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Be My Babies

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“Where would you go?”

She gripped the pencil tighter and had to stop drawing for a minute. “I honestly don’t know.”

“You should stay. Grandpa Gil loves having you here.”

She knew that, but she wondered how Jenna had figured it out. She asked the girl.

“He just acts it. He always talks about you and smiles a lot more than before you came. Dad says it’s good to see him happy.”

“That’s nice.”

After fifteen minutes, Lily studied the sketch. “It’s okay. Could use more detail. But there’s not much time left before the paper’s open again.”

“Can I see it?”


Jenna plopped down close to Lily on the couch. “Wow. This is sweet.”

“Think so?”

“Yeah. You even got me holding a book.” She smiled at the picture. “Can I have it?”

“I’d rather finish…Oh!” Lily’s hand went to her abdomen. “Oh.”

“What? Are you okay?”

Tears came to Lily’s eyes.

“Lily, should I call somebody?”

“No, no, honey. I just felt a kick for the first time.”

“Get out!” She stared at Lily’s stomach. “What did it feel like?”

“A pressure pushing against my tummy. Oh, there’s another.”

“Maybe it’s the other baby.”


Jenna was silent. Then, she asked, “Lily, can I feel it?”

“Well…of course.” Not exactly how Lily planned sharing the first flutters of the babies—with a teenage girl she barely knew—but what the heck? At least someone was with her to appreciate this milestone. She took Jenna’s hand and moved it to where she’d felt the first kick. Nothing. “Come on, sweetie. Kick again for Jenna.”

In a few moments, there was another gentle nudge. “Man, Lily, that’s the best.” She moved her hand a bit and waited. “Oh, I felt that, too.”

“Looks like one isn’t going to be outdone by the other.”

The bell over the door sounded again and in walked Simon. He stopped short when he saw his daughter close to Lily on the couch. “Jenna, what are you doing here?”

“I came for lunch. You weren’t around, so I had soup with Lily.”

He checked his watch. “I see. You’d better get going.”

“Dad, she drew me. And then I felt the babies kick. It was so awesome.”

His face softened. “Which? The drawing or the kicking?”

“Both. Come look.”

Crossing to the couch, he stood behind them. He was so close, the scent of him practically surrounded Lily. Aftershave? Soap? “Hmm. Very nice. You’re good, Lily. What’s your background?”

“I was an art and design major in college.”

“Not much call for that in Mayberry.”


The phone rang and Lily rose from the couch. “I’ll get it.”

“No, I will. You can go home now.”

“Dad?” Jenna had obviously caught the rudeness, too. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, sure.” He answered the phone. “Hello? Oh, yes, Mrs. Billings. She’s here. I guess it’s all right if you talk to her.” He held out the receiver. “You’re drumming up quite a fan club.”

Lily shrugged and ruffled Jenna’s hair. “I hope to see you soon.”

“I loved feeling the babies move. Do you know what they are?”

She took the phone, but before she spoke into it she grinned at Jenna. “Yep, one of each.”

“Isn’t that great, Daddy?” Jenna said.

“Great,” Simon said, staring at Lily. “Just great.”

DEREK WAKEFIELD rolled over in bed and reached for Liliana. When he came up with only a handful of silk duvet, he grunted. Gradually, he came awake to the smell of stale booze. There was a putrid taste in his mouth.

“Aw, shit,” he said, burying his face in his pillow. As awareness dawned, he began to crave another drink. Slowly, he opened one eye and stared at the clock until it came into focus. Noon. What day was it?

Sighing, he turned onto his back, and his stomach pitched. The bright sun slanted in from the skylight and hurt his eyes. Liliana liked spring afternoons—maybe he’d take her to the park. She looked so cute in that straw sun hat he’d bought her in the Caribbean.

Then he remembered. Liliana wasn’t here. She’d left in the middle of the night a week ago. Why had she done that? He had a vague recollection of something…her walking in…something happened. His head began to pound when he thought about it too hard.

The phone rang and he dragged a pillow over his head to block out the sound. When it persisted, he picked up the bedroom extension. “’ello.”

“Derek, it’s me.”
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