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A Man to Believe In

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“Thanks again. You’ve helped make the transition easy.”

For heaven’s sake. Why was this guy so very easy to talk with, as if they’d had conversations like this all their lives? She had to get a grip. He was a coworker. “My pleasure, Peter. That’s what we do for friends around here. See you in the morning.”

* * *

NO SOONER HAD she pulled into Peter’s driveway the next morning than he came out the front door and locked it, looking content like a man exiting his castle. She couldn’t help but notice how good he looked in scrubs over a long-sleeved T-shirt, sunglasses perched on the top of his head, backpack over one shoulder and a grin a mile wide.

When he opened the passenger side door, she was grinning as big as he was. “How was your first night?”

“The couch makes a lumpy bed, but what a great place. Thank you again for introducing me to Brian.”

“I am so glad you like it.”

He buckled his seat belt, then rested his gaze on the two coffee cups in the holders. “Do I smell coffee?”

She handed him one. “You do. Didn’t know how you like it so it’s black. Sugar and half-and-half is in the bag if you need it.”

“Black is perfect.” He grabbed her hand after taking the cup from her, kissed her knuckles. “You’re an angel.”

A thrill ran up her arm. She laughed. “Thought you’d never notice.”

They drove in companionable silence. The morning talk-radio show filled the air with nonsense while the two commentators bantered over the latest celebrity faux pas.

Cassie sipped her coffee. Again, the sense of complete comfort in his company made it easy for her to say whatever was on her mind. “You nervous about your first day?”

Peter shook his head. “Not in the least. Can’t wait to get started.”

She pulled into the employee parking lot. “Monday morning. Always a circus.”

He hoisted his backpack. “I’m ready.”

She smiled. “Me, too. Be sure to text me if I can help you in any way.”

He opened his door. “Will do. Same here.”

Rachel waved to them from the nurses’ station as they came down the hallway. “Good morning! Welcome, Peter.”

He held both arms open, coffee in one hand. “I’m finally here as an official employee.”

Rachel grinned. “Well, it’s about time. Since you were so brilliant to get your orientation out of the way last week, stash your gear so we can go over last night’s charts and get to work.”

Cassie led him to the nurses’ locker area. She was looking forward to doing rounds with him to get a feel for his style. When they returned to the nurses’ station, Rachel held up a hand. “Cassie. I got a call from HR. You are scheduled for your annual physical at eight-thirty.”

How did she mess up her schedule? “I thought the physical was for tomorrow?”

Rachel shook her head. “Not according to HR. The morning rush hasn’t started yet, so why don’t you go up now? Anna is in back. We can handle the department.” She linked an arm through Peter’s. “I’ll take Peter with me this morning. You’ve already monopolized our newest hunk’s time since he arrived.”

Peter grinned at Cassie’s dropped jaw. OMG, she was way too transparent if he caught her distress at Rachel snagging him from her.

He patted her arm. “You go. I’m sure Rachel will take good care of me.”

* * *

WORKING TOGETHER MADE the week fly by. Mike had called Peter to say his radiator was being held up and the truck wouldn’t be ready until next week. Cassie welcomed the opportunity to continue carpooling with Peter. They’d slipped into an easy routine of Cassie picking him up, sharing coffee if it was the morning shift—heck, sharing coffee if it was the graveyard shift. Peter had no problem blending in with the staff. She and Doc, Brenda, Rachel and the others all took their turn confirming their findings with each other. Peter Chapman was an excellent score for the emergency department.

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