? The thought struck a discordant jealous note that briefly unsettled him. But he refused to let it taint his pleasure for long.

With a smile, he tenderly smoothed his hand down over the tumbling red-gold curls that nestled just beneath his chin. When Kit tipped up her head to glance at him her cheeks had the bloom of a ripe red apple and her blue-eyed glance appeared surprisingly guilty.

‘I—I don’t know what to say...’

‘Did you enjoy it?’

She blushed again. ‘Yes, I did.’

‘Well, there’s no need to feel guilty if you enjoyed it, is there? I don’t want either of us to have any regrets about being together like this. In truth, the attraction we feel for each other has been building up for a while—you know that. And I don’t want you to feel guilty just because you experienced pleasure. Trust me, there’s going to be plenty more of that coming your way. We haven’t finished yet. Not by a long chalk. But first...’ he jerked his head towards the satinwood cabinet next to the bed ‘...I think I’m going to need to use some protection—that’s unless you’re already covered?’

Sliding carefully to the side of the bed, Kit sat up, her hands immediately adjusting the thin straps of her chemise back over her shoulders and tugging the bodice up higher to cover her breasts.

‘I’m not on the pill, if that’s what you mean. There’s been no need. Just in case you want to know, I haven’t had sex in a very long time.’

Hal’s heart missed a beat. ‘How long?’

She frowned. ‘The last time...and the first time, in fact—was when I was seduced by a man who turned out to be married. It only happened the once.’ Her shoulders lifted in a pained shrug. ‘It was a stupid mistake that I deeply regret. I’m just thankful that I had the common sense to make sure he used protection.’

For a moment Hal didn’t know what to say. When he finally managed to make sense of his feelings, he asked, ‘And when did this happen?’

‘I’d just turned twenty-one and had gone to a club with some friends. That’s where I met him. Anyway, like I said, it was a long time ago.’

‘And since then you’ve really never been with anyone else?’


‘Why not?’

‘Do you really need to ask? Don’t you think I’d be wary of men after what happened? Being deceived like that made me feel dirty. I never want to experience such a feeling again, and it made me more aware than ever that relationships shouldn’t be a priority—that I should just focus on trying to make a better life for myself. That was and still is my main priority. Shall I get the protection for you?’

With a slightly bemused nod of his dark head Hal indicated his agreement even as he resolved to delve a little deeper into her surprising confession at the earliest opportunity—to find out a bit more about the cheating rat who had stolen her virginity and deceived her.

‘You’ll find some in the second drawer down.’

As soon as Kit had handed the foil packet over to him he wasted no time in pulling her back against his chest and passionately claiming her lips in a languorous open-mouthed kiss. As he did so he tugged down the straps of her chemise until he was satisfied he could feel her lovely breasts again. Then, still kissing her, he shaped his hands over her pretty bottom and started to ease her panties down over her svelte hips as much as he could manage without jeopardising his injured leg.

Although he was more than ready to take her, and almost in pain because his desire was so acute, Hal didn’t want to rush anything, so he made sure to take his time exploring his lover’s supple and slender body. It was hardly a sacrifice... Not when her skin was as soft as down and as satiny-smooth as the finest silk. And, being that her only experience of lovemaking had been with a man who had lied to her about being free so that he could get what he wanted from her, Hal’s greatest desire was to make this experience with him one Kit would never forget—but only for the best of reasons. He wasn’t promising her something he couldn’t deliver, but he honestly wanted to help her erase that painful episode from her mind and replace it with a much better one.

Earlier Hal had joked that he liked to be on top, but because of his injury it was only natural that Kit should straddle him, and with her surprisingly strong slender thighs clasping him, and her tumbled copper hair and bare tip-tilted breasts on seductive view for his personal pleasure and edification, he had no qualms in silently admitting that, in truth, he actually had the best position of all...
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