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Mermaid Silena’s adventures. Fairy tales

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– Witch, where are you?

And suddenly she saw an unusual picture. Among the slightly pinkish black corals, in a hammock woven from strong algae, the witch swayed lulled by the symphony of her crabs, and snored. Even her dress has changed its color slightly. Instead of greasy black, it turned into blue-violet.

From an excess of overwhelmed feelings, Silena affectionately hugged her and kissed her on the cheek. The witch woke up, out of habit, that someone disturbed her without asking, she wanted to scream, but she saw her lost student and broke into a happy smile and hugged her in response.

– You are back? An emerald tear rolled down the bridge of her nose. – I thought I’d never see you again.

– I missed you too. That’s why I returned. You have become like family to me. I was afraid that I would never see you either.

The witch grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the lotus.

– When you left, I forgot to give you the magic scepter. This is your magic tool. With him you will always be safe.

They swam together and found that there were still bright spots, windows. The sorceress, unaccustomed to seeing the light, could no longer endure the blackness to which she was accustomed, but became worried:

– Holes should be patched up.

Silena held her back and said softly:

– It’s because you decided to change and everything around began to change. Our love and affection for each other works wonders.

The witch herself began to change. Rejuvenated, facial features have changed for the better. She felt that she had become important to Silena.

And in the palace, the queen, unexpectedly for everyone and herself, began to change in character and mood. Either she will yell at the servants for no reason at all, or she will freak out that the food is undersalted or peppered and will pour soup on the head of the silver carp cook. And she doesn’t understand what’s wrong with her.

And Silena swam out of the black haze and sailed away to school, for a joke turning into different fish so that she would not be recognized. She walked in school with classmates and shot small shells at teachers, and they punished other students. The little mermaid also saw her father more furtively when she watched him in his royal affairs.

So time passed and Silena almost did not return home: some supernatural force did not allow her to leave the old woman. The witch grandmother caressed her, combing her hair, and the little mermaid fell in love with her as a mother. The sea king was no longer worried about his daughter: she had become an adult and it was definitely not necessary for them to be afraid of witches now.

It was time for school exams and Silena had to make up for lost knowledge in order to prepare and pass successfully. This was the reason that after school she stopped visiting her witch in her even brighter, once terrible, kingdom.

One morning, the queen, opening the bedroom windows, heard the latest news from the paperboy:

– Sensation! Imagine, the witch’s black kingdom is no longer black! Her haze dissipated and a palace appeared on the site. it is certainly not as luxurious as ours, but quite tall and attractive. The darkness is dissipating gradually. What’s happening? Scientists are confused.

The queen furrowed her brows: is everything returning to its place?

– I need to go there urgently and check everything myself. What if the witch can already leave her possessions?

She threw on a fiery cloak and quietly rushed headlong out of the palace and rushed to reconnoiter. She couldn’t wait to see everything with her own eyes.

Meanwhile, the witch looked at herself in the mirror, stroking her flushed cheeks, which had become smoother, and her nose no longer touched her chin. She was surprised to understand that everything in her was really changing. Almost nothing remains of the former witch: a large-eyed, green-eyed mermaid woman was already looking at her in the mirror in surprise.

And at this pleasant moment, at great speed, opening the algae curtains, a miger queen flew in, who was a real witch.

– How dare you all destroy?! – she yelled, lashing out at the witch.

– What have I destroyed? – she jumped away from her. – I don’t understand, what are you talking about?

The queen hissed and spit in anger. And the more she got angry, the more she became like a witch herself.

– Why, don’t you remember how I fell in love with your king? More than you! That my mother turned you into a witch and me into you. It’s because I really deserved the king’s love more than you! I even became the best mother for your daughter!

And then, opposite the eyes of the witch, the real queen, muddy pictures of the past began to emerge. And gradually they became clearer and clearer. She saw herself joyful with the king when they held their newborn daughter in their arms, their wedding, how they first met, fell in love, how strong their love was.

Silena, meanwhile, was returning from school. She missed her so much that she had not seen the magical teacher for a long time, that, having swum unnoticed to the door, she heard the whole conversation between her mother and the witch. Her face turned pale. She pressed her hands to her chest and could hardly restrain her tears, she almost screamed in despair, but in time she covered her mouth with her hand: “So that’s why you’ve never been nice to me! Only my father loved me. And you just put up with me. That’s why my heart was torn to the witch and grieved for her. You are my real mother.” Tears were already rolling down her pale cheeks, when the queen rushed past, almost knocking her, but not noticing her stepdaughter.

Silena’s whole life flashed before her eyes. And she recalled many times how she could not allegedly tell mother, how her classmates offended her at school – that she only blamed herself. How she once fell while running from furious coelocant, and, swimming between the corals, scratched her elbow badly, and the pseudo-mother, instead of hugging and blowing on the wound, pushed the girl away and scolded for hooliganism. She was very upset that she herself was to blame. Now everything has become clear.

Silena plucked up the courage to swim inside and consciously meet her real mother for the first time.

– Mommy, my mommy! she shouted, running towards him. The witch only clasped her hands and hugged her daughter.

– I’ll never leave you again.

– Mom, do you remember me? – Silena asked almost sobbing.

– Yes. Before, I didn’t understand why, but something native seemed to me in you from the first meeting.

– And how I suffered without my mother’s affection, without my mother’s warmth. I thought she was my mom. And I’ve always felt good with you. Even from your glance it became warm on the heart. Let’s swim quickly to the palace. Suddenly there something bad happened, if she already knows.

The witch nodded and took her daughter by the hand and swam to the borders of her domain. But some invisible, already without blackness, appeared as a wall in front of the queen and her found daughter.

– Oh, the spell has not completely gone yet… what to do now? We’ll have to wait.

– Mom, what if she does something bad with dad?

– Don’t worry, she loves him and won’t hurt him. But I’m worried about you. Better stay with me until the morning, and in the morning we will figure out how to get out of here.

They couldn’t close their eyes all night. Silena talked about her life, her childhood dreams and experiences. Her mother stroked her hair affectionately, pressed her to her breast, and could not get enough of the fact that from now on she was not alone.

Mother told how a miracle happened one day: witchcraft, like a veil from her eyes fell from her face, and she turned almost in front of the little mermaid into her mother.

– And while you were taking exams, my terrible skin fell off like a snake. I became alternately terrible, then I had a beautiful face and body.

The little mermaid exclaimed:

– Oh yeah! You have always been like my mother in your attitude towards me.

And the mother suddenly remembered and told her a story that Silena had partially overheard behind the door.

– I am a queen and gave birth to you at a time when your father had just ascended the throne.

And in the black sea kingdom, a feisty witch with her daughter ruled. The witch’s daughter wanted to take my place – she really liked my husband. Her mother agreed and made it so that I turned into her daughter and could conjure, and her daughter could no longer conjure, as soon as her heart became cold as ice, but outwardly she was my copy. And now the evil has melted like a mist, I have become myself again. And her mother had already died and all her strength had gone with her.

– I’m reluctantly changed fate with her daughter. I hope we spend the last night with you here and tomorrow I can return to the palace.

In the morning they could not stand it and fell asleep, and when they opened their eyes, they simply gasped. Mother-of-pearl shone in front of them, from black the lotus turned into soft pink. The diamond glowed, spreading its bright rays to the sides. And the former witch herself completely turned into a mermaid queen and became even more beautiful.
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