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Hot Single Docs: Taming The Bachelor: NYC Angels: Redeeming The Playboy / NYC Angels: Heiress's Baby Scandal / NYC Angels: Unmasking Dr Serious

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‘Now …’ As the appointment concluded Nina smiled. ‘Do you remember I spoke to you about Dr Cavel?’

‘The cosmetic surgeon?’

Jack’s ears really did pick up. If they were talking about Louis Cavel, he was renowned, so renowned that he had done some rather impressive work on Jack’s own mother.

‘We had a meeting a few weeks ago and I mentioned you to him, as I said I would. He had a look at your photos and he really thinks he can help.’ Jack watched as Nancy started to cry and Nina went from her chair and put her arms around the woman. ‘He’s really looking forward to meeting with you.’

‘The truth?’ Nancy checked.

‘Absolutely,’ Nina said.

‘I’m so ashamed of my face,’ Nancy sobbed. ‘I feel people looking at my scars all the time and every time I look in the mirror I remember what he did.’

‘Dr Cavel gets that. He wants to help you move on and really put this behind you,’ Nina said. ‘We’re all so proud of the effort you’ve made this past year.’

‘This is the sweet reward.’

‘I believe so.’ Nina said. ‘I’ve heard that his work is second to none. Now …’ Nina stood and went through the file and handed Nancy a business card ‘… he is holding a clinic here on Thursday. It’s strictly by appointment, the wait for him is huge, but he does want to see you, so I’ve scheduled one. Can you get here on Thursday?’

‘Oh, I’ll be here.’ Despite her tears a huge smile split Nancy’s face. ‘I wouldn’t miss it. I never thought I’d be getting my face fixed.’

‘I can’t wait to see you when you do.’

As Nancy left, Nina turned at Jack’s voice.

‘We are talking about the Louis Cavel?’

‘He donates fifteen hours a month,’ Nina said. ‘And the difference he makes to lives is amazing. Nancy is already a changed woman, but just wait till she’s got rid of those scars, she’ll be unstoppable.’ She smiled at Jack. ‘Louis loves the work he does here—he says it grounds him after dealing with rich socialites who have nothing more to worry about than new crows’ feet appearing …’

‘He’s my mother’s cosmetic surgeon.’

Her lack of embarrassment at her faux pas was refreshing, and when she laughed, so did Jack.

‘So what will he do for Nancy?’

‘A miracle,’ Nina said. ‘I had a woman last year who had massive, ke-, ke-, I can’t remember the name. Really thick scars.’

‘Keilod scars,’ Jack said.

‘That’s it, and her nose had been broken numerous times. Louis did the most amazing work, he always does—he gives these women their faces back.’

As the evening progressed Jack was far from bored.

He was, in fact, fascinated.

They didn’t finish till after ten, not because of clients but because they actually sat talking and Jack became more and more impressed with what he’d never thought he would be. He started to understand the holistic approach that she favoured so much, and they carried on chatting as Jack drove her home.

‘We offer counselling not just to the women and children but also their partners. Some women stay and some men do choose to change.’ She saw his disbelieving eye-roll. ‘Some do!’

‘Perhaps,’ Jack said, though he’d have to see it to believe it.

Actually, he wanted to see it to believe it.

‘I’ve got a fundraiser for the burns unit next weekend.’ Jack glanced at her. ‘Come with me.’

‘I don’t think so.’

‘No, please. You dismiss all the work that I do, just as I dismissed yours, and I would like you to see what I do.’

‘Jack …’ Her voice was slightly weary. ‘I’d stick out like a sore thumb at one of those dos.’

‘I can—’

‘Please,’ Nina broke in. ‘Don’t offend me by offering to buy me something to wear. If I was a millionaire I still wouldn’t drop a thousand dollars on an evening dress and shoes.’

A thousand dollars wouldn’t begin to cover it and Jack felt that knot of unease again in his stomach as he thought of the wealth that surrounded him, the money that made money and the games that he played.

‘Think about it.’

‘May be.’

She wouldn’t.

‘And speaking of men who don’t change—’ they were nearing the turn-off for her apartment and Jack wanted to drive on ‘—would you like dinner?’

‘I had something to eat at work.’

‘A drink perhaps?’

This question Nina did think about, she really did.

She sat with her bottom being warmed on a leather seat and glanced over at him, at his perfect profile. Then, as his hand moved to turn on the music, she saw his manicured nails and the flash of his expensive watch and she remembered that he was everything she abhorred, except still she wanted him.

And Jack was the first man she had ever wanted.

The first.

Avoiding him hadn’t cleared her head—her mind was still full of him. The fight to concentrate on anything but him was a permanent one these days and she knew nothing would come of it, knew it would be short-lived, but there were too many less–than-pleasant memories in her head, and Nina wanted a nicer one to replace them.

And so she agreed to a drink.


He had been sure she’d refuse him, and just as he blinked at her acceptance she surprised him again.

‘Maybe we could have a drink back at your place.’

It was like a game with two players and they were both assessing the rules.
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