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Be My Babies

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Gil cleared his throat. “So did your mother. We used to make it Saturday mornings before I went to work.”

Picking up a glass, she sipped the tart orange juice. “You worked Saturdays?”

“And Sundays.” He took a seat near the window. “In those days, I was a workaholic, Lily.”

“That’s what you implied yesterday.” She didn’t want the resurrection of the topic to ruin the morning, so instead she nodded to the tray. “I see you brought the paper.”

“Yeah, it looks great this week.”

“Simon’s a good editor?”

His eyes sparkled. “He learned from the best.”

“I’ll bet.” She settled her hand on the newsprint. “I’m going to look for a job today, Gil.”

“I wish you wouldn’t. There’s no need.”

“I can’t just laze in bed forever.”


“It isn’t right.”

“It might be right for the babies.”

“I won’t overdo it. I have to start taking control of my life.”

He checked his watch. “Jake is coming in an hour to pick me up for our bowling league. I’ve got time, if you want to tell me about that. About Derek.”

Lily had yet to reveal the reason she’d run away from her husband or tell Gil what really happened to her and Cameron all those years ago. Now might be the time to explain about Derek. But she didn’t know if she’d ever tell him the latter. Some things were better kept from a father.

She bit into the toast. It was delicious. “A shortened version, maybe. After I eat.”

When she finished her meal, Gil took the tray and put it on the dresser. Sitting back down, he said, “I’m listening.” He’d brought a mug of coffee for himself and he sipped from it as she talked.

“I met Derek after college. His family business was a big customer of the agency I worked for and Derek was at the firm a lot.”

“What business is he in?”

“Wakefield Enterprises.”

“Wow, I didn’t make the connection. Huge conglomerate.”

“They’re rich.” And spoiled and arrogant.

“So why do you need a job, Lily?”

“Because it’s the Wakefields’ money. When I left the house in Westchester, I took some clothes and my jewelry, but not even my car. I only took the jewelry because I needed a security blanket, and because I intend to pay my own medical bills when I have the babies.”

“What on earth brought you to this point?”

“Derek swept me off my feet. He was so charismatic, I didn’t stand a chance.” She could still remember a young black-haired, blue-eyed Derek wining and dining her, catering to her every whim, professing his undying love. She didn’t know until after they were married that this wasn’t the real Derek Wakefield, this wasn’t his true personality. She explained all this to her grandfather.

“Once we were together, he couldn’t keep up the facade. But by then it was too late, because I was crazy about him. I thought I could handle the negligence and self-centeredness.” She shook her head. “It wasn’t until we tried to have a child that things became unbearable.”

“You had problems…in that area?”

“Yes. Derek wouldn’t get tested, but there were no physical issues with me.” She shrugged. “Still, maybe I was too tense.”

“How did he feel when you told him you finally were pregnant?”

She waited a long time before she answered. “I didn’t.”

In her mind, she could still see their last scene together.

She’d come home from her doctor’s appointment elated, having waited to tell Derek about the pregnancy until she was past the miscarriage stage. That day, she’d rushed to his downstairs office, knocked and entered without waiting for a reply. And there he was…

“What are you doing?” she’d asked, horrified.

The traces of white powder still visible beneath his nose, and the paraphernalia on the desk answered her question.

“Get out of here. This is my business.”

“Derek, you can’t—”

“I said get the hell out.” He came around the desk as fast as a jaguar. When she didn’t move, he yelled, “I said, get out!”

“Derek, please.”

The slap came fast and it was hard enough to knock her back against the door. And for the first time Lily was afraid he’d hurt her and the babies.

She told Gil everything, except the part about Derek hitting her. For some reason, she couldn’t share that with him. “So I left.”

“Oh, Lily, I’m sorry.”

“Me, too. I’m going to file for a legal separation, but I need to get back on my feet again first, in case he isn’t agreeable.”

“Do you still care about him?”

“Derek was my first love, and I think I’ll always care about him. But now I have two children to protect.”

His eyes widened beneath bushy brows. “You’re not going to tell him about them?”

“I’m afraid for them, and truthfully, I’m afraid his parents might try to take them from me. I just don’t have everything figured out yet, Gil.”

“You’re not alone anymore. I’m here for you.” His eyes were sad. “I know I wasn’t there for your mother, but I learned what’s important.”

She wanted to believe that, but Lily had a hard time trusting men these days.
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