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Hot Single Docs: Taming The Bachelor: NYC Angels: Redeeming The Playboy / NYC Angels: Heiress's Baby Scandal / NYC Angels: Unmasking Dr Serious

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She walked into his gleaming bachelor pad and Jack Carter was everything she wasn’t into.

Not just wealth-wise either.

He undid her coat with this half-smile on his face, made a lot of work of her belt, and that made her tingle in places she shouldn’t.

It was a tiny thing, but Nina felt her heart beating in her throat.

‘Drink …’ Jack said, pouring her one without waiting for her reply.

He watched her at the window, still in her boots and that awful grey pinafore, but, he conceded, he liked the purple.

But it wasn’t just her appearance that was different from that of any woman he usually brought home, it wasn’t just that Nina was different.

He actually felt different.

Very different.

He just couldn’t nail why.

He took off his tie, kicked off his shoes, took a seat on a low lounge and watched as she stood there, looking out at the New York skyline she loved.

‘What are you thinking?’ Jack asked.

‘Nothing. I’m just looking at the view.’

‘Come on, Nina, what are you thinking?’

Nina turned. ‘Will I be sent to the naughty corner if I don’t tell you?’

‘Blindfolded.’ Jack actually laughed.

‘I don’t think I like you, Jack.’ It was strange she could be so honest, could turn and look him in the eye and say exactly what she thought. ‘And I know this isn’t going anywhere.’

‘Why not?’

‘Oh, please,’ she scoffed. She didn’t need the sweet talk, she really didn’t and told him so as she walked over to where he sat. ‘I don’t know that I’m up for the sexual marathon of the next few days or weeks and then the awkwardness after …’

‘I’m never awkward,’ Jack said, and watched as she smiled. ‘I bet you like really considerate, thoughtful lovers who say, “Is this okay for you, Nina?” as you lie there bored out of your mind.’


He frowned.

‘So, if you’re not sure you like me, why are you here?’

‘Maybe for the same reason as you.’

‘I’ll tell you why I’m here.’ And she waited for that beautiful mouth to tell her the reason, for him to say something crude perhaps, yet it was he now who surprised her. ‘Unlike you, I happen to know that I like the person I’ve recently been spending time with. Admittedly, that’s taken me by surprise—no offence, but you’re not my type.’

‘None taken,’ Nina said, ‘because you are so not mine.’

‘However …’ he was looking at her mouth as he spoke, his hands sliding up between her thighs ‘I … think the sex could be amazing, and I actually have no idea where we are going and no idea where this is leading, just that I would like to get to know you some more.’

He was still looking at her mouth.

‘I should warn you, though.’ He smiled as he did so. ‘Those touchy-feely, sensitive new-age lovers you’re used to? I’m going to ruin you for ever …’

‘Jack, you don’t know me at all—there haven’t been any sensitive new-age lovers, as you call them. I’ve never been in a relationship.’

She felt his hand still on her thigh, smiled at the flare of shock and panic in his eyes.

‘I’m not a virgin.’ Nina couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction.

‘Thank God for that.’ Jack blew out a breath. ‘Never?’

‘Never,’ Nina said. ‘I don’t really have time.’ And she certainly had no intention of telling him about her past or admit to Jack that he was the first man she’d been attracted to in the longest, longest time … ever, really. That the nights spent on friends’ sofas had rather too often had a down side in the shape of her friends’ brothers or fathers—no, Jack didn’t need to know all that.

It was far easier to let him think this was just casual, even if she’d never wanted anything like this in her life before. So that was what she told him, that just for tonight was completely fine. And Jack told himself that he could deal with this. After all, he’d never been in much of a relationship either, but there was a certain disquiet at her honesty that she was only there for sex. Jack noted his own double standards and got over them quickly, his hand resuming its path on her thigh.

If she had thought he would haul her over his shoulder and throw her onto the bed she couldn’t have been more wrong. If she had thought he might quickly undress her, she had it wrong there too, because instead he kissed her.

A kiss that was far more tender than expected, a nice kiss that turned into a deeper kiss, but really, though, his kiss was measured and thoughtful and the hand on the back of her head was not bold or forceful, it was the other hand that misbehaved.

It climbed up her stockings, without even pretending to idle, and he stroked her through her pantyhose. He pushed where he could not enter, he fiddled and he probed and he stroked her as, like a gentleman, he kissed her.

And she kissed him back and wriggled on his knee until she could not stand the tease, couldn’t take the frustration any more.

‘Tear them …’ she breathed into his mouth.

He ignored her.

‘Jack …’ She pulled her mouth away. ‘Tear them.’

‘No.’ His whole hand cupped her. ‘Because I like them and I lied, it will be awkward when I see you in these stocking at work …’

‘I’ve got loads.’ But he kept stroking her and kissing her till she wanted to climb off his lap and take the bloody things off herself, except he pulled her down harder to him. She wanted him to undress her, wanted him to take her to bed, wanted to catch her breath, but he did not let her. Jack just kept touching her through her stockings and kissing her, because with his hand working its magic a kiss was all it would take to undo her. And he did not give in even when she tried to move a little to undress him to reciprocate.

‘Why are you so stubborn?’ Jack said when she held onto her orgasm.

‘I’m not.’ She could hardly get her breath, yet she refused to just give in to him. She didn’t know why she was fighting it, she just didn’t want to let go.

She wanted him to let her down, wanted him to be selfish, wanted to fault him in some way so that she could get him out of her mind, but she was failing miserably as she bit her lip, desperately trying not to come. He felt her thighs clamp around his hand, felt her breath rapid in his mouth and he stopped stroking, just enjoyed the small jolts of her body and the triumph of beating her resistance, but more than that, her reluctant pleasure was his.

He angered her.

She didn’t know why.

Maybe it was the combination of good looks and wealth and knowing that things came so easily to him.
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