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Mermaid Silena’s adventures. Fairy tales

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– And now I’ll show you my most hidden magical place. I’m also a witch, for your information.

And the little mermaid only had time to think to herself:

– And I already guessed about it. This is something I know well.

And so, sailing to the huge black, half-blown glossy

the lotus, on the sides of which stood huge, heavily growling moray eels with wide-open mouths, with a grin of sharp teeth in three rows, the witch revived.

– Now is the time when my lotus blossoms and we can go inside.

Once inside, swimming after the witch, the little mermaid was amazed. By the edges of the round bottomless room, lined with black iridescent pearls, shimmered with a spinning, huge diamond.

– This is the focus of my power. I liked you and I will not eat you, I will teach you witchcraft. You can turn into anyone you want, even into a person, and stay with me. You will become my successor, because I feel in you some kind of native force, a powerful attraction. I can’t let you go. I will send a seahorse with the news to your father that in a month I will let you go.

– Well, let it be your way, – said the little mermaid. – Only I want to see the king-father at least occasionally.

But the witch shook her head:

– I have a secret that I will reveal to you. I cannot leave my domain. There is another unknown force that does not allow me to leave my kingdom. And then you will be my guide. Now I can’t let you go. I’ll let you go later, but I won’t promise anything now. Not right now. Every day I will teach you my various magical wisdom and at the end of the path I will give you a magical scepter, and all your desires will come true while it is in your hands. I will teach you to read witch books.

And the witch continued, pointing to a huge translucent stone:

– This diamond can show the past and the future.

– What about the real one?

– What do you really need? – she yelled.

– Daddy is probably worried about me, isn’t he?” I didn’t come home yesterday.

– I told you I can’t let you go now. I will send the seahorse as a messenger. Your time will come.

– I’m very worried about my dad, – Silena almost whimpered.

The witch grunted and dragged her by the hand to the diamond, waved her tail and the diamond sparkled with a grayish light. And the little mermaid saw her father. He worried about her, gathered his retinue in search of her. Everyone in the kingdom was alarmed.

– Oh, what calf tenderness, – the witch barked. – You looked, your father is alive and well, and that’s enough for you!

The diamond is off. The little mermaid calmed down and thought:

– Oh, well, – she thought, seeing her father, – he’s all right.

And so it all went: the other side of the mermaid’s studies: magic, sorcery. She was very interested in it. The further, the deeper, the more interesting it became. It was even possible to create something extraordinary out of nothing. Even the witch slowly began to soften, without noticing it herself. As she lacked, it turns out before normal communication. And it was all Silena’s fault.

Nobody let her out, as if the gloomy space itself did not allow her to leave. A black haze reigned in this enchanted kingdom that it was not known when the day came and when the night came.

And the courtiers and the whole kingdom already guessed that the princess was imprisoned by a witch, because they searched all the nooks and crannies of the underwater kingdom and other neighboring settlements, and no one saw her. And even her classmates stopped being angry with her and regretted that they had treated her badly. The seahorse forgot himself with a message from the witch and sat drunk in a tavern, where the palace guards found him. He lost the message, but conveyed it in words, and the king announced in the district that he was going to attack the witch kingdom with an army.

And the rumors reached the witch and the little mermaid. Silena asked her gloomy teacher to send a messenger to the king that she was not in danger and in two months she would return home.

The witch, as the first time, kept her word and sent a swimming beetle there to announce her decision. The king decided not to resist. He knew the witch: she would keep her word, she was true to her promises, and it was not worth risking her daughter.

Two months have passed and a capable student has mastered all the lessons and admonitions from the sorceress. The king’s father did not go to war to free his daughter, he believed the promise and eagerly leafed through the calendar. Yes, and he could not have defeated the witch, because no one had yet been able to defeat her. And if she wins, then the defeated kingdom, so prosperous, will also turn into a black haze – he did not dare to allow this.

It’s time to release the little mermaid, and the witch got used to her so much that she already considered her successor. Silena began to love the witch, because she so lacked female attention from her mother.

The witch looked after the sailing Silena and suddenly, against her will, shed a tear, and the little mermaid, quietly floating out into the bright light, closed her eyes out of habit and slowly, slowly swam towards her kingdom without looking back. Gentle waves caressed her hair, diffused light penetrated through the water and, out of habit, her head was spinning a little.

Having sailed home to the royal palace, she rushed to her father. To celebrate, the sea king announced a feast throughout the country. He invited musicians: violinists, troubadours, overseas

fish-dancers and everyone sang, danced, rejoiced at the return of Silena. The little mermaid was teased with sweets, combed her silky hair with golden combs, weaved the most fragrant algae into her braids and pink pearls.

The little mermaid was immensely happy, but meanwhile in her soul ached with longing for the witch. The heart was filled with desire to see her new teacher.

– What is my witch doing now, she’s all alone there! It would also be nice to treat her with palace sweets, – but contritely lowered her head and sighed: – it’s a pity that this is impossible.

The next day, Silena sailed to school and all her classmates surrounded her and in chorus, vying with each other began to ask what and how:

– We were worried about you. The witch didn’t hurt you? Did she treat you well? What did you eat there? Was it scary there? Tell us, how is it in the realm of darkness?

The little mermaid was flattered by such attention and told in detail about the dark kingdom with black pearls on the walls, about toothy moray eels, about a bunch of fish remains. But she kept silent about the fact that the witch is not so bad. She took care of her.

All the crowd went to the classroom and everyone shouted:

– Tell us more, more!

After her return, everything changed. Classmates began to respect her after the successful rescue from the terrible witch, because from childhood everyone was scared that she was devouring girls and boys, and Silena returned even more beautiful than before, with special sparks in her eyes.

Meanwhile, the witch did not let up: without Silena she had no peace. In anguish, she ate codfish one by one and threw the skeletons out the window.

– What happened with me? – she wondered at herself, tearing off the sticky leeches from her table. Gradually, she began to realize that, as a daughter, she did not cherish the soul in Silena.

– I become like a mermaid myself, ugh! I want order around me and a little bit of good. I am ashamed of other sorcerers in eyes look after that, – and laughed softly under her breath: – where are they, other sorcerers then?

Just by touching the wall of her room, she suddenly recoiled: starting from the black corners to the opening the darkness of the door turned gray and became a little lighter. She thought:

– Wow, any changes? Perhaps it’s better, otherwise they are all the same color.

She sailed to make a detour of her kingdom and was surprised to find that there, too, the black haze along the edges of her state began to dissipate. Blueish and greenish colors began to appear.

– What’s happening? – wondered the witch.

Silena, eluding her fans, after school, instead of sailing home, went straight to the witch kingdom.

– Oh, – she threw up her hands, – Where is it?

What she saw stunned her. Instead of the expected blackness and pitch darkness, she saw the following picture: instead of a black castle, she saw a bluish haze around, behind which one could see the greenish outlines of a palace filled with some colors. She did not know whether to rejoice or be afraid – what happened there? And rather swam to look for her teacher. On the way, looking into every secluded place, she shouted:
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