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The Damn Artefacts

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«Then let’s go».

They stepped outside.

«Grab me by my hand, Mr. Merlegg,» – said Ted and, seeing his boss’ hesitancy, added, «Don’t you worry, this is completely safe and will take not more than a few seconds».

Mr. Merlegg took Ted by his hand and the young man pressed his signet-ring gem. Several seconds afterwards they «portalanded» nearby the Magistrate.

«Here we are. How are you?»

«Normal. Quite unusual feelings. But very convenient, on the other hand».

«That’s right. Nonetheless, I prefer to walk to work. A morning stroll is useful to one’s health,» – Ted smiled.

«So, is it the Magistrate? I haven’t been here yet,» – Mr. Merlegg looked at the building admiringly.

«Let’s get in».

At the entrance they were met by a security guard.

«Hi, what is the purpose of your visit?»

«Hello,» – answered Ted. «Alan Merlegg and Ted Spencer from the British Museum. We have an appointment with the Third Master».

«Come in. You need to…»

«Yes, thank you. I know where it is».

«Have a good day then!»

At two o’clock Ted and Mr. Merlegg were in the Third Master’s office. Starr, the lawyer was already sitting at table.

«Hello,» – the Master greeted them cordially and hospitably. «Come in, have a seat. Do you know Mr. Starr, the lawyer?»

«We did not have the honor. Pleased to meet you, sir,» – Ted tackled the issue pro-actively. He noticed that Mr. Merlegg had lost his nerve being surrounded by the most powerful representatives of the magic society.

«Our lawyer Mr. Starr, please meet Mr. Alan Merlegg, Deputy-Director of the British Museum and Head of the Magic Department, and Mr. Ted Spencer, a treasurer, curator and tour-guide of the Magic Department,» – the Third Master introduced them.

The men shook each other’s hands.

«I am also very pleased to meet you, gentlemen,» – the lawyer replied. «Furthermore, this is quite a novelty in our world, I mean, the Magic Department in the Museum which discloses our mysteries and our life to non-magicians. I am thankful to the Third Master for his valuable time. I am here on business, unfortunately, for a sad cause».

«What happened, counsellor? You haven’t touched upon any sad reason in our telephone conversation,» – asked the Master.

«Five days ago a magician Meryl Greenfield passed away».

«Really!» – exclaimed the Master. «I wasn’t updated on that! What a loss! What an irretrievable loss!»

The Master groaned and shook his head.

«Yes, unfortunately,» – confirmed the lawyer and turned to Ted. «I hope that this name is familiar to you, Mr. Spencer?»

«Oh, certainly! What a pity! She used to be a famous magician. Besides, she was a writer, a traveler and a collector of magic books».

«Right. I am her solicitor and executor. She bequeathed all her books and traveler’s notes to the British Museum».

«Really!» – Mr. Merlegg exclaimed. «Quite unexpectedly and a huge donation to our Museum».

«Yes, but there is a tiny condition. A letter in some ancient and unknown language has been attached to the will. Allow me to read the will to you, rather the part that concerns you».

«Please, begin».

The lawyer started to read.

«Within my life I have been to many a country and gathered a substantial collection of magic books, scrolls and rarities. I would like to bequeath all of them to the British Museum. For my collection to be useful and not to absorb dust in the archives, I hereby attach a letter which comprises my last wishes. In order to make sure that my decision was correct, I compiled this letter in a language, other than English. Given that within a year’s time my letter is not deciphered and my instructions are not put into effect, the collection will be ruined. In a year Mr. Iron Starr shall obtain an English translation of the letter in question and make sure that it is identical with the original version, likewise that the Museum staff have begun fulfilling my instructions. In the event they have decoded the text and started to comply with the aforesaid instructions, Mr. Iron Starr or someone of his subordinates shall verify whether or not my wishes are performed, on an annual basis. Please find attached the list of books and papers». That is about all, gentlemen».

«Weird, as it may seem… Why was it necessary to puzzle it so?»

«The magician was very smart and loved to communicate with the same bright people. She was willing to pass her valuable legacy to worthy people who do deserve it. Here you are, – a copy of the will, a letter, a key and the address».

Mr. Merlegg took the items mentioned above.

«I am happy for the British Museum,» – said the Master.

«So am I,» – uttered the lawyer. «But you must excuse me, since I have another appointment».

«Yes, sure».

Mr. Starr left.

«Well, well, well…» – commented Mr. Merlegg. «You, the magicians, tend to complicate things, unlike rank-and-file people! Why was it that necessary to complicate the whole thing? Others would be flattered if their books were kept in the Museum, and without any riddles! Oh, I am sorry, Master!»

«Everything is fine. You are right. Magicians are inclined to tangle. I have no idea, what is in this letter, but you will definitely have to decrypt it. It will be very distressing if the magician Meryl’s collection is damaged».

«May I take a look at the letter?»

«Absolutely. I am also curious».

Mister Merlegg opened the envelope and extracted the letter. Looking at it, he shook his head and handed it to the Master. The latter glimpsed at the letter and gave it to Ted.

«Such epistolary opuses are unknown to me. Maybe you are more in the know, Mr. Spencer?»

Ted, in his turn, began scrutinizing the letter.

«The letters aren’t familiar to me. But I have spent some time in the library. Apart from that, I may apply for help to a professor from the school of ancient magic linguistics. Back at school we weren’t exposed to such a language, but I cherish the thought that he is knowledgeable of it».

Ted returned the letter to Mr. Merlegg.

«Good luck, Mr. Spencer! As far as I can judge, you have immediately come up with the action plan,» – said the Master. «In case you need my assistance, you may easily rely on me».
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