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Be My Babies

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Lily’s hand went to her midsection, which was just rounding a bit as her fifth month got into full swing. “I wonder if I’ll ever know what to do with these babies.”

He gave her the mug. “You will. A lot of it’s instinct, but I read child-rearing books, too.” He poured wine for the rest of them.

As Lily got her tea, she said, “Thanks for having us for dinner. Too bad your sister couldn’t make it.”

“She’s a busy lawyer. There’s only Sara and Mac Madison in the firm, and they have clients from all the neighboring towns.”

Lily knew Mac. On Gil’s advice, she’d met with him a few weeks after she’d arrived. He’d filed for her legal separation.

“I’d like to meet Sara. In any case, I appreciate your having us for dinner.”

A silence. Then, “We have Gil over all the time.”

Oh, no. She’d never thought of this. “You haven’t had Gil to dinner since I’ve been here. It’s been more than five weeks.”

“He’s been busy with you.”

“I’m sorry I interfered. Did you mind?”

“The truth?”

That’s what he’d said at the paper that day last week. She nodded.

“Yeah, I minded some. But Gil needed time with you.”

“It won’t happen again, Simon. I won’t come between you and Gil.”

His face shadowed, and there it was—that feeling Lily got, that her words, or sometimes her actions, meant more to him than what she’d intended.

They joined Gil and Jenna in the living room. “What are you playing?” Lily asked.

Simon shook his head. “Poker.”

“Yeah, Grandpa Gil taught me how.”

Gil arched his brows at Lily. He looked younger when he teased. “You know how to play?”

“I’m afraid not.” Bridge had been big in her circles. She’d never liked it, but Derek had insisted she join a club.

“Maybe we can teach you some seven-card stud after dinner.”

“You’re on, for whatever that is.”

When Lily went to take a seat, she noticed something hanging on the wall opposite the couch. “Oh, my.”

Jenna looked over. “It’s all right, isn’t it?”

“Why, yes, of course.” She stared at the matted and framed picture she’d drawn of Jenna. “At least I got to finish it.”

“You’re very talented, Lily,” Gil said.

“Thank you. My mother started me young.”

A silence invaded the room like an unwanted guest. She had yet to tell Gil the details of what had happened to Cameron and whenever something like this came up, it was awkward.

“She continued to draw? She was really good in high school.”

“Yes, I know. I found some of her work in the boxes you left out.”

Gil’s eyes were sad. Lily said no more about Cameron and Simon tried to cover for the awkwardness. “Did I tell you the advertising income for the paper has gone up by a third this quarter, Gil? I’ll show you the figures later.”

The unhappiness faded from her grandfather’s face. “That’s terrific. I’m guessing that some folks have taken out classifieds just to make contact with our new helper here. I even saw Mike O’Malley being nice to her the other day.”

Lily chuckled. She thought the same thing about the ads and people’s attitudes. It was wonderful for her battered ego.

“Eddie McPherson stops in all the time,” Jenna said, mentioning a local firefighter. “I think he likes her.”

Lily shifted uncomfortably. Gil looked away and so did Simon.

“What did I say?” Jenna asked.

“Lily’s married, honey.”

“Yeah, but she left her husband. She’s living here, now.”

Reaching out, Lily touched Jenna’s arm. “I did more than that, sweetie. I’ve sent him papers asking for a legal separation.”

“So, good.” Jenna went back to her cards. “But watch out for Eddie. They call him Fast Eddie.”


“I’m not a baby, Grandpa.”

Simon chuckled. “You get no argument from me about Eddie. I went to high school with him. That was his nickname then, too.”

“Speaking of names, do you have them picked out for the babies, Lily?” Gil asked.

“No, not yet.”

“What are you considering?”

“I’d like to keep that to myself for now. As soon as I decide, I’ll let you know.”

A buzzer went off in the kitchen. Simon rose. “Dinner’s ready. Jenna, you can help me. Gil and Lily, why don’t you go into the dining room.”

When they were all seated and the food was in front of them, Simon said grace. And Lily was mesmerized by the soothing rhythm of his voice, raised in prayer. She was also struck by the notion that this must be what a real family dinner was like.

She’d never experienced one before in her life.
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