2 The soul is drawn to perfect light by four white steeds, and these are Will, and Faith, and Helpfulness and Love.
3 That which one wills to do, he has the power to do.
4 A knowledge of that power is faith; and when faith moves, the soul begins its flight.
5 A selfish faith leads not to light. There is no lonely pilgrim on the way to light. Men only gain the heights by helping others gain the heights.
6 The steed that leads the way to spirit life is Love; is pure unselfish Love.
7 Matheno wrote the sixth:
8 The universal Love of which Apollo speaks is child of Wisdom and of Will divine, and God has sent it forth to earth in flesh that man may know.
9 The universal Love of which the sages speak, is Christ.
10 The greatest mystery of all times lies in the way that Christ lives in the heart.
11 Christ cannot live in clammy dens of carnal things. The seven battles must be fought, the seven victories won before the carnal things, like fear, and self, emotions and desire, are put away.
12 When this is done the Christ will take possession of the soul; the work is done, and man and God are one.
13 And Philo wrote the seventh:
14 A perfect man! To bring before the Triune God a being such as this was nature made.
15 This consummation is the highest revelation of the mystery of life.
16 When all the essences of carnal things have been transmuted into soul, and all the essences of soul have been returned to Holy Breath, and man is made a perfect God, the drama of Creation will conclude. And this is all.
17 And all the sages said, Amen.
18 Then Meng-ste said, The Holy One has sent to us a man illumined by the efforts of unnumbered years, to lead the thoughts of men.
19 This man, approved by all the master minds of heaven and earth, this man from Galilee, this Jesus, chief of all the sages of the world, we gladly recognize.
20 In recognition of this wisdom that he brings to men, we crown him with the Lotus wreath.
21 We send him forth with all the blessing of the seven sages of the world.
22 Then all the sages laid their hands on Jesus’ head, and said with one accord, Praise God!
23 For wisdom, honor, glory, power, riches, blessing, strength, are yours, O Christ, forever more.
24 And every living creature said, Amen.
25 And then the sages sat in silence seven days.
Jesus addresses the seven sages. The address. Jesus goes to Galilee.
The seven days of silence passed and Jesus, sitting with the sages said:
2 The history of life is well condensed in these immortal postulates. These are the seven hills on which the holy city shall be built.
3 These are the seven sure foundation stones on which the Universal Church shall stand.
4 In taking up the work assigned for me to do I am full conscious of the perils of the way; the cup will be a bitter one to drink and human nature well might shrink.
5 But I have lost my will in that of Holy Breath, and so I go my way to speak and act as I am moved to speak and act by Holy Breath.
6 The words I speak are not my own; they are the words of him whose will I do.
7 Man is not far enough advanced in sacred thought to comprehend the Universal Church, and so the work that God has given me to do is not the building of that Church.
8 I am a model maker, sent to make a pattern of the Church that is to be – a pattern that the age may comprehend.
9 My task as model builder lies within my native land, and there, upon the postulate that Love is son of God, that I am come to manifest that Love, the Model Church will stand.
10 And from the men of low estate I will select twelve men, who represent the twelve immortal thoughts; and these will be the Model Church.
11 The house of Judah, my own kindred in the flesh, will comprehend but little of my mission to the world.
12 And they will spurn me, scorn my work, accuse me falsely, bind me, take me to the judgment seat of carnal men who will convict and slay me on the cross.
13 But men can never slay the truth; though banished it will come again in greater power; for truth will subjugate the world.
14 The Model Church will live. Though carnal man will prostitute its sacred laws, symbolic rites and forms, for selfish ends, and make it but an outward show, the few will find through it the kingdom of the soul.
15 And when the better age shall come the Universal Church will stand upon the seven postulates, and will be built according to the pattern given.
16 The time has come; I go my way unto Jerusalem, and by the power of living faith, and by the strength that you have given,
17 And in the name of God, our Father-God, the kingdom of the soul shall be established on the seven hills,
18 And all the peoples, tribes and tongues of earth shall enter in.
19 The Prince of Peace will take his seat upon the throne of power; the Triune God will then be All in All.
20 And all the sages said, Amen.
21 And Jesus went his way, and after many days, he reached Jerusalem; and then he sought his home in Galilee.
The Ministry of John, the Harbinger